Purge 是一个英语单词,是及物动词,意为“清除、洗清、净化”等。下面从几个方面介绍一下该单词:
常用场景:Purge 是一个非常常见的单词,可用于许多场景。比如,可以用来描述清除某种东西,比如病毒、毒素、不良影响等。此外,Purge 还经常用来描述净化某些物质、系统或流程等等。例如,政治上的清洗、系统配置的清理等等。
词组搭配:Purge 可以与一些其他单词或短语组成词组搭配,例如:
- Purge oneself of something:清除掉某种东西(如病毒、毒素等)。
- Purge the system:净化系统。
- Purge the air:排除空气中的污染物。
- Purge one's conscience:净化自己的良心。
相关短语:与 Purge 相关的短语包括:
- Purge control:清除控制。
- Purge valve:净化阀门。
- Purging process:净化过程。
发音拼写:Purge 的发音为/pɜːdʒ/,其中 /p/ 的发音类似于汉语拼音中的“p”,/ɜː/ 的发音类似于“er”音,/dʒ/ 的发音类似于“j”音。
1. The government decided to purge corrupt officials from the system.(政府决定清洗系统中的腐败官员。)
2. He went through his closet and purged all the clothes that didn't fit.(他整理了衣柜,清理掉了所有不合适的衣服。)
3. The company decided to purge all unnecessary expenses to increase its profits.(公司决定清理所有不必要的开支以增加利润。)
4. The dictator ordered a purge of all opposition leaders.(独裁者下令清除所有反对派领导人。)
5. I need to purge my inbox of all the junk emails.(我需要清理掉所有的垃圾邮件。)
6. The priest gave him a ritual to purge his sins.(牧师给了他一个清除罪恶的仪式。)
7. The medicine helped to purge the toxins from her body.(这种药帮助清理她体内的毒素。)
8. He decided to purge his social media of all negative people.(他决定清理掉社交媒体上所有负面人物。)
9. The company had to undergo a purge of its data due to a security breach.(由于安全漏洞,该公司不得不清除其数据。)
1. The government announced a campaign to purge corruption from its ranks. (政府宣布了一项清除其体系中腐败现象的运动。)
2. He decided to purge his closet of anything he hasn't worn in over a year. (他决定把衣柜里那些xx年没穿过的东西全部清理掉。)
3. The company is planning to purge its outdated inventory to make room for new products. (公司计划清除其过时的库存以腾出空间为新产品。)
例句:The flushing action is achieved as the compressed purge media is released to become the flush media when the plug unseats . (当阀塞离开阀座位置时,被压缩的清洗流体介质变成冲刷流体介质,实现冲刷作用。)
例句:After the restoration hundreds of officials were beheaded during a purge. (为不久 就有新官上任 听说有数百名官僚被杀害)
例句:But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences. (但是那些对‘禁止睡衣‘持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。)
例句:When was the last time you did a purge to see if anyone is talking to the DEA? (翻译:When was the last time you did a purge 你最后一次做一次清洗是什么时候 to see if anyone is talking to the DEA? 去查查谁向美国缉毒局告的密)
purge一般作为名词、动词使用,如在purge of(清除, 清洗)、furnace purge(膛吹扫)、gas purge(气体净化;气体清洗)等常见短语中出现较多。
purge of | 清除, 清洗 |
furnace purge | 膛吹扫 |
gas purge | 气体净化;气体清洗 |
merge and purge | 合并与删除 |
merge purge | 合并清除 |
nitrogen purge | 氮气冲洗 |
oil purge | 放油 |
post purge | 炉膛)熄火后吹扫 |
purge air | 洗空气 |
purge an offence | [法] 以认错作为补偿 |
1. But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences. (翻译:但是那些对‘禁止睡衣‘持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。)
2. When was the last time you did a purge to see if anyone is talking to the DEA? (翻译:When was the last time you did a purge 你最后一次做一次清洗是什么时候 to see if anyone is talking to the DEA? 去查查谁向美国缉毒局告的密)
3. All I'm saying is that he's out here armed to the teeth, on Purge Night, voluntarily. (翻译:他救了我们的生活 我的意思是,他的志愿者 做一些邪恶的)
4. The two murdered ministers took part in the purge. (翻译:现在死去的右使大人 和左使大人 也都曾加入过谋反)
5. Fred was able to purge his own mind... within a matter of a week. (翻译:弗莱德能够抛开自己头脑中的旧观念 也就一周内的时间里吧...)
6. But given Fabri's family connections, such a purge must be handled delicately. (翻译:但是鉴于Fabri家族的关系 这样的清洗必须做得很小心)
7. The money generated from the Purge lines the pockets of the NRA and insurance companies. (翻译:在清洗中产生的利润塞满了NRA和保险公司的腰包)
8. Ladies and gentlemen, since this is the last Purge of the evening, the entry price will be $200,000. (翻译:女士们,先生们,这是最后的清洁 今晚 这将是价值200 000)
9. Hope, you must purge your sins. (翻译:? you must purge your sins.)
10. I saw them on YouTube from last year's Purge. (翻译:我在Y0uTube上去年的清洗视频中见过)
11. Yeah, NFFA is revoking the Purge rule that protects government officials of ranking 10 on Purge Night. (翻译:是的 NFFA要取消在清洗之夜 保护10级政府官员的规定)
12. ...Dante is suspected of eliminating wealthy NFFA supporters on Purge Nights. (翻译:丹特被怀疑要在清洗之夜杀掉富有的NFFA支持者)
13. We have to purge his suit immediately or he'll enter hypercapnia. (翻译:必须马上净化他的宇航服 否则会出现高二氧化碳血症)
14. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. (翻译:你们既是无酵的面,应当把旧酵除净,好使你们成为新团。)
15. Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter. (翻译:吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。)