中文翻译:dymo 可以指代DYMO公司,该公司主要生产标签打印机等办公设备。
例句:我需要一个高质量的标签打印机,我听说 DYMO 的产品质量不错。 (I need a high-quality label printer, and I heard that DYMO's products are of good quality.)
例句:That's right, ladies, because you all deserve something mo' better, mo' blacker, mo' me. (女士们,很好 因为你们能得到更好的 更黑的,比我更好的)
例句:Two murders in bludhaven, same mo. (在Bludhaven杀了两人 同样的手法)
例句:MO: It's not rocket science. (MO: 这不像研究火箭 人们切实需要这些工具 )
例句:MO: I can donate three water heaters, but someone needs to come pick them up. (翻译:MO: 我可以捐3个热水器 不过需要有人来把它们拿走 )
1. MO: It's not rocket science. (翻译:MO: 这不像研究火箭 人们切实需要这些工具 )
2. MO: I can donate three water heaters, but someone needs to come pick them up. (翻译:MO: 我可以捐3个热水器 不过需要有人来把它们拿走 )
3. And HeYingLiang catch Chen accidentally killed ronin Japan mo mo life threatening to accidents, ChenBo big. (翻译:和贺英良抓住陈墨玉误伤日本浪人致死的事故,以墨玉性命要挟陈博大。)
4. The eastern Qing city stretches hand to take the elbow of alley Mo, lane the eastern Ruis of the Mo and lane Mo bosom all hug in the bosom. (翻译:东方倾城伸手搭上弄墨的肩,将弄墨以及弄墨怀里的东方睿全都搂在怀里。)
5. And I know he came to see you, Mo, 'cause he had no one else to turn to. (翻译:我知道他来这里找过你,Mo 除了你他能找谁?)
6. I'm gonna yah mo burn this place to the ground. (翻译:我就要yah mo放把火把这个地方烧个干净)
7. And, for that, we'll have to figure out a way to slice this region nicely. We could do it dx dy. (翻译:为了计算二重积分,我们必须想出一个办法,来适当地划分这个区域,我们可以按dx,dy来划分。)
8. Look, we want to go over the MO. (翻译:ﻞﻤﻌﻟﺍ ﺏﻮﻠﺳﺃ ﻰﻠﻋ ﺭﻭﺮﻤﻟﺍ ﺪﻳﺮﻧ ًﺍﺫﺇ ؟)
9. As we watched, they became frustrated and left to go find somebody to help on their own. (翻译:...去找一些他们可以帮助的人 MO:于是我们开始组织大家 )
10. That's a pretty high bar we set, me and Mo-Mo, huh? (翻译:我们给孩子设定了很高的人生目标 我和你们妈妈?)
11. MO: We need to tell people what not to bring. (翻译:MO: 我们需要告诉人们不要带什么 看,那儿有个新闻车.我去告诉他们 )
12. Dear Mo, I'm so lost here in Charming. (翻译:亲爱的Mo, 我在Charming是那么迷失)
13. # I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd # (翻译:∮ 翩翩起舞∮ ♪ I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd ♪)
14. ♪ Dexter 7x07 ♪ Do the Wrong Thing Original Air Date on November 11, 2012 (翻译:-mo 时间轴: 钱多多 嗜血判官 第七季 第7集)
15. There are mo big powers in this country: (翻译:朝鲜除了王 有两个实权人物 一个姓李家 一个姓金家)