1. fidelity to the truth:对真相的忠实。
2. fidelity to duty:对职责的忠实。
3. fidelity to one's promises:对承诺的忠实。
4. fidelity to the original:对原稿的忠实。
5. fidelity investment:保真投资。
6. high fidelity:高保真。
7. fidelity bond:忠诚保证。
1. have fidelity to:对……忠实。
2. fidelity of heart:心灵的忠贞。
3. fidelity to his trust:对他的信任的忠诚。
1. He has shown great fidelity to the company and its interests.(他表现出对公司及其利益的极大忠诚)
2. The dog's fidelity to his master was legendary among the townspeople.(这只狗对主人的忠诚在镇上的居民中是传奇的)
3. The fidelity of the reproduction was impressive.(再现的忠实程度令人印象深刻)
4. She made a fidelity pledge to remain faithful to her husband.(她发誓忠实于丈夫)
5. The high-fidelity sound system made the concert experience even more enjoyable.(高保真音响系统让音乐会的体验更加愉悦)
6. He invested in fidelity bonds to ensure a secure and reliable return on his investment.(他投资于忠诚保证来保证投资的安全可靠回报)
7. The author's fidelity to the original text was evident in every page of the translation.(作者对原文的忠实在翻译的每一页都显而易见)
1. He swore an oath of fidelity to the queen. (他向女王宣誓效忠。)
2. Fidelity is a valuable quality in a relationship. (忠诚是一种在关系中很有价值的品质。)
3. The fidelity of his dog never wavered. (他的狗始终忠心不二。)
4. The company prides itself on its fidelity to ethical business practices. (该公司以其对道德商业实践的忠实而自豪。)
5. The musician demands fidelity from his listeners, insisting that they appreciate every detail of his compositions. (音乐家要求听众要对他的作品保持忠诚,坚持欣赏每一个细节。)
例句:The reproduction of scrips and paintings by collotype printing can obtain a high fidelity. (采用珂王罗版印刷方式复制字画可达到还原逼真的艺术效果。)
例句:Another great example is Fidelity. (另一个很棒的例子是富达证券 Fidelity)
例句:Sony positioned Betamax as a high-fidelity video recording device to tape television programmes. (索尼对Betamax的定位是,一个可以录制电视节目的高保真录像机。)
例句:And we don't blame the technology for that lack of fidelity. (翻译:而且,我们不去责怪 造成交流失真的技术, )
fidelity一般作为名词使用,如在electric fidelity(电信号保[逼]真度)、fidelity bond([法] 忠实保险)、fidelity bonding(忠实保险;[保险] 忠实保险契约)等常见短语中出现较多。
electric fidelity | 电信号保[逼]真度 |
fidelity bond | [法] 忠实保险 |
fidelity bonding | 忠实保险;[保险] 忠实保险契约 |
fidelity bonds | [网络] 诚实保险;诚实保证保险;忠诚保函 |
fidelity card | [网络] 贵宾卡;忠诚卡 |
fidelity criteria | [计] 逼真度标准 |
fidelity curve | 真度曲线 |
fidelity discount | 忠实折扣 |
Fidelity Fund | 互保基金 |
fidelity guarantee | [经] 忠诚保证 |
1. Sony positioned Betamax as a high-fidelity video recording device to tape television programmes. (翻译:索尼对Betamax的定位是,一个可以录制电视节目的高保真录像机。)
2. And we don't blame the technology for that lack of fidelity. (翻译:而且,我们不去责怪 造成交流失真的技术, )
3. When we want to make sense of something, the sense we seek is not scientific sense but narrative fidelity. (翻译:当我们想让事情感觉合理时, 我们寻找的这种感觉不是科学意义上的, 而是叙事的忠实性。)
4. People have failed to act in fidelity to their vows. (翻译:人们没能忠诚地履行自己的誓言。)
5. Because of this romantic ideal, we are relying on our partner's fidelity with a unique fervor. (翻译:因为前面说到的浪漫遐想, 我们极度依赖自己伴侣的忠诚。)
6. We measure complexity and fidelity of data in terms of polygonal count. (翻译:但是,我们可以对比多边形定点个数做个比较。在多边形数计算。)
7. Bulter wanted him to see clearly that fidelity was the point in this caseD fidelity, TACT, subtlety, and concealment. (翻译:巴勒特希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心——忠心,老练,巧妙,不露声色。)
8. Another great example is Fidelity. (翻译:另一个很棒的例子是富达证券 Fidelity )
9. A new company was formed to change all this: Dynaudio, dedicated to Authentic Fidelity. (翻译:一个新公司的成立改变了这一切:丹拿,致力于正宗的传真。)
10. According to the Saint Lucian government, the blue on the flag stands for fidelity and the sky and water surrounding the island . (翻译:根据圣露西亚政府的资料,国旗上的蓝色代表对国家的忠贞,以及环绕全岛的蓝天海水。)
11. It is your own fidelity and unfaltering courage that made the work possible. (翻译:是你们的兢兢业业,你们的坚韧不拔,让这一切变为可能)
12. Skopos theory includes skopos rule, coherence rule, and fidelity rule. (翻译:目的论包含目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则。)
13. The length of the sleeve seems to be one area in which a man's fidelity is rock solid. (翻译:长袖似乎是一个男人的忠诚已经被钉牢的领域。)
14. Can my database retrieve the XML data with lossless fidelity to the original XML data? (翻译:我的数据库能不能无损地恢复和最初XML数据一致的XML数据? )
15. Probate court failed to require a fidelity bond of the executor. (翻译:遗嘱认证法庭无法使 执行人出示一份高保债券)