prenatal是什么意思 prenatal的中文翻译、读音、例句

prenatal是什么意思 prenatal的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:prenatal care(产前护理),prenatal development(胎儿发育),prenatal screening(产前筛查),prenatal education(产前教育)




1. The prenatal care can help ensure a healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby.(产前护理可以确保母婴都有一个健康的孕期。)

2. The prenatal vitamins can help prevent birth defects.(产前维生素可以帮助预防先天缺陷。)

3. They offer prenatal classes for expectant mothers.(他们为准妈妈提供产前课程。)

4. The doctor ordered a prenatal screening for the expectant mother.(医生为准妈妈进行了产前筛查。)

5. Good nutrition is important for prenatal development.(良好的营养对胎儿的发育很重要。)

6. The prenatal instructor showed the expectant parents how to properly care for their newborn.(产前教练向准父母展示如何正确照顾新生儿。)

7. The expectant mother met with her doctor for a prenatal check-up.(准妈妈与医生见面了,进行了产前检查。)

'prenatal'是英语单词,意为“产前的”。它通常用于描述与生育有关的事件、测试、注意事项等。比如,prenatal care就是产前保健的意思,prenatal testing则是指产前检查。以下是9个含有'prenatal'的例句:

1. Prenatal vitamins are essential for a healthy pregnancy. (产前维生素对于健康的孕期至关重要。)

2. The doctor recommended a prenatal ultrasound to check the baby's development. (医生建议进行产前超声波检查,以检查婴儿的发育情况。)

3. She attended several prenatal classes to prepare for the birth. (她参加了几次产前课程,为分娩做好准备。)

4. The hospital has a dedicated prenatal unit that provides specialized care for pregnant women. (该医院设有专门的产前单元,为孕妇提供专业护理。)

5. Prenatal exposure to certain chemicals can have negative effects on fetal development. (产前接触某些化学物质可能对胎儿的发育产生负面影响。)

6. The prenatal screening test can detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. (产前筛查可以检测胎儿的染色体异常。)

7. The prenatal yoga class helped her stay relaxed and comfortable during pregnancy. (产前瑜伽课帮助她在妊娠期间保持放松舒适。)

8. The hospital offers a range of prenatal services, including genetic counseling and childbirth education. (该医院提供一系列产前服务,包括遗传咨询和分娩教育。)

9. Prenatal exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of low birth weight and other health problems in newborns. (产前接触二手烟可以增加新生儿低出生体重和其他健康问题的风险。)

prenatal的中文翻译是 "产前的",读音为 /priːˈneɪtl/。


1. Prenatal care is important for the health of both the mother and the baby. (产前保健对母婴健康都很重要。)

2. The doctor recommended some prenatal vitamins for me to take during my pregnancy. (医生建议我在怀孕期间服用一些产前维生素。)

3. Prenatal testing can help detect any potential health problems in the unborn baby. (产前检测可以帮助检测未出生的婴儿是否存在潜在的健康问题。)




例句:Seek regular prenatal care. (寻求定期产前护理。)


例句:So, there is plenty of evidence now that prenatal effects have a huge impact on the developing human being. (因此足够证据表明 产前的状况对人类的发展影响巨大)


例句:Traditional karyotyping is considered the gold standard for invasive prenatal diagnosis, but the results take 2-3 weeks. (而产前诊断染色体异常的传统方法是核型分析,染色体核型分析结果一般需要2~3周。)


例句:How was your prenatal check-up? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}你的产前检查如何了 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}How was your prenatal check -up?)


prenatal一般作为形容词使用,如在prenatal care(产前保健)、prenatal culture(胎教)、prenatal development([医] 产前发育)等常见短语中出现较多。

prenatal care产前保健
prenatal culture胎教
prenatal development[医] 产前发育
prenatal diagnoses[妇产] 产前诊断,产前检查
prenatal diagnosis产前诊断; 胎前检查
prenatal diet[医] 孕期饮食
prenatal disgnosis产前诊断
prenatal enamel[医] 先天釉质
prenatal examination产前检查


1. Traditional karyotyping is considered the gold standard for invasive prenatal diagnosis, but the results take 2-3 weeks. (翻译:而产前诊断染色体异常的传统方法是核型分析,染色体核型分析结果一般需要2~3周。)

2. How was your prenatal check-up? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}你的产前检查如何了 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}How was your prenatal check -up?)

3. Start taking a prenatal or multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day as soon as you know you're ready for babies. (翻译:当你准备要一个孩子的时候,你要开始做产前检查,每天服用至少含有400微克叶酸的多维他命剂。)

4. Learn about prenatal testing for chromosomal abnormalities. (翻译:了解产前检测染色体异常检测。)

5. I forgot to pick up my refill for my prenatal meds today, and I have my six-month checkup tomorrow, and I know you'll go get them for me. (翻译:我今天忘拿产前药了 明天还要做6个月的孕检 我知道 这些你都会帮我的)

6. But unlike my wife, had had no prenatal care with her first two babies. (翻译:但不像我的妻子, 她从没有产前护理过她的前两个孩子, )

7. Pregnant women; Fetus nucleated red cell; Prenatal diagnosis. (翻译:孕妇;胎儿有核红细胞;产前诊断。)

8. A case of prenatally-diagnosed body stalk anomaly is presented along with the discussion of the prenatal diagnosis and its management. (翻译:案件的产前诊断机构提出茎异常与产前诊断及其管理的讨论一直。)

9. Health extension workers can help with so many things, whether it's family planning, prenatal care, immunizations for the children, or advising the woman to get to the facility on time for an on-time delivery. (翻译:这些医务人员的贡献巨大, 计划生育,产前护理, 儿童疾病防疫, 劝告产妇及时到医院 以免耽误生产。)

10. The notion that the prenatal transmission of PTSD risk is adaptive is still speculative, but I find it rather poignant. (翻译:产前PTSD母婴遗传的概念 仍然在研究中 发现重要的是 )

11. Hope you enjoyed the prenatal cigarettes, Mom. (翻译:都怪你怀孕的时候抽烟 妈妈 Hope you enjoyed the prenatal cigarettes, Mom.)

12. Objective: To detect the relationship between birth weight discordancy and the pregnant results such as preeclampsia and prenatal mortality. (翻译:目的探讨双胎妊娠胎儿体重不协调与孕妇并发症及新生儿结局的关系。)

13. They wanna make sure the baby gets good prenatal care food, travel to and from the doctor. (翻译:他们希望孩子接受好的产前保健 食物 出行 医疗)

14. Her teacher explained the disparity was the result of women getting prenatal scans and aborting female fetuses. (翻译:她们的老师称男女比例失调是因为在产前检查中妈妈往往会堕掉女胎而导致的。)

15. The notion that the prenatal transmission of PTSD risk is adaptive is still speculative, but I find it rather poignant. (翻译:产前PTSD母婴遗传的概念 仍然在研究中 发现重要的是)

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