unkn是什么意思 unkn的中文翻译、读音、例句

unkn是什么意思 unkn的中文翻译、读音、例句

'UNKN' 不是一个单词,可能是一个缩写或是错误的输入。


1. The identity of the sender is still UNKN.


2. The cause of the accident is UNKN at this time.


3. The authenticity of the photo is UNKN.


4. The rumor about the new product is still UNKN.


5. The exact location of the treasure is UNKN.


6. The consequences of the decision are still UNKN.


7. The source of the information is UNKN.


unkn的中文翻译为未知的,读音为 /ʌnˈnoʊn/ 。


1. The identity of the sender is unkn to me. (发送者的身份对我来说是未知的。)

2. The cause of the problem is unkn at this point. (问题的原因目前还不清楚。)




例句:Deux strudels, un pour moi_BAR_et un pour la demoiselle. (两份,水果馅饼,一份给我,一份给这位小姐)


例句:I would be dead and un-un-under the ground if it wasn't for... (要不是... 我就死在地上了 I would be dead and un... un...)


例句:# Devant toi surgit un arc-en-ciel (∮ Devant toi surgit un arc -en -ciel ∮)


1. # Devant toi surgit un arc-en-ciel (翻译:∮ Devant toi surgit un arc -en -ciel ∮)

2. When I'm... driven thrοugh the streets and I see the, yοu knοw, the cοmmοn man staring at me, I I'm struck by hοw little I knοw οf his life and hοw little he knοws οf mine. (翻译:以前我坐车路过大街 看到百姓们盯着我看 我忽然想到...)

3. The border will be policed by UN officials. (翻译:边境将由联合国官员巡查。)

4. Eponine... ѕhе knоwѕ hеr wаy аrоund. (翻译:爱波宁 Eponine... 她对这一带了如指掌 She knows her way around)

5. Phasmatos ingitum dox un salvo. (翻译:Phasmatos ingitum dox un salvo)

6. You're having a nightmare. (翻译:你做噩梦了 Tu fais un cauchemar.)

7. Biosorption of reactive brilliant blue KN-R using Na-CMC immobilized Aspergillus fumigatus beads; (翻译:Na-CMC固定化烟曲霉对活性艳蓝KN-R的吸附脱色研究更详细。)

8. # Jamais un autre printemps pour toi (翻译:∮ Jamais un autre printemps pour toi ∮)

9. - A dark 'un, a redhead, and a blonde? (翻译:- 一个黑,一个红发,和一个金发碧眼的?)

10. ♪ Se que tienes un nuevo amor ♪ (翻译:♪Se que tienes un nuevo amor♪)

11. Phasmatos, raverus un animun. (翻译:Phasmatos raverus un animun)

12. And that the UN is very important to Big God Ankha, and if anything happens to her or to us, the UN will crucify him. (翻译:联合国对大神安克哈很重要, 如果她或我们发生任何意外, 联合国会把他钉在十字架上.)

13. Yeah, well, you need to un-learn that. (翻译:嗯,你最好不要这样 Yeah, well, you need to un -learn that.)

14. I think over there you missing a piece of tooth. (翻译:Tu dois avoir un petit bout de dent cassé.)

15. - It would be tempting A bloodbath (翻译:一浴缸的血 很吸引我 Ce serait tentant, un bain de sang)

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