the art of seduction是什么意思 the art of seduction的中文翻译、读音、例句

the art of seduction是什么意思 the art of seduction的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 基本含义:'the art of seduction'指的是迷惑或吸引某个人或群体的技巧或策略,通常与浪漫关系或性行为有关。


- She used the art of seduction to get what she wanted from him. (她运用了迷惑的技巧从他那里得到了自己想要的东西。)

- The book teaches the art of seduction, but emphasizes that it should be used ethically. (这本书教授了迷惑的技巧,但强调应该在道德的范围内使用。)

- He fell for her without realizing that it was all just the art of seduction. (他没有意识到一切都是迷惑的技巧,就迷上了她。)

2. 运用范围:'the art of seduction'通常用于自我营销、销售和广告等领域,也可以用于社交和人际关系中。


- The company's marketing team used the art of seduction to sell their new product. (公司的营销团队运用了迷惑的技巧来推销他们的新产品。)

- He used the art of seduction to charm his way into the VIP lounge. (他运用了迷惑的技巧来让自己进入VIP休息室。)

- She's a master of the art of seduction when it comes to networking. (在社交方面,她是迷惑的技巧的高手。)

3. 意义变化:'the art of seduction'的含义可能随着时代、文化和环境的变化而有所改变,而且有时候也会受到不良行为或性别歧视的指责。


- The feminist criticizes the art of seduction as a way for men to objectify and control women. (女权主义者批评迷惑的技巧作为男性将女性客体化和控制的一种手段。)

- The #MeToo movement highlights the dangers of using the art of seduction to manipulate or harass others. (#MeToo运动强调使用迷惑的技巧来操纵或骚扰他人的危险。)

- The artist reinterprets the art of seduction as a playful and empowering way to express one's desires. (艺术家重新解释迷惑的技巧,将其视为一种玩乐和赋权的表达欲望的方式。)


读音:[thē ärt əv si-ˈdək-shən]


1. Many people turn to 'the art of seduction' to try to win over their crushes.


2. The book 'the art of seduction' provides insights into human psychology and behavior.


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