amalgam是什么意思 amalgam的中文翻译、读音、例句

amalgam是什么意思 amalgam的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. dental amalgam:牙科汞合金

2. amalgam filling:汞合金充填物

3. amalgam tattoo:汞斑

4. amalgam separator:汞分离装置

5. amalgam corrosion:汞腐蚀

6. amalgam restoration:汞合金修复

7. amalgamator:汞攪拌器



1. Most dental professionals consider dental amalgam as a safe filling material.(大多数牙科专业人员认为牙科汞合金是安全的填充材料。)

2. The amalgam filling will completely harden within a few hours.(汞合金充填物将在几小时内完全硬化。)

3. The amalgam separator is used to prevent the waste of amalgam from polluting the environment.(汞分离装置用于防止汞废料污染环境。)

4. The dental clinic is equipped with an amalgamator to mix the dental amalgam for the patients.(牙科诊所配备了一个汞攪拌器,为患者混合牙科汞合金。)

5. The dentist removed the old amalgam filling and replaced it with a new one.(牙医拆除了旧的汞合金充填物,换上了新的。)

6. The patient had an amalgam tattoo, which is a dark spot on the gum caused by a previous amalgam filling.(该患者有一个汞斑,是由以前的汞合金充填物在牙龈上留下的黑色斑点。)

7. The dentist explained the advantages and disadvantages of different types of filling materials, including amalgam restoration.(牙医解释了不同类型的填充材料的优缺点,包括汞合金修复。)





1. The alloy is an amalgam of copper, tin and zinc.


2. The team was an amalgam of experienced players and young talent.


3. The book is an amalgam of historical fiction and mystery.





例句:It's there from when you are a child because it's your shuffle of genes, but I'm just an amalgam of the genes of my parents. (当你还是个孩子的时候,它就在那里,因为它是你基因的排列,只是我父母基因的混合体。)


例句:It's an amalgam of wood, and cast iron, and felt, and steel strings, and all these, and they're all amazingly sensitive to temperature and humidity. (这是由木头,铸铁和毡制品制成的混合物, 还有钢丝以及所有这些, 而且他们都对温度和湿度出奇地敏感.)


例句:It may be only an amalgam; it is better if it be a chemical combination . (它可能只是一种混合物,若是一种化学化合物就更好了。)


例句:Objective To compare the clinic effects between Tetric Ceram and amalgam in treating molar caries. (翻译:目的比较瓷化树脂与银汞合金治疗恒磨牙龋损的临床疗效。)


amalgam一般作为名词使用,如在electric amalgam(电汞齐)、einsteinium amalgam([化] 锿汞齐)、fermium amalgam(镄汞齐)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric amalgam电汞齐
einsteinium amalgam[化] 锿汞齐
fermium amalgam镄汞齐
flow of amalgam[医] 汞合金流
gold amalgamna. 金汞膏\n[网络] 金汞齐
iron amalgam铁汞齐
lead amalgam铅汞合金
lithium amalgam锂汞齐
Mackenzie amalgam麦肯齐汞齐


1. It may be only an amalgam; it is better if it be a chemical combination . (翻译:它可能只是一种混合物,若是一种化学化合物就更好了。)

2. Objective To compare the clinic effects between Tetric Ceram and amalgam in treating molar caries. (翻译:目的比较瓷化树脂与银汞合金治疗恒磨牙龋损的临床疗效。)

3. Soil scientists at Washington State University, the grad students, anyway, are working to compost teeth with amalgam fillings so that we can understand what happens to the mercury therein. (翻译:华盛顿州立大学的土壤学家 及研究生们 正在堆肥充满汞合金的牙齿 以便我们了解在这一过程中的汞会发生什么 )

4. One can see the amalgam of these two sets of ideas in his work. (翻译:读者可以在他们作品中看到两种思想的结合。)

5. Coroner says the amalgam in his teeth is russian. Yeah? (翻译:法医说他牙齿里的汞合金是俄国产的 Coroner says the amalgam in his teeth is Russian.)

6. Objective To compare the clinic effects between Tetric Ceram and amalgam in treating molar caries. (翻译:目的比较瓷化树脂与银汞合金治疗恒磨牙龋损的临床疗效。)

7. Conventional material such as calcium hydroxide, amalgam have been used for repairing this perforation. (翻译:传统的修补材料有氢氧化钙、银汞合金等,直接用于穿孔的充填。)

8. The film script is an amalgam of all three books. (翻译:这个电影脚本由三本书合成。)

9. It's an amalgam of wood, and cast iron, and felt, and steel strings, and all these, and they're all amazingly sensitive to temperature and humidity. (翻译:这是由木头,铸铁和毡制品制成的混合物, 还有钢丝以及所有这些, 而且他们都对温度和湿度出奇地敏感. )

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