pr是什么意思 pr的中文翻译、读音、例句

pr是什么意思 pr的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义及用途方面:

“pr”是英语中的一个缩写词,代表着公关(public relations)这个词组。在商业和市场营销领域中,公关是一种管理公司和组织与公众和利益相关方之间关系的活动。它的重点是通过聆听和沟通来建立良好的关系,以增加品牌声誉、提高知名度,促进销售和利润。在文学和文化领域中,"pr"也可以指发布会(press release),即为某项活动或产品发表官方声明的一种宣传手段。

2. 发展历程方面:


3. 相关职业及技能方面:



1. My job is to handle the PR for our new product launch. (我的工作是为我们的新产品推出做公关处理。)

2. The PR campaign helped to generate a lot of buzz around our brand. (公关活动帮助我们的品牌产生了很多热议。)

3. The company issued a press release announcing its quarterly earnings. (公司发布了一份声明,宣布其季度收益。)

4. The PR team was able to diffuse the situation and minimize the negative impact on our brand. (公关团队能够平息局面,并最大程度地减少对我们品牌的负面影响。)

5. She has a degree in public relations and has been working in the PR industry for over 10 years. (她拥有公共关系学位,并已在公关行业工作超过xx年。)

PR是英语单词Public Relations的缩写,意为公共关系、公关。它指在商业活动及其他社会活动中,通过多种手段和渠道,对公众及各利益相关方进行有效地传播和沟通的一种管理方式。PR主要包括形象定位、宣传策略、品牌建设、危机公关等方面的内容。


1. We need to hire a PR firm to help us improve our public image.(我们需要聘请一家公关公司来帮助我们提高公众形象。)

2. The company's PR department is responsible for handling media inquiries.(公司的公关部门负责处理媒体询问。)

3. The politician's PR team is trying to spin the story in his favor.(这位政治家的公关团队试图为他的事迹做出有利的解释。)

4. The new product launch was a success thanks to the excellent PR campaign.(由于出色的公关活动,新产品推出取得了成功。)

5. The PR manager drafted a press release to address the controversy surrounding the company.(公关经理起草了一份新闻稿,以应对有关公司的争议。)

6. The PR consultant advised the CEO to take a more proactive approach to social media.(公关顾问建议首席执行官采取更主动的社交媒体策略。)

7. The fashion brand's PR team invited top fashion bloggers to attend their runway show.(这个时尚品牌的公关团队邀请顶尖时尚博主参加他们的时装秀。)

8. The politician's PR stunt backfired and hurt his credibility.(这位政治家的公关噱头事与愿违,损害了他的信誉。)

9. The PR campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of recycling.(公关活动旨在提高公众对于回收的重要性的认识。)


pr 可以有多个不同的含义,根据具体情况而变化,以下是常见的中文翻译:

1. 公关(public relations)

2. 程序(program)

3. 压力(pressure)

4. 处理器(processor)

5. 远程(remote)


pr 发音为[pɑː],英式发音类似于“波尔”,美式发音类似于“帕尔”。


1. Our company has a specialized PR team to handle all public relations matters. (我们公司有一个专门的公共关系团队来处理所有的公关事务。)

2. This program is designed to improve productivity and efficiency. (这个程序旨在提高生产力和效率。)

3. The athlete feels a lot of pr before a big competition. (运动员在大型比赛前感到很大的压力。)

4. This new computer comes with an advanced processor. (这台新电脑配备了先进的处理器。)

5. The remote control allows you to operate the TV from across the room. (遥控器可以让你从房间的另一边操作电视。)




例句:Tell me, what made you to be a PR? (你告诉我,什么事情你搞不定... 要去做舞小姐?)


例句:He's ugly and has a ridiculous name! Oh! (他有个荒唐的名字还很丑 Il a un prénom ridicule et il est moche.)


例句:We cannot catch him in the middle of Saint Germain de Pres. (我们不能在Saint Germain de Pr里抓捕他)


例句:Explains Tamika Morrison, Director of PR and Communications for TWS Marketing. (翻译:作为TWS市场的公共关系及交流的主管,塔米卡。莫里森解释道。)


pr一般作为名词使用,如在PR(与公众的关系, 公关\n[计] 模式识别, 实际记录, 前缀, 程序寄存器)、digital PR([网络] 网络公关;数位媒体公关)、in pr.([网络] 大气压力)等常见短语中出现较多。

PR与公众的关系, 公关\n[计] 模式识别, 实际记录, 前缀, 程序寄存器
digital PR[网络] 网络公关;数位媒体公关
in pr.[网络] 大气压力
PR device[核] PR装置
PR equationPR方程
pr manager[网络] 公关部经理;公关经理;公共关系经理
pr newswire公关通讯社
pr stunt[网络] 公关特技;公关噱头
pr toxin假性狂犬病毒素
Pr.[医] 老视, 棱晶, 棱镜, 镨(59号元素)


1. We cannot catch him in the middle of Saint Germain de Pres. (翻译:我们不能在Saint Germain de Pr里抓捕他)

2. Explains Tamika Morrison, Director of PR and Communications for TWS Marketing. (翻译:作为TWS市场的公共关系及交流的主管,塔米卡。莫里森解释道。)

3. Perhaps I could have a pr闰is of that. (翻译:也许你该对这番话做个总结 Perhaps I could have a pr闰is of that.)

but very rude. (翻译

5. Stuey, the hardest working PR guy. How's business? (翻译:史杜利 最辛苦的宣传人员 你的生意还好吗?)

6. Prepare some Atarax for me. (翻译:准备好镇静剂 Préparez -moi de la tarax.)

7. This time you're being warned! (翻译:Je vous avais prévenu pourtant... 这一次 警告你们 Cette fois)

8. Poorly designed PRP schemes can interfere with other improvement programmes. (翻译:设计不佳的PR P方案会干扰其他改进项目。)

9. Especially in small, nascent ER+, PR+ tumor colonies, progestins, but not estrogens, reactivate cells with ER-, PR- stem-like properties. (翻译:尤其在小的、新生的肿瘤中,孕激素,但不是雌激素,可重新激活细胞ER-,PR-干细胞样细胞。)

10. Carnelian needs to turn this to their PR advantage... (翻译:他必须表现的强硬一点 Carnelian需要把这变成他们公关优势)

11. This meeting with the President is vital for PR. (翻译:这次会晤是至关重要的公关事件 This meeting with the President is vital for PR.)

12. The coefficient equation of PR and SRK equation of states can be obtained according to the mixing rules. (翻译:根据混合规则分别推导了关于PR和SRK方程的逸度系数表达式。)

13. PR: So, the question is, what's the demographic. (翻译:菲利普:嗯,问题是,“第二人生”的人口统计数据 )

14. Pr is more than blitzing the media with your press releases. (翻译:公关不只是让媒体帮你发布旧事而已。)

15. Ever ready to get splattered by a train. (翻译:时刻准备被火车压烂 Toujours prête à crever écrabouillé sous un train.)



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