peaches是什么意思 peaches的中文翻译、读音、例句

peaches是什么意思 peaches的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'peaches'是指桃子,这是一个常见的水果名称。对于学生来说,需要了解这个单词的含义并掌握其正确的发音。

2. 拼写规则:'peaches'的拼写规则是以字母“p”开头,接着是字母“e”,之后是“a,c,h,e,s”的顺序,需要注意其正确的字母顺序。

3. 用途广泛:'peaches'是一个常见的水果名称,在日常生活和商业交易中经常使用。此外,'peaches'也可以用作动词形式,表示“给某人献殷勤”或“恭维某人”。

4. 相关食物:'peaches'可以作为一种独立的水果食用,也可以用于制作各种甜点和糕点,例如水果沙拉、桃子派或桃子馅饼等。

5. 文化背景:'peaches'在一些文化和传统中有特殊的象征意义,例如在中国文化中,桃子被视为长寿和幸福的象征。'peaches'也被用于一些文学和艺术作品中,例如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,桃子被视作爱情的象征。


1. I love to eat fresh peaches during the summer.


2. The peach orchard has been harvested for the season.


3. She peaches everyone to try her cooking.


4. The peach cobbler was a hit at the party.


5. In the Chinese tradition, peaches symbolize happiness and longevity.





1. She bought a basket of juicy peaches from the market. (她从市场买了一篮子多汁的桃子。)

2. The peach orchard is in full bloom. (这个桃园正处在盛开的季节。)

3. My grandma makes delicious peach cobbler. (我奶奶做的桃饼非常好吃。)




例句:Nectarines are a variation of peaches. (油桃是桃子的变种。)


例句:We have always been cultivating peaches in this town, but lately the Yamanashi region has become famous for it. (这个村子很早之前就开始种桃子了 但最近山梨那比我们有名多了)


例句:If I supply the peaches, do you think you boys could supply the cream? (如果我供应桃子,你觉得 你能提供的男孩霜?)


例句:Looks like Miss Peaches done snagged herself a Yankee boy already. (翻译:看起来像桃子小姐做 自己陷入僵局,洋基男孩已经。)


peaches一般作为名词、动词使用,如在flat peaches(蟠桃)、native peaches([网络] 莺歌桃\n(native peach 的复数))、negro peaches(黑桃果\n(negro peach 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

flat peaches蟠桃
native peaches[网络] 莺歌桃\n(native peach 的复数)
negro peaches黑桃果\n(negro peach 的复数)
peaches and cream[网络] 完美无缺;桃子与奶油;奶油桃子
peaches and plums桃李
pruning peaches修剪桃树
sea peaches[网络] 海桃
wild peaches毛桃;山桃


1. If I supply the peaches, do you think you boys could supply the cream? (翻译:如果我供应桃子,你觉得 你能提供的男孩霜?)

2. Looks like Miss Peaches done snagged herself a Yankee boy already. (翻译:看起来像桃子小姐做 自己陷入僵局,洋基男孩已经。)

3. You know what that is... one ton of peaches picked and carried for a dollar. (翻译:就是说 一吨桃子,又要摘又要抬,才一美元)

4. Strawberries, blueberries, peaches and products of the garden are grown in great quantities and shipped hundreds of miles. (翻译:这里的草莓,越橘,桃以及其它花园作物产量极大并销往数百英里以外的地区。)

5. Hints of pear, white peaches. (翻译:Hints of pear, white peaches.)

6. There are ice crystals in my lungs, wonderful and sharp... and the snow smells like cold, crushed peaches. (翻译:我的肺里有冰水晶 美丽而锋利 There are ice crystals in my lungs, wonderful and sharp... 这雪 闻起来就像冰冷的被碾碎的桃子)

7. His mother, Peaches, and I, we took him to all the fancy doctors and such, but... (翻译:他的母亲,桃子,而我, 我们带他到所有的幻想 医生等,但...)

8. Some fruits also cannot ascend as they too originated in the Pleiades including guava, peaches, and nectarines . (翻译:一些水果同样不能提升,因为它们也来自昂宿星,这包括:番石榴、桃子和油桃。)

9. These peaches are still firm. (翻译:这些桃子还很硬。)

10. Pork and beans. I'll get some peaches for the little one there. (翻译:猪肉和豆子 我要给 这个小家伙一些好东西)

11. Peaches now outrank cotton as the chief crop. (翻译:如今桃子是比棉花重要的主要产品。)

12. Peaches can get scratched easily, so gently grab the bottom, and twist it sideways. (翻译:桃子很容易被弄伤 要这么轻轻地拿着 慢慢地拧下来)

13. In fact, almost all of our fruit trees were brought here, including apples and peaches and cherries. (翻译:事实上,我们的大部分 果树种类都是外来物种, 包括苹果、桃子和樱桃。)

14. The largest and most delicious peaches come from Fengcheng. (翻译:最大最好吃的桃产于风城。)

15. Too bad you and Peaches are moving away. (翻译:真遗憾你和桃子要搬走了 Too bad you and Peaches are moving away.)



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