1. 定义:'print out'是指通过打印机将电子文件或文档转换成纸质文件或文档的过程,常用于打印电子邮件、文件、图片等。
2. 用法:'print out'通常可以用作动词或名词。作为动词时,它的短语动词搭配有很多种,如print out a document(打印一个文件)、print out photos(打印照片)、print out a report(打印报告)等。作为名词时,它的常见搭配有printer printout(打印机输出)、program printout(程序输出)等。
3. 应用场景:'print out'广泛应用于各种场合,例如:
- 在学校或办公室打印文件或报告
- 在家中打印照片或信件
- 打印旅游行程、门票等事项
- 打印银行对账单、发票等重要文件
- 打印营销资料、宣传册等商业文档
1. I need to print out these documents for the meeting tomorrow.(我需要打印这些文件,明天开会用。)
2. She printed out the email and circled the important parts.(她打印了这封电子邮件,并圈出了重点。)
3. I forgot to print out the boarding pass before I left for the airport.(我出发前忘记打印登机牌了。)
4. The printer is out of ink, so I can't print out the report.(打印机没墨水了。)
5. Can you help me with this program printout? I can't figure out what's wrong.(你能帮我看看这份程序输出吗?我不知道哪里出了问题。)
读音:pɹɪnt aʊt
1. Could you please print out the report for me? (你能帮我把报告打印出来吗?)
2. Don't forget to print out the directions before we leave. (在我们出发前别忘了把路线指南打印出来。)
3. I need to print out a copy of the contract for my records. (我需要把合同打印出来备份。)
print out在中文中有"打印输出"的意思,在英美地区还有"计"的意思,在线读音是[printout],print out来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到61个与print out相关的例句。
Print out的词典翻译
例句:And print out some new invitations. (打印些新的邀请函 And print out some new invitations.)
例句:And so we're starting up a program to do out-of-print works, but loaning them. (我们发展一套计划来扫描绝版书,不过是借来的)
print out一般作为名词使用,如在print ... out(na. (印刷机)不断地印出\n[网络] 打印输出;打印出;打印出来)、dynamic print out([计] 动态打印输出)、file print out([电] 文件打印)等常见短语中出现较多。
print ... out | na. (印刷机)不断地印出\n[网络] 打印输出;打印出;打印出来 |
dynamic print out | [计] 动态打印输出 |
file print out | [电] 文件打印 |
print out equipment | [计] 打印输出设备 |
print out rate | [计] 打印速度 |
print out task | [计] 打印任务 |
print sth out | [网络] 打印出来 |
印刷 | |
for print | [网络] 装配夹具数字化设计制造 |
1. When he stoops to get the yardstick, a print cartridge drops out of his coat. (翻译:当他弯腰去捡尺子的时候,从他的外套里又掉出来一个打印机墨盒。)
2. And so we're starting up a program to do out-of-print works, but loaning them. (翻译:我们发展一套计划来扫描绝版书,不过是借来的 )
3. So these guys can tell you what that print-out means? (翻译:那么这些人能告诉你 什么那个打印的清单的意思?)
4. But it turns out to be illegal to print a child's drawing of Micky Mouse onto a plate of sugar. (翻译:但结果,把一副孩子画的 米老鼠画做成糖画 竟是非法的 )
5. I can send him emails or print it out. (翻译:我可以给他发电子邮件或者把它打印出来。)
6. Guidelines for Compliance with the Copyright Laws in the Use of Print, Non-print and Electronic Materials in the ULS (翻译:于图书馆使用印刷、非印刷及电子资料的版权指引)
7. But it turns out to be illegal to print a child's drawing of Micky Mouse onto a plate of sugar. (翻译:但结果,把一副孩子画的 米老鼠画做成糖画 竟是非法的)
8. I can't possibly do another print run if the first printing hasn't sold out! (翻译:连初版的量都卖不出去 怎么可能会加印啊?)
9. Mexico is out of our jurisdiction. (翻译:{\fs16\1cHFF8080}我们在墨西哥没有执法权 {\fnSegoe Print\fs14\1cH00FF00}Mexico is out of our jurisdiction. {\r\fs16\1cHFF8080})
10. Just another print as a reminder. (翻译:just another print as a reminder.)
11. What will be the min qty per print ? How much will all around print cost extra ? (翻译:每种印刷的起订量是多少的?每种印刷费大概多少?)
12. Listing 9. Setting whether to print using PDF or ActiveX print mode. (翻译:设置是否可以使用PDF或者ActiveX打印模式。)
13. They print more every day. (翻译:每天都有新钞在印 They print more every day.)
14. After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is going out of print. (翻译:xx年后的今天,大英百科全书将停止印刷。)
15. To put it bluntly, Leonard, your novels are out of print. (翻译:直说了吧 Leonard 你的小说都成为绝版了)