gollum是什么意思 gollum的中文翻译、读音、例句

gollum是什么意思 gollum的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Gollum-like: 类似于Gollum的,形容一个人或事物像Gollum一样丑陋、怪异。

2. Smeagol and Gollum: Smeagol和Gollum,是同一个人,Smeagol是Gollum变成怪兽前的名字。




1. Gollum is one of the most iconic characters in the Lord of the Rings series.(Gollum是《魔戒》系列中最具标志性的角色之一。)

2. Gollum's obsession with the Ring led him to betray Frodo and Sam.(Gollum对魔戒的迷恋让他背叛了弗罗多和山姆。)

3. Andy Serkis's performance as Gollum was widely praised by critics and audiences alike.(安迪·瑟金斯扮演的Gollum受到了评论界和观众的广泛赞扬。)

4. The transformation of Smeagol into Gollum is a tragic tale of greed and corruption.(Smeagol变成Gollum的转变是一个关于贪婪和腐败的悲剧故事。)

5. Frodo and Sam often found themselves at odds with Gollum over the Ring.(弗罗多和山姆经常与Gollum在魔戒问题上产生分歧。)

6. Gollum's split personality made him both a danger and a source of comic relief in the story.(Gollum的分裂人格让他既是故事中的危险人物,也是一种喜剧缓解的来源。)

7. Gollum's final redemption at the end of the story is a powerful moment of redemption and hope.(故事结尾Gollum的最终救赎是一个强有力的救赎和希望的时刻。)



1. Poor Smeagol, he was once a hobbit, like you. (可怜的史美戈,他曾是一个像你一样的哈比族人。)

2. Gollum wanted to catch fish so that he could eat it. (戈鲁姆想抓鱼来吃。)

3. Don't follow the lights. (别跟着灯光。)This is what Gollum did and it was very dangerous. (这就是戈鲁姆曾经做过的事情,非常危险。)

4. Frodo and Sam saw Gollum's eyes shining in the dark.(弗罗多和山姆看见了戈鲁姆在黑暗中闪闪发光的眼睛。)

5. Gollum has two personalities: Smeagol and Gollum.(戈鲁姆有两个人格:史美戈和戈鲁姆。)

6. Sam doesn't like Gollum and doesn't trust him. (山姆不喜欢戈鲁姆也不相信他。)

7. Gollum is very sneaky and always tries to steal the ring. (戈鲁姆非常狡猾,总是试图偷走指环。)

8. When Frodo and Sam were asleep, Gollum tried to take the ring. (当弗罗多和山姆睡觉时,戈鲁姆试图拿走指环。)

9. Gollum is a tragic figure who has been consumed by the power of the ring.(戈鲁姆是一个被指环的力量吞噬的悲剧人物。)





1. Gollum was once a hobbit-like creature named Sméagol, but was corrupted by the power of the One Ring.


2. The character of Gollum was brought to life through motion capture technology.





例句:Only at the last minute, Frodo can't perform, so Gollum bites off his finger. (结果最后关头佛罗多就不行了 于是咕噜咬掉了他的手指头)


1. Even then, Mr Letteri and his team were able to control Gollum's movements solely using Mr Serkis's captured performance only 20% of the time. (翻译:尽管如此,莱特瑞和他的团队只能在20%的时间里单纯用捕捉到的瑟基斯的表演来控制咕噜姆的动作。)

2. No. He was like a Puerto Rican Gollum. I'm not talking about it. (翻译:不 更像是波多黎各版的古鲁姆 我不想谈这个)

3. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over. (翻译:我直觉地认为不管是好是坏咕鲁都会跟这趟探险有关... 在这结束前)

4. Conceptual artist John Howe was the model for Gollum's sinewy arms. (翻译:概念艺术家约翰·豪的胳膊是咕噜强壮有力的胳膊的原型。)

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