mandarin是什么意思 mandarin的中文翻译、读音、例句

mandarin是什么意思 mandarin的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:mandarin可以指普通话,也可以指中国官员或精英,还可以指一种小型橘子。

2. 语源:mandarin这个词源于葡萄牙语中的mandarim,表示中国高级官员。

3. 发音:mandarin的发音为 /ˈmændərɪn/。

4. 用法:mandarin可以作为名词、形容词等用于不同的场合。

5. 应用:mandarin这个词汇在英文中广泛使用,特别是在有关中国文化、语言、政治等方面。


1. Mandarin is the official language of China. (普通话是中国的官方语言。)

2. The mandarins in ancient China were highly educated and held important positions. (古代中国的官僚们受过高等教育,担任重要职务。)

3. This small mandarin is very sweet and juicy. (这个小小的橘子很甜很多汁。)

4. The mandarin collar on this jacket makes it look more formal. (这件夹克上的立领使其看起来更正式。)

5. She has been studying Mandarin for three years and can speak it fluently. (她学习普通话已经xx年了,可以流利地说。)


1. 我们在学校里学的是官话,也称为普通话。 (We learn Mandarin at school, also known as Putonghua.)

2. 学好官话对我的职业发展非常重要。 (Learning Mandarin well is crucial for my career development.)

3. 他的官话发音非常纯正。 (His Mandarin pronunciation is very accurate.)

4. 我的外国朋友正在学习官话,我帮助他们练习。 (My foreign friends are learning Mandarin, and I'm helping them practice.)

5. 中国政府宣布将推广官话在全国范围内。 (The Chinese government announced plans to promote Mandarin nationwide.)

6. 我的中文老师教我们写汉字和说官话。 (My Chinese teacher teaches us how to write Chinese characters and speak Mandarin.)

7. 他在中国生活了很长时间,现在已经非常流利地说官话了。 (He has lived in China for a long time and now speaks Mandarin fluently.)

8. 我们要参加一个官话演讲比赛,需要准备好题目和演讲稿。 (We are going to participate in a Mandarin speech competition and need to prepare the topic and speech.)

我不太懂官话,你能用英语和我交流吗, I don't understand Mandarin very well. Can you speak English with me?)


读音:mán dà rén


1. She speaks fluent Mandarin.(她讲一口流利的普通话。)

2. Mandarin is the official language of China.(普通话是中国的官方语言。)

3. My teacher is from Taiwan and speaks both Mandarin and Taiwanese.(我的老师来自台湾,他会说普通话和台语。)




例句:Don't mix Mandarin... with Cantonese (跟女儿讲话的时候不要只讲国语 也要讲些台湾话)


例句:- The Mandarin will rise... and many will die in the East and in the West. (-达林人将会崛起... 到时候无论东西方的人都难逃厄运)


例句:In Mandarin, The Forbidden City is called the Purple Forbidden City. (在普通话中,紫禁城被称为紫色的紫禁城。)


例句:Mandarin′s disyllable has the light and stress pattern. (翻译:汉语普通话双音节词语具有轻重格式。)


mandarin一般作为名词使用,如在mandarin chinese((中国)官话,(中国)国语)、mandarin chineses(普通话;(中国)国语;(中国)官话)、mandarin coat((中国清朝对襟、中袖、旗袍领的)女式织锦长外套,绣花外套(现为西方妇女晚礼服外套))等常见短语中出现较多。

mandarin chinese(中国)官话,(中国)国语
mandarin chineses普通话;(中国)国语;(中国)官话
mandarin coat(中国清朝对襟、中袖、旗袍领的)女式织锦长外套,绣花外套(现为西方妇女晚礼服外套)
mandarin collar旗袍领
Mandarin dialectna. 中国官话\n[网络] 国语
mandarin dialects[网络] 官话方言;北方方言;官话
mandarin duck鸳鸯
mandarin ducks[网络] 鸭子;鸳鸳;荷塘俪影
mandarin fish桂鱼


1. In Mandarin, The Forbidden City is called the Purple Forbidden City. (翻译:在普通话中,紫禁城被称为紫色的紫禁城。)

2. Mandarin′s disyllable has the light and stress pattern. (翻译:汉语普通话双音节词语具有轻重格式。)

3. Penglai dialect belongs to Jiaoliao Mandarin of Northern Chinese Mandarin. (翻译:蓬莱方言属于官话方言的胶辽官话。)

4. The dialect of Laiwu belongs to Liaotai part of Jilu Mandarin, which not only has the general characteristics of Jilu Mandarin, but will also have some unique features. (翻译:莱芜方言属于冀鲁官话的聊泰小片,它不仅具有冀鲁官话的一般特点,也同时具有自身独特之处。)

5. Babies flop out, they're flashing Mandarin flashcards at the things. (翻译:婴儿滑出后, 她们拿出中文字卡要他们学习。)

6. He was tried before the Mandarin proved guilty, and executed. (翻译:他在县官面前审问, 证明有罪和处刑 那是他们的法律)

7. Mandarin servant from Hsien-Cheng-Fu. (翻译:来自县政府的县官仆人 你认为他想要什么?)

8. Mandarin Lam, my son is very disobedient, but I trust him. (翻译:林大人 我这个儿子是有很多地方令我不顺眼 不过我信得过他 , 他绝不会杀人的)

9. I have eyes on the Mandarin. (翻译:I have eyes on the Mandarin.)

10. They studied "Pixie" mandarin trees in the Ojai Valley of California. Mandarin oranges are also known as tangerines. (翻译:他们对加利福尼亚州欧佳山谷的“小精灵”中国橘子进行了研究。)

11. As soon as I spoke Mandarin, everyone would stare at me. (翻译:那时,只要一开口说国语 所有人都会瞪着你)

12. Even the Chinese themselves use it: the phrase in Mandarin is Li Yuese nanti. (翻译:甚至中国人都自己采用这个名称,在学术界称作李约瑟难题。)

13. I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin. (翻译:我觉得我老板在为曼达林卖命 I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin.)

14. What we did was expose American babies, during this period, to Mandarin. (翻译:我们所做的是在这关键期让美国的婴儿 多接触普通话。)

15. What we did was expose American babies during this period to Mandarin. (翻译:我们所做的是在这关键期让美国的婴儿 多接触普通话。)



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