ime是什么意思 ime的中文翻译、读音、例句

ime是什么意思 ime的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:'ime'没有一个独立的词义,它只是许多英语单词结尾的后缀。

2. 词性:'ime'是一个后缀,通常用于名词中,表示这个名词的事物是某种过程、状态或状态的一部分。

3. 词组搭配:'ime'可以与许多单词组成词组,例如'crime'(犯罪)、'time'(时间)、'mime'(哑剧)等等。

4. 短语:'ime'没有一个特定的短语,但它可以用于构成许多不同的短语和表达方式。

5. 发音拼写:'ime'的发音是['aɪm],拼写为i-m-e。


1. The police officer is investigating the crime that happened last night.(警察正在调查昨晚发生的犯罪。)

2. It's time to turn off the TV and go to bed.(现在是时候关掉电视去睡觉了。)

3. The mime artist performed a hilarious routine that had everyone laughing.(哑剧演员表演了一个搞笑的节目,让每个人都笑了。)

4. The company is working on improving their efficiency to save time and money.(公司正在努力提高效率,以节省时间和金钱。)

5. Climb to the top of the mountain and enjoy the breathtaking view of the natural landscape.(爬到山顶上,欣赏自然风景的壮丽景色。)


1. Can you send me your contact information? iME your phone number and email.


2. iME when you get to the party, and I'll come find you.


3. She iME'd me this morning to ask if I wanted to grab lunch together.


4. I'll iME you the address of the restaurant we're meeting at.


5. iME if you need any help with your homework.


6. My sister always iMEs me pictures of her cat.


7. He iME'd me a funny video he found on the internet.


8. iME when you're ready to leave the house, and I'll come pick you up.


9. I iME'd my boss to ask for an extension on my project deadline.




例句:My friend's name is John Wayne, and 'Wayne' is his last name or surname, sometimes referred to as 'ime' in Chinese.(我的朋友叫约翰·韦恩,‘Wayne’是他的姓,有时在中文中称为‘ime’。)




例句:Armstrong and Aldrin are scheduled to set foot on the moon on early Monday morning, Εastern Daylight Τime. (阿姆斯壮和奥尔德林将于... ...星期一早晨... ...在月球上 踏下具有历史性意义的脚印)


例句:Gets a value indicating whether the ImeMode property can be set to an active value, to enable IME support. (获取一个用以指示是否可以将ImeMode属性设置为活动值的值,以启用IME支持。)


例句:The status window indicates that the IME is open and provides the user the means to set the conversion modes. (状态窗口指示出IME处于开启状态并且提供给用户设置转换模式的方法。)


例句:For example, for Japanese IME support, you must install the OPK or the AIK on a Japanese version of Windows Vista. (翻译:例如,对于日语IME支持,必须在日语版本的WindowsVista安装OPK或AIK。)


ime一般作为名词使用,如在ime composition window(iME 组字视窗)、ime fume classification(iME 毒气分类)等常见短语中出现较多。

ime composition windowiME 组字视窗
ime fume classificationiME 毒气分类


1. The status window indicates that the IME is open and provides the user the means to set the conversion modes. (翻译:状态窗口指示出IME处于开启状态并且提供给用户设置转换模式的方法。)

2. For example, for Japanese IME support, you must install the OPK or the AIK on a Japanese version of Windows Vista. (翻译:例如,对于日语IME支持,必须在日语版本的WindowsVista安装OPK或AIK。)

3. The AutoComplete feature predicts the word based on the strokes the user enters in the IME. (翻译:自动完成功能根据用户通过IME输入的文字笔画来预测单词。)

4. In Korean, this character is a Hangeul character that is not converted by IME yet. (翻译:在韩文中,这样的字符是一个韩文字符,它也不能被IME所转换。)

5. Finally, as the object of study, a reformative framework based on IME Standard is proposed. (翻译:最后,作为研究的目标,提出了一个改进的基于输入法引擎标准的框架。)

6. Hide the IME while in the given activity. (翻译:在给定活动里隐藏输入法时。)

7. As the user enters text in the composition window, the IME tracks the status of the composition string. (翻译:当用户在字母组合窗口中输入文本时,IME会跟踪字母组合字符串的状态。)

8. In the Text Services dialog box, under Default Input Language, select the language that corresponds to the IME you want to use by default. (翻译:在“文字服务和输入语言”对话框中,在“默认输入语言”之下,选择对应于默认要使用的IME的语言。)

9. To use IME functions, your program must include IMM. H and link with IMM32. LIB. (翻译:若要使用IME函数,程序必须包含IMM.H并且与IMM32.LIB链接。)



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