raiders是什么意思 raiders的中文翻译、读音、例句

raiders是什么意思 raiders的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义

'Raiders'是一个复数名词,表示入侵者、掠夺者、突袭队等意思。在美国职业橄榄球联赛(NFL)中,'Raiders'指的是奥克兰突袭者队(Oakland Raiders)。

2. 起源


3. 历史


4. 影响



1. The Vikings were known for being fierce raiders during the Middle Ages. (维京人在中世纪以凶猛的袭击著称。)

2. The police are trying to catch the raiders who robbed the bank. (警方正在努力抓住抢劫银行的入侵者。)

3. The football game between the Raiders and the Chiefs was very exciting. (突袭者队和酋长队之间的橄榄球比赛非常精彩。)

4. The new video game allows you to play as a space raider fighting aliens. (这款新游戏让你扮演太空掠夺者与外星人战斗。)

5. The company hired a team of raiders to investigate the competitor's business practices. (该公司聘请了一支掠夺者团队调查竞争对手的商业行为。)




1. The raiders attacked the village and stole all the gold and silver.


2. The football team from Oakland is called the Raiders.


3. The pirates were notorious raiders, plundering ships all along the coastline.





例句:The empire was deep in decline when he came to power, and threatened from all sides: by the Seljuk Turks in the East, the Normans in the West, and Scythian raiders to the north. (在皇帝掌权的时候, 帝国快速衰落, 并受到各方的威胁; 被东方的土耳其人、 西方的诺曼人、 以及北方的斯基泰人入侵者所威胁。)


例句:And I propose Bennet's Raiders, about to ride again! (还有野人帮重获自由 一还得敬南方 一这得有弗莱彻的同意)


例句:A few days later, the raiders are wiped out, Zebra's missing. (Giraffe被蒙著眼晴 丢到了个没见过的偏僻地方)


例句:And the Coldwater defense coming together with a big stop on third down, forcing the Red Raiders to settle for a field goal. (翻译:冷水队的防守严密 阻止了对手的三次进攻 迫使红色突击队射门)


raiders一般作为名词使用,如在Oakland Raiders(n. 奥克兰突袭者)等常见短语中出现较多。

Oakland Raidersn. 奥克兰突袭者


1. A few days later, the raiders are wiped out, Zebra's missing. (翻译:Giraffe被蒙著眼晴 丢到了个没见过的偏僻地方)

2. And the Coldwater defense coming together with a big stop on third down, forcing the Red Raiders to settle for a field goal. (翻译:冷水队的防守严密 阻止了对手的三次进攻 迫使红色突击队射门)

3. It was not used in other countries which suffered raids from Scandinavia, and Western observers gave the raiders many different names. (翻译:其它同样遭受斯堪的纳维亚劫掠的国家并不这么用词,西方学者早已赋予劫掠者许多不同的名号。)

4. Stories I hear about the raiders in these waters, their brutality... (翻译:我听说过这些海上强盗的事迹 他们残忍至极)

5. The Great Wall began as multiple walls of rammed earth built by individual feudal states during the Chunqiu period to protect against nomadic raiders north of China and each other. (翻译:长城最初是多座泥土夯实的城墙 由春秋战国时期的各个独立封建国家修筑 以抵制中国北方游牧民族的侵略者 以及其它各国 )

6. Hey, man, cheer up. The Raiders are the best team in the state. (翻译:嘿 伙计 开心点 突击队是州里最好的队伍了)

7. So I complained to the cops, also raiders fans, it turns out, because the second I started, they cuffed me, booked me, and dumped out all of my zima, which was like a case. (翻译:我白色捷达的引擎罩上 所以我就向警察和两位粉丝发牢骚 因为我是第二个说的 警察就把我带走了)

8. Looks like a few Tusken Raiders are camped out on the canyon dune turn. (翻译:好像一帮塔斯肯袭击者驻扎在... 峡谷拐弯角处)

9. And I love football and my favorite team is the Oakland Raiders and I get turned on looking at beautiful blondes. (翻译:还有我热爱橄榄球 我最喜欢的队是奥克兰奇袭者队 还有我一看到金发美女就不能自持)

10. How does Natalie make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders? (翻译:娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?)

11. In his brief time with the Raiders, Culpepper has proven his arm is fine. (翻译:在与突袭者队短暂的相处里,卡皮普已经证明了自己的手臂依然健康。)

12. Dispersed and powerless, the crawl survived as raiders in the human kingdom of Ascalon and elsewhere. (翻译:分散而又无力,grawl在人类王国阿斯卡隆和其他地方以强盗的手段生存着。)

13. Ten days before war was declared, one of these raiders sailed from a German port with secret orders. (翻译:开战声明发布的10天之前 其中一艘就带着秘密命令起航了)

14. But my ECO and I have already taken out two Cylon SAMs and three Raiders. (翻译:但是我跟我的我的电子对策官 已经打掉两个塞隆对空导弹和3架侵略机)

15. Grunt: war chief, we've discovered a group of murloc raiders in the nearby river! (翻译:兽人步兵:首领,我们在附近的河边发现了一群鱼人掠夺者!)



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