must have done是什么意思 must have done的中文翻译、读音、例句

must have done是什么意思 must have done的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 时态用法

'must have done' 是一个过去完成时的结构,用于表示过去某个时间点之前发生的事情。在英语中,过去完成时是由'had' 和过去分词构成的,而'must have done'则是其一种表示方式。


- He must have left early yesterday, because his car was already gone when I arrived.(他昨天一定早早就走了,因为我到的时候他的车已经没了。)

- They must have finished the project already, otherwise they wouldn't be celebrating.(他们肯定已经完成了这个项目,否则他们不会在庆祝。)

2. 推测语气

'must have done' 还可以用来表示推测或猜想的语气,比如用于推断某个人或某个事件做出了某种行为或决定。


- She must have been very tired after the long trip, because she slept for nearly twelve hours.(她一定是因为旅途很长,所以睡了将近12小时。)

- He must have had a good reason for cancelling the meeting at the last minute.(他一定有很好的理由才会在最后一刻取消会议。)

3. 强调肯定

'must have done' 还可以用于强调肯定的语气,表示某事情的发生是非常肯定的,一定发生了。


- I was surprised to hear that he didn't know about the party, because he must have received the invitation.(我很惊讶听到他不知道聚会的消息,因为他一定收到了邀请。)

- She must have been very happy to receive the award, after all her hard work.(她一定很高兴能够得到奖项,毕竟她已经付出了很多努力。)


- I must have left my keys at home.(我一定是把钥匙留在家里了。)

- She must have lost her phone again, she's always misplacing things.(她又把手机弄丢了,她总是习惯把东西放错地方。)

- It must have been difficult for him to make such a tough decision.(对于他来说做出这样的决定一定很困难。)

- They must have had a great time on vacation, judging from all the photos they posted.(从他们发布的所有照片来看,他们在度假时一定度过了美好的时光。)

- He must have been very excited to have won the championship.(他一定非常兴奋地赢得了冠军。)


读音:mʌst hæv dʌn


1. He must have done something wrong to be fired from his job. (他一定做错了什么事情才被解雇。)

2. I'm sure she must have done her homework by now. (我相信她肯定已经做完了她的作业。)

3. They must have done a lot of preparation for the upcoming exam. (他们一定做了很多备考工作来应对即将到来的考试。)

must have done的中文解释是"表示一定做过某事、表对过去事实的肯定推测",在日常中也代表"一定是"的意思,在线读音是[musthavedone],must have done常被用作名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与must have done相关的例句。

Must have done的词典翻译


例句:I must have fallen behind. (I must have fallen behind.)


例句:He's gone, my Lord, the anatomist must have had him. (the anatomist must have had him.)


例句:Must have gone completely berserk. (Must have gone completely berserk.)


例句:Oh, what have they done to you? (翻译:what have they done to you?)


must have done一般作为名词使用,如在must have(必须拥有;非有不可)、have ... done([网络] 现在完成时;所做的每一件事;表示做了不必做的事)、have done(结束, 做完)等常见短语中出现较多。

must have必须拥有;非有不可
have ... done[网络] 现在完成时;所做的每一件事;表示做了不必做的事
have done结束, 做完
have done it〈口〉做了蠢事,把事情搞糟
have done with做完, 与...无关
Have done!好了!(或:停止!)
to have done[网络] 不定式完成式;不定式的完成式;动词不定式的完成时
must have beenna. 必然; must = should 或 would surely; 必须
have something done[网络] 让人做;使某事被做;让别人做某事


1. Must have gone completely berserk. (翻译:Must have gone completely berserk.)

2. Oh, what have they done to you? (翻译:what have they done to you?)

3. - What have they done to you? (翻译:他们对你做了什么? What have they done to you?)

4. Would you still have done it? (翻译:你还是会说出来? Would you still have done it?)

5. The girls have done their part. (翻译:The girls have done their part.)

6. What have we done to the world (翻译:What have we done to the world)

7. A weathy man must have his virtue (翻译:A weathy man must have his virtue)

8. ♪ something in you must have changed ♪ (翻译:♪Something in you must have changed♪)

9. They must have left the tub on. (翻译:They must have left the tub on.)

10. What the devil have you done? (翻译:What the devil have you done?)

11. - Then the PM must have a large ear. (翻译:Then the PM must have a large ear.)

12. ♪ What have I, what have I done? (翻译:* What have I, what have I done? *)

13. - Yeah, but she might have done. (翻译:- Yeah, but she might have done.)

14. I must have done a spectacular job on that garage. (翻译:I must have done a spectacular job on that garage.)

15. What would they have done? (翻译:他们要干什么? What would they have done?)

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