leek是什么意思 leek的中文翻译、读音、例句

leek是什么意思 leek的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:leek 是指一种植物——韭葱,是葱属植物中最大的一种,长有分叉的叶子和白色的肥厚的葱柄。

词性:leek 是一个名词,表示一种植物。

常用场景:leek 在英国是家常菜,常用来烹饪土豆浓汤、炖肉、烘饼等菜肴。此外,leek 还可以作为调味品,加入汤、沙拉、蛋糕等食品中增加风味。

词组搭配:leek soup(韭葱汤)、leek and potato pie(土豆韭菜饼)、leek and mushroom quiche(韭菜蘑菇蛋挞)

相关短语:leek bulb(韭葱鳞茎)、leek greens(韭葱叶子)、wild leek(野韭菜)






1. My favorite soup is made with potatoes and leeks.


2. Leeks are a good source of vitamins A and C.





例句:Leek is planning something and I want to know what it is! (Leek正在搞小阴谋 我想知道是怎么回事!)


例句:When she was pregnant with Molly, her mother had made her gallons of potato leek soup. (当她怀著茉莉的时候,她妈妈给她做了几加仑的土豆韭菜汤。)


例句:aromatic plants native to asia , the chive and the chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic , onion and leek. (芳香植物原产于亚洲,细香葱和中国香葱、大蒜、葱和韭葱属于同一家庭。)


例句:It's like this: first you heat the oil, and then put into the seasoning, and then put leek into the pot. (翻译:是的:你先把油给热了,然后放入调味品,然后把韭菜放进锅里。)


leek一般作为名词使用,如在green leek([网络] 绿韭菜)、Japanese leek([网络] 日本韭菜)、leek moth(葱谷蛾)等常见短语中出现较多。

green leek[网络] 绿韭菜
Japanese leek[网络] 日本韭菜
leek moth葱谷蛾
leek moths[网络] 韭菜飞蛾
leek oil韭葱油
Leek Wootton[地名] 利克伍顿 ( 英 )
meadow leek[网络] 草地韭菜
rose leek[网络] 玫瑰韭菜
sand leek葫蒜


1. aromatic plants native to asia , the chive and the chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic , onion and leek. (翻译:芳香植物原产于亚洲,细香葱和中国香葱、大蒜、葱和韭葱属于同一家庭。)

2. It's like this: first you heat the oil, and then put into the seasoning, and then put leek into the pot. (翻译:是的:你先把油给热了,然后放入调味品,然后把韭菜放进锅里。)

3. Science is the best antidote to fanaticism and leek. (翻译:科学是对狂热和狂言最好的解毒剂。)

4. If Leek wanted to kill you, he could've pushed you down a lift shaft but he didn't. He studied the anomalies. (翻译:如果Leek真想杀你 把你从电梯上推下来就行)

5. Trying to track down Leek. There's got to be a clue in his personal files. (翻译:试试看能不能追查到Leek 他的个人档案中应该有线索)

6. This is just so delicious ! ! Taste a bit similar like Teo Chew style kuih, the leek and Chee Cheong Fun just mix up so good ! (翻译:这个真的很好吃哦!味道有点像那个潮州糕,韭菜和肠粉的搭配真的很好!)

7. It's a kind of a wild leek. Not in season, but garlic will do. (翻译:一种野生韭葱 现在不是产季 能用蒜头代替)

8. The First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra features carrot flutes, leek violins, celery bongos and eggplant cymbals. (翻译:这支乐队名为“第一维也纳蔬菜乐队”,以胡萝卜长笛、韭菜小提琴、芹菜鼓、茄子钹为特色。)

9. At least not too free food, eat more tomatoes, seafood, leek, bananas, is to the men's health good food. (翻译:至少饮食方面不能太随便,多吃番茄,海产品,韭菜,香蕉,都是对男性健康有益处的食物。)

10. Why would Leek go to so much trouble to try and kill me? (翻译:为什么Leek要如此大费周章 只为杀我?)

11. The next time you bite into a pork-and-leek sausage, remember to thank the Romans. (翻译:下次,你在吃猪肉韭菜肠的时候,记得感谢古罗马人。)

12. Followed by the salmon and leek fish cake with mushy peas, chips and chive cream. (翻译:然后上一份鲑鱼韭菜蛋糕 再有豌豆糊 薯条和细香葱)

13. The mint, rice and leek in BNC’s identity are typical. (翻译:BNC中薄荷、糯米和小葱就是典型。)

14. I put a visual trace on the signal Leek was transmitting to the future predator. That's it? (翻译:我对Leek控制未来掠食生物的信号 进行了追踪)

15. leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran. (翻译:结珠芽而不是花的一种葱;生长于俄罗斯和伊朗。)



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