faintly是什么意思 faintly的中文翻译、读音、例句

faintly是什么意思 faintly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Faintly是一个副词,用来描述某件事情的轻微程度或者柔和的声音,也可以用来描述某种感觉或者情感的微弱程度。

2. 发音:/'feɪntli/,音近“芬特里”

3. 用法:Faintly通常用于修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词,常常出现在比较级中,用来表达一种相对较弱的程度。

4. 同义词:slightly、barely、vaguely、dimly、softly

5. 反义词:strongly、clearly、loudly、distinctly、vividly


1. The music is played so faintly that I can hardly hear it.(音乐声音轻得我几乎听不到)

2. She spoke faintly with a trembling voice.(她颤颤巍巍地说话,声音微弱)

3. The memory of the event was fading faintly in my mind.(我脑海里的那个事件的记忆正逐渐消逝)

4. The light in the room was so faintly that I could hardly see anything.(房间里的灯光很暗,我几乎看不清楚什么)

5. The scent of the flowers was faintly discernible in the air.(空气中还能隐约闻到花的香气)



1. She heard a faintly familiar voice on the phone. (她在电话里听到了一个微弱但熟悉的声音。)

2. The streetlights flickered faintly as they walked down the deserted road. (他们沿着空无一人的路走着,路灯微弱地闪烁着。)

3. The memory of that day was faintly etched in his mind. (那一天的记忆在他的脑海中微弱地深深烙印着。)

4. The smell of the flowers was faintly pleasing to her senses. (花香微弱地让她的感官感到愉悦。)




例句:"Hullo, Peter," she replied faintly, squeezing herself as small as possible. (“你好,彼得。”她微弱地回答,把自己缩得尽可能小。)


例句:When I landed in Beijing last week, the sky was a brownish miasma through which distant landmarks were only faintly visible. (上周我抵达北京时,天空一片褐色的雾瘴,透过其间,远处的地标建筑隐隐约约。)


例句:Perhaps it's his luxuriant beard or his gleaming teeth or the way he smells faintly of coconuts. (或许是他浓密的胡须 或许是他白亮的牙齿 也许是他身上若隐若现的椰香)


例句:I faintly saw a few people walked up and down in the sea pond, they probably are waiting for the sunrise bar! (翻译:我隐隐约约地看见几个人在海塘边走来走去,他们大概也在等着日出吧!)


faintly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在faintly alcaline reaction(弱碱性反应)、faintly alkaline reaction([化] 弱碱性反应)等常见短语中出现较多。

faintly alcaline reaction弱碱性反应
faintly alkaline reaction[化] 弱碱性反应


1. Perhaps it's his luxuriant beard or his gleaming teeth or the way he smells faintly of coconuts. (翻译:或许是他浓密的胡须 或许是他白亮的牙齿 也许是他身上若隐若现的椰香)

2. I faintly saw a few people walked up and down in the sea pond, they probably are waiting for the sunrise bar! (翻译:我隐隐约约地看见几个人在海塘边走来走去,他们大概也在等着日出吧!)

3. The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again. (翻译:小猎狗闷闷地微微摇了摇尾巴,接着垂下狗屁股,将身子蜷成一团,重又躺下了。)

4. They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music – Turc and Slav together – in a tableau of fairytale unity . (翻译:在一个童话般团结的戏剧性场面中,他们——土库曼人和斯拉夫人——伴随着凄切的音乐在摇摆和轻声歌唱。)

5. The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance, like the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower. (翻译:微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。)

6. Her voice was faintly mocking. (翻译:她的声音略带一丝嘲弄。)

7. Their trunks are as gnarled as bonsai. Long faintly glowing tendrils hang straight down in pastel curtains. (翻译:它们的树干盘根错杂,仿佛盆景一般。它们长长的卷须如帘子般垂下,发出轻柔的微光。)

8. The remarkable filamentary structure in the Tvashtar plume is similar to details glimpsed faintly in 1979 Voyager images of a similar plume produced by Io's volcano Pele. (翻译:在Tvashtar羽状物中引人注目的纤细结构同xx年“旅行者”曾瞥见的由Pele火山制造的较小羽状物的细节很相似。)

9. Eloise left the living room and climbed the stairs, which were lighted very faintly by the overglow from the dining room. (翻译:艾萝依离开客厅,然后开始借着来自下方餐厅的微暗亮光爬楼梯。)

10. Vesta's pale, waxen face told the story. She was breathing faintly, her eyes closed. (翻译:她就急忙赶到女儿房中,一看女儿面色白得同蜡一般,呼吸微弱,眼睛也闭了。)

11. He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone. (翻译:他清晰地说,虽然是轻声的,却依旧是他平时那种抑扬有致,微微带些戏剧性的声调。)

12. To some, it hasa faintly eugenic air: educated Chinese will often claim that peasantsuzhi is lower than that of people in the cities. (翻译:对一些人来说,它是一种些许优越的气氛:受过教育的中国人常常声称农民的素质被比在城市生活的人低。)

13. From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly. (翻译:野山羊在下面山坡上咩咩地轻声叫着。)

14. From his bed the dreadfully bunned, semiconscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother. (翻译:他昏迷着躺在床上,听到了医生和妈妈的谈话。)

15. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves. (翻译:有人在远处唱着歌,几个音符隐约地传到她的耳边;数不清的麻雀在屋檐上啾啾地叫唤。)

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