stressed是什么意思 stressed的中文翻译、读音、例句

stressed是什么意思 stressed的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义: 'stressed'是一种不舒服的状态,通常是由于压力和焦虑感造成的。人们在处理工作、学习、家庭和社交压力时可能会感到压力和紧张。

2. 形容词:'stressed'用作形容词,表示紧张或受到压力造成的状态。例如:“I feel really stressed about the upcoming exam.”(我对即将到来的考试感到非常紧张。)

3. 动词:'stressed'还可以用作动词,表示强调或指出特定的事情或观点。例如:“The speaker stressed the importance of taking care of the environment.”(演讲者强调了环保的重要性。)

4. 名词:'stress'是一个名词,在工作和生活中指压力和紧张。例如:“The job is causing me a lot of stress.”(这份工作让我感到很有压力。)


1. I feel really stressed about the upcoming presentation.(我对即将到来的演讲感到非常紧张。)

2. The coach stressed the importance of teamwork to the players.(教练强调了团队合作的重要性。)

3. The office environment can be very stressful at times.(办公环境有时可能会非常有压力。)

4. Yoga and meditation are great ways to reduce stress.(瑜伽和冥想是减轻压力的好方法。)

5. Taking breaks during work can help alleviate stress.(工作期间休息可以帮助减轻压力。)





1. She looks really stressed.


2. I've been so stressed at work lately.


3. He was so stressed during the exam that his hands were shaking.





例句:I came over 'cause you seem stressed, Sam. (我来是觉得你有压力 Sam 你有压力吗?)


例句:The antepenult is stressed in the word "superfluous". (这个词当中倒数第三个音节重读。)


例句:So it was very clear these were stressed, sick, traumatized birds. (据此也可以看出 眼前的这些鸟儿还惊魂未定,惶恐而虚弱。)


例句:Come bedtime, insomniacs are stressed. (翻译:每到睡觉时间, 失眠患者便会感到压力。)


stressed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在heavily stressed(高应力的)、highly stressed(n. 高应力的\n[网络] 高度受力)、stressed area(受力面积)等常见短语中出现较多。

heavily stressed高应力的
highly stressedn. 高应力的\n[网络] 高度受力
stressed area受力面积
stressed collar剪力环(螺栓联接)
stressed component受力部件
stressed cord应力条纹
stressed covering受力蒙皮
stressed glass[网络] 钢化玻璃;强化玻璃工程设计
stressed out有压力的, 紧张的


1. So it was very clear these were stressed, sick, traumatized birds. (翻译:据此也可以看出 眼前的这些鸟儿还惊魂未定,惶恐而虚弱。)

2. Come bedtime, insomniacs are stressed. (翻译:每到睡觉时间, 失眠患者便会感到压力。)

3. A pretty stressed smoker at Kathmandu Durbar Square. (翻译:一个在加德满都皇家广场上,很郁闷吸烟的人。)

4. I have stressed the need for cooperation in order to ensure accountability. (翻译:我已强调合作的必要性... ... ,以确保问责制。)

5. So "his" is unstressed, the other words are stressed. (翻译:所以“his”是不重读的,其他的词就重读。)

6. And it could be manifested physically if he's stressed. (翻译:・゙マ 氿衽 フモマ桒 ン・ヘヌ・ヌヘバヌ蒟)

7. Hey, you sound pretty stressed. (翻译:Hey, you sound pretty stressed. 你给自己压力太大了)

8. This time both stressed junglefowl and stressed chickens competed aggressively for food. (翻译:结果发现,均受应激的红原鸡和家鸡都激烈争抢食物。)

9. So it was very clear these were stressed, sick, traumatized birds. (翻译:据此也可以看出 眼前的这些鸟儿还惊魂未定,惶恐而虚弱。)

10. Hey, stop getting all stressed out. (翻译:stop getting all stressed out.)

11. I mean, he was very stressed. (翻译:he was very stressed.)

12. Not mentioning living in a very stressed environment. (翻译:更不用说我们每天都生活在 一个充满压力的环境中 )

13. He was already so stressed and I... (翻译:他压力已经很大,而我... {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}He was already so stressed and I...)

14. It's such a great gift, but I'm so stressed... (翻译:- 一定要去 这是份极好的礼物 要整行李什么的压力很大...)

15. - Mom and Dad are stressed out. (翻译:- Mom and Dad are stressed out. - 他们太焦虑了 - 吵起来了)



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