chandler是什么意思 chandler的中文翻译、读音、例句

chandler是什么意思 chandler的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word "Chandler" or its abbreviation from at least five aspects and provide five examples in Chinese and English.

1. Meaning: Chandler refers to a person who makes and sells candles or a retail dealer in household items.


- My grandmother used to buy all her candles from a local chandler. (我祖母过去总是从一家当地的蜡烛店购买所有的蜡烛。)

- The chandler on the high street sells a range of household items, such as textiles, soaps, and candles. (高街上的家用品商店销售多种物品,如纺织品,肥皂和蜡烛。)

2. Literature: Chandler is the surname of the American author Raymond Chandler, who is known for his hardboiled detective fiction.


- The Big Sleep is a classic novel by Raymond Chandler. (《长眠不觉》是雷蒙德·钱德勒的一部经典小说。)

- Marlowe is the name of the private detective created by Chandler. (马洛是钱德勒创作的私人侦探的名字。)

3. Television: Chandler Bing is one of the main characters in the TV series Friends.


- Chandler is a sarcastic and witty character in Friends. (钱德勒是《六人行》中一个讽刺和机智的角色。)

- Many fans consider Chandler and Monica to be the best couple in Friends. (许多粉丝认为钱德勒和莫妮卡是《六人行》中最好的一对。)

4. Geography: Chandler is the name of a city in Arizona, USA.


but I hear it is a nice place to live. (我从未去过钱德勒,听说那里是一个不错的居住地。)

- Chandler is located about 20 miles southeast of Phoenix. (钱德勒位于菲尼克斯东南约20英里处。)

5. Astronomy: Chandler wobble is a variation in the Earth's axis of rotation due to the movement of the atmosphere.


- The Chandler wobble is a natural phenomenon that affects the Earth's rotation. (钱德勒摆动是由大气运动引起的地轴旋转的变化,是一种自然现象。)

- The Chandler wobble was first discovered by American astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler in 1891. (钱德勒摆动最初是由美国天文学家塞斯·卡罗·钱德勒在xx年发现的。)

1. Chandler是英语单词,中文翻译为“铸造者/制造商”。

2. Chandler主要用来指代制造蜡烛的人或公司,也可以用来指代书商或银行家等职业。


1. The Chandler made the most exquisite candles in town.(铸造者制作了镇上最精致的蜡烛。)

2. The Chandler's shop was filled with a variety of candles.(铸造者的商店里摆满了各种品牌的蜡烛。)

3. The Chandler was happy to receive a large order from the wedding planner.(铸造者很高兴接到了婚礼策划师的大订单。)

4. The Chandler used only the finest ingredients to make his candles.(铸造者只使用最优质的原料来制作蜡烛。)

5. The Chandler's business thrived due to his excellent reputation.(铸造者的生意因为他的良好声誉而兴旺。)

6. The Chandler was also a successful book dealer.(铸造者同时也是一位成功的书商。)

7. The Chandler's bank was known for its fair and honest dealings.(铸造者的银行以公平诚信著称。)

8. The Chandler's family had been in the candle-making business for generations.(铸造者的家族世代从事蜡烛制造业。)

9. The Chandler's candles were a popular souvenir for tourists.(铸造者的蜡烛是游客们的热门纪念品。)


读音:英 [ˈtʃændlə(r)] 美 [ˈtʃændlər]


1. Chandler Bing是《老友记》中的一个主要角色,他的幽默和机智深受观众喜爱。

2. Raymond Chandler是一位著名的美国侦探小说家,他的作品被广泛认为是硬汉侦探小说的代表作之一。

3. Chandler Parsons是一位美国职业篮球运动员,他曾效力于休斯顿火箭、达拉斯小牛等多支NBA球队。




例句:Are Gallinari and Chandler ready to take on more responsibility? (加里纳利和钱德勒是否做好准备承担更多责任?)


例句:But in Chandler's case, that was the beginning of the story. (但是在钱德勒这次的遭遇中,这只是故事的开始。)


例句:That night Johnny Preston and Chandler quarrelled. People heard. (那一晚约翰尼·普雷斯顿 和钱德勒吵起来 大家都听到了)

4.蜡烛商 、蜡烛制造人

例句:It's related to an existing Chandler Pavilion that was built with a lot of love and tears and caring. (翻译:它回应了用爱和泪和关注 建成的Chandler Pavilion )


chandler一般作为名词使用,如在Raymond Chandler([网络] 钱德勒;雷蒙德·钱德勒;雷蒙钱德勒)、ship's chandler(n. 船舶用品商,船具商)等常见短语中出现较多。

Raymond Chandler[网络] 钱德勒;雷蒙德·钱德勒;雷蒙钱德勒
ship's chandlern. 船舶用品商,船具商


1. That night Johnny Preston and Chandler quarrelled. People heard. (翻译:那一晚约翰尼·普雷斯顿 和钱德勒吵起来 大家都听到了)

2. It's related to an existing Chandler Pavilion that was built with a lot of love and tears and caring. (翻译:它回应了用爱和泪和关注 建成的Chandler Pavilion )

3. - I'm Susan Chandler with Preferred Life America. (翻译:-我叫苏珊·钱德勒 我是美国首选人寿的员工)

4. Yes, my name is Lee Chandler. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}是,我的名字是Lee Chandler)

5. Chandler and his rich European friends come to get trophies. (翻译:Chandler和他的欧洲有钱朋友们来这抢战利品)

6. Body bags have been spotted, and rescue workers are positioned around the Chandler Plaza. (翻译:已有人看到过尸体袋 酒店周围也布满了医救人员)

7. I want it all to go to the reverend Kenneth Chandler. (翻译:我希望把所有的钱留给 列沃伦. 肯尼思.)

8. When was he at the Chandler Plaza? (翻译:他什么时候去过Chandler Plaza?)

9. But in Chandler's case, that was the beginning of the story. (翻译:但是在钱德勒这次的遭遇中,这只是故事的开始。)

10. I'm gonna be fine. I'm gonna be fine. (翻译:洛杉矶这里的Chandler Plaza酒店 就是被攻击的地点)

11. Now dad, you'll be in my room, Ronni uh, you can stay in Chandler's room. (翻译:爸,你睡我房间。Ronni,你睡Chandler的房间。)

12. The Chandler Plaza Hotel, here in Los Angeles, was the site of the first attack. (翻译:洛杉矶这里的Chandler Plaza酒店 就是被攻击的地点)

13. OK, gentlemen, the time is upon us. (翻译:没,我只是觉得他好像病了 他在Chandler Plaza酒店 和有病的人接触过)

14. I think the more appertain question is what do you want, Mr. Chandler? (翻译:我认为更适合的问题应该是 你想要什么 钱德勒先生)

15. Chandler : It was an accident . Not like I was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts . (翻译:那是个意外。我又不是一边吃着甜甜圈一边拿着望远镜看街对面那种人。)

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