milkshake是什么意思 milkshake的中文翻译、读音、例句

milkshake是什么意思 milkshake的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性,表示一种由牛奶、冰淇淋或其他成分混合在一起的饮品。


- I ordered a strawberry milkshake at the diner.

- She loves to make her own milkshakes at home.

- The kids were thrilled when their dad made them chocolate milkshakes.

2. 起源:milkshake这个词最早出现在xx年的美国,最初指的是一种由牛奶、糖和苏打水混合而成的饮料,随着时间的推移,这种饮料逐渐变成了我们现在所熟悉的冰淇淋奶昔。


- The history of the milkshake goes back over a century.

- Milkshakes were originally made with carbonated water.

- The modern milkshake is a far cry from its humble beginnings.

3. 可以作为动词的缩写:如果将shake缩写为'shake',那么'milkshake'就可以缩写为'milkshake',并可以用作动词,表示把牛奶、冰淇淋等成分混合在一起。


- Can you milkshake the ice cream and milk for me?

- I'm going to milkshake some bananas and strawberries together.

- She always likes to milkshake her milk with a little bit of vanilla extract.

4. 可以作为形容词:如果将'milkshake'作为形容词使用,可以形容颜色、味道等等。


- Her dress was the color of a strawberry milkshake.

- The frosting on the cake tasted like a chocolate milkshake.

- The paint on the walls was a pale vanilla milkshake color.

5. 特定的品牌:作为一种受欢迎的饮品,milkshake也有一些特定品牌,如美国的Sonic Drive-In或英国的Shakeaway等等。


- I went to Sonic for lunch and got a milkshake.

- Shakeaway has so many different flavors of milkshake to choose from.

- The milkshakes at McDonald's are always so thick and flavorful.



1. I'll have a chocolate milkshake, please.(我要一杯巧克力奶昔。)

2. She likes to dip her fries in her milkshake.(她喜欢把薯条蘸在她的奶昔里。)

3. He blended up a fresh strawberry milkshake.(他混合了新鲜草莓奶昔。)

4. They served thick, creamy milkshakes at the diner.(那家餐厅供应浓稠、奶油味十足的奶昔。)

5. The milkshake was so cold that it gave me brain freeze.(奶昔太冷了,导致我脑袋发麻。)

6. I should have ordered a small milkshake; it's too big for me to finish.(我应该点一份小奶昔,这杯太大了我喝不完。)

7. My favorite milkshake flavor is vanilla.(我最喜欢的奶昔口味是香草。)

8. She sipped her milkshake slowly while watching the sunset.(她一边看着夕阳,一边慢慢地品尝着奶昔。)

9. The milkshake machine was broken, so they couldn't make any milkshakes.(奶昔机坏了,所以他们不能制作任何奶昔。)




1. I ordered a vanilla milkshake for dessert.(我点了一杯香草奶昔作为甜点。)

2. She loves to make strawberry milkshakes for breakfast.(她喜欢在早餐时制作草莓奶昔。)

3. This milkshake is too sweet for me.(这杯奶昔对我来说太甜了。)




例句:I want a strawberry milkshake. (我想要杯草莓奶昔。)


例句:A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . (一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。)


例句:Well, I had to drink another milkshake to wash the taste out of my mouth. (呃 我必须再喝另一个奶昔 来冲掉我嘴巴里味道)

4.奶昔 、食奶昔

例句:And you would be on your 19th milkshake. (翻译:那时候你得下肚19杯奶昔了 And you would be on your 19th milkshake.)


1. Well, I had to drink another milkshake to wash the taste out of my mouth. (翻译:呃 我必须再喝另一个奶昔 来冲掉我嘴巴里味道)

2. And you would be on your 19th milkshake. (翻译:那时候你得下肚19杯奶昔了 And you would be on your 19th milkshake.)

3. Yankee Doodle Floppy Disk, this is Foxtrot Zulu Milkshake. (翻译:北佬! 请注意 我是狐狸呼叫奶昔,请查700呎)

4. She wiped a spill of milkshake off the counter. (翻译:她擦掉柜台上洒落的奶昔。)

5. Retrial of Nancy Kissel in 'milkshake murder' case to begin in Hong Kong (翻译:NancyKissel“奶昔谋杀”案开始在香港重审)

6. I'd rather work on the rocket. (翻译:带你去喝奶昔 and take you for a milkshake.)

7. Starting tomorrow, you can drink me become me, drinking a milkshake. (翻译:而从明天开始 你们就可以喝下我 成为我 只是一杯奶昔的事)

8. People can drink you in their milkshake and imagine you as they wish. (翻译:人们可以把你混进奶昔里喝下去 按他们的意愿重塑你的模样)

9. Someone could, say, spike his milkshake and escape by sea in a fast boat. (翻译:可以找人给他的奶昔下点东西 然后坐快艇撤)

10. And with all these measures, we are going to be able to create tastier foods, because we can measure whether people actually like that sugar-reduced milkshake. (翻译:所有的这些测试 都能帮助我们创造更好吃的食物, 因为我们能知道人们究竟喜不喜欢 那杯低糖奶昔。)

11. and threw a nearly full McDonald's strawberry milkshake at me which hit my upper body and exploded over my work shirt, tie and trousers! (翻译:一边向我扔出一杯装得满满的麦当劳奶昔,击中了我的上半身,炸得我满身都是,我的工作衬衫,领带和裤子!)

12. I would like a strawberry milkshake. (翻译:我想要一杯草莓奶昔。)

13. Oh, don't worry, I have no desire to see you hugging the milkshake machine. (翻译:哦 别担心 我没兴趣看你 和震动奶昔机玩抱抱)

14. Slightly shimmery ivory colour. Great as a highlight. We recommend using the "Milkshake" eye shadows dry. (翻译:晶莹剔透的象牙白。作为高光使用佳。我们建议干用。)

15. Got killed by a hail stone. Just standing in the parking lot of the Dairy Queen, having a milkshake, hail stone comes down, size of a softball, crushes his skull. (翻译:后来被冰雹砸死了 Got killed by a hail stone. 直接把他的脑壳砸破了 crushes his skull.)



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