atalanta是什么意思 atalanta的中文翻译、读音、例句

atalanta是什么意思 atalanta的中文翻译、读音、例句


词性:Proper noun(专有名词)


1. Atalanta BC: 意大利贝加莫市的一个足球俱乐部。

2. Atalanta moth: Atteva punctella,一种以凤仙花为食的小型蛾类。

3. Atalanta Fugiens: Michael Maier在xx年出版的一本带图解的炼金术书籍。


发音拼写:/ætəˈlæntə/ (英式发音)


1. Atalanta are having a great season in Serie A, currently sitting in third place in the table.(意大利足球俱乐部贝加莫市的亚特兰大队在意甲联赛中表现出色,目前排名第三。)

2. In Greek mythology, Atalanta was a skilled huntress who was eventually turned into a lioness.(在希腊神话中,阿特兰塔是一位娴熟的女猎人,最终变成了一只母狮。)

3. The Atalanta moth is a small but striking insect that feeds on petunias and other flowering plants.(Atalanta蛾是一种小型但引人注目的昆虫,以牵牛花和其他开花植物为食。)

4. The book Atalanta Fugiens features 50 emblems, each accompanied by a musical fugue.(《Atalanta Fugiens》一书包含50个象征,每个象征都伴随着一首音乐赋格。)

5. Atalanta ran with swift feet and outpaced all of her suitors, ultimately winning her hand in marriage.(阿特兰塔跑得飞快,超过了所有追求者,最终赢得了婚姻。)

1. 中文翻译:阿塔兰塔(意大利神话中半人半野猪的女猎手)

2. 读音:ǎ tǎ lán tǎ

3. 例句:

- Atalanta was known as a fierce hunter and runner in Greek mythology.(阿塔兰塔在希腊神话中以凶猛的猎手和快速的奔跑者而闻名。)

- The football team Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio is based in Bergamo, Italy.(Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio足球队的总部位于意大利的贝加莫。)




例句:Napoli fell behind in the title race with a 3-1 loss to Atalanta in Bergamo. (那不勒斯在贝尔·加莫以1比3负于亚特兰大,在榜首竞争中落在了后面。)


例句:MILAN - The referee designated for Atalanta-Milan is Gianluca Rocchi. (亚特兰大和米兰一役,主裁判将是吉安卢卡-罗基。)


例句:If you were ready to go on the pitch for some minutes at Bergamo against Atalanta, now at Cagliari you can play from the first minute? (如果你准备好在贝尔加墨对亚特兰大的比赛中出场,现在你能在卡利亚里的比赛中首发么?)


atalanta一般作为名词使用,如在Vanessa atalanta([网络] 红纹丽蛱蝶;红蛱蝶;优红蛱蝶)等常见短语中出现较多。

Vanessa atalanta[网络] 红纹丽蛱蝶;红蛱蝶;优红蛱蝶


1. If you were ready to go on the pitch for some minutes at Bergamo against Atalanta, now at Cagliari you can play from the first minute? (翻译:如果你准备好在贝尔加墨对亚特兰大的比赛中出场,现在你能在卡利亚里的比赛中首发么?)

2. Atalanta goalkeeper Ferdinando Coppola would reject an offer to return to Milan according to reports in Italy. (翻译:据意大利媒体报道,亚特兰大门将科波拉可能将拒绝米兰将其召回的申请。)

3. The win against Atalanta put an end to a difficult period. (翻译:对亚特兰大的胜利使得我们走出了困难时期。)

4. Empoli's Argentine midfielder Sergio Almiron is expected to move to Juve at the end of the season and Atalanta's defender Leonardo Jose Talamonti is being watched. (翻译:恩波利的阿根廷人阿尔米隆期待在这个赛季结束后加盟尤文,亚特兰大的后卫塔拉蒙蒂也正在被尤文考察。)

5. Atalanta attack back and win a free kick on the left wing after Materazzi brings down Sinigaglia. (翻译:26分钟,亚特兰大反击并且赢得一个任意球在左路,马特拉奇拉倒了对方前锋。)

6. We had two or three more chances against Atalanta , whereas they only had one and scored from the penalty spot. (翻译:我们至少有两个或三个非常好的机会进球,从而彻底击败亚特兰大,而他们只能靠一个点球得分。)

7. Fiorentina coach Cesare Prandelli is blaming fatigue for their defeat to struggling Atalanta. (翻译:佛罗伦萨主教练切萨雷·普兰德利表示输给亚特兰大是球队疲劳的结果。)

8. In June we will allow Natali to follow his ambition and join a more prestigious club than Atalanta. (翻译:在xx月份我们将允许纳塔利去追随他的雄心,并且加盟比亚特兰大更有声望的俱乐部。)

9. In June we will allow Natali to follow his ambition and join a more prestigious club than Atalanta. (翻译:在xx月份我们将允许纳塔利去追随他的雄心,并且加盟比亚特兰大更有声望的俱乐部。)

10. "I thank the president of Atalanta, he made me feel important, but he's not the only one" , he said. (翻译:我感谢亚特兰大的主席,他对我来说很重要,但他不是唯一的一个。)

11. Samp have already handed Guido Marilungo to Atalanta and look set to release Pozzi towards Parma in an exchange of loans. (翻译:将马里伦戈交易到亚特兰大后,桑普准备用波齐与帕尔马进行互租。)

12. The next thing for Ronaldo to do as a regular national player was to win the gold medal at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atalanta. (翻译:他接下来要做的是,作为一名国家队球员,去赢得xx年亚特兰大举办的奥林匹克金牌。)

13. "He is an Atalanta player and there are no negotiations with any club," Osti insisted. (翻译:“他现在是亚特兰大的球员,我们现在没有同任何俱乐部进行谈判,”奥斯蒂坚称。)

14. I have to say that clubs like Piacenza, Atalanta, and Parma always call me, they make me feel important. (翻译:像皮亚琴察,亚特兰大和帕尔马都一直在联系我,他们让我感到自己的重要。)

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