placing是什么意思 placing的中文翻译、读音、例句

placing是什么意思 placing的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:placing 是 place 的现在分词形式,表示放置、安放、安排等含义。



- placing an order 下订单

- placing an advertisement 刊登广告

- placing a bet 下赌注

- placing blame 责备

- placing trust 信任




1. She was placing the books on the top shelf. 她正在把书放在顶层书架上。

2. The company is placing more emphasis on customer satisfaction. 公司更注重顾客满意度。

3. He is placing his faith in the new technology. 他对新技术寄予厚望。

4. The hotel is placing a hold on your credit card for the duration of your stay. 酒店在您入住期间暂时冻结您的信用卡。

5. The government is placing restrictions on international travel. 政府对国际旅行进行了限制。

6. The designer is placing the finishing touches on the dress. 设计师正在为连衣裙做最后的装饰。

7. After considering all the options, they decided to place their child in a private school. 经过考虑所有的选项,他们决定把孩子送到私立学校。




1. Please place the book on the table.


2. The artist spent hours placing the flowers in the vase to create the perfect arrangement.


3. He was placing his bets on the horses.





例句:Capstone Turbine Corporation of California is placing their micro turbine engines inside buses and cars. (加州的凯普斯通涡轮公司将微型涡轮应用于公交车和轿车。)


例句:It was CTU. They still haven't found Bauer or Salazar. LAPD is placing an? (CTU的电话,他们还没有找到鲍尔或萨拉扎)


例句:By mandate of the District of Columbia, l`m placing you under arrest for-- (根据特区犯罪预防中心授权 你被逮捕...)


例句:This can be done by placing the object in a Faraday cup and measuring the charge with an electrometer . (翻译:可以把物体放在法拉第杯中,用静电计测量其电荷。)


placing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在kiln placing(装窑)、minor placing(靠后的名次)、placing agent(配售代理)等常见短语中出现较多。

kiln placing装窑
minor placing靠后的名次
placing agent配售代理
placing an order发出订单
placing and troweling随打随抹
placing boom布料杆
placing broker分保经纪人
placing concrete浇注混凝土
placing guidelines[网络] 配售指引
placing in service列入运用


1. By mandate of the District of Columbia, l`m placing you under arrest for-- (翻译:根据特区犯罪预防中心授权 你被逮捕...)

2. This can be done by placing the object in a Faraday cup and measuring the charge with an electrometer . (翻译:可以把物体放在法拉第杯中,用静电计测量其电荷。)

3. They got eyewitnesses placing you at the Lake Charles crime scene. (翻译:还有证人在Carles湖案发现场看见你 They got eyewitnesses placing you at the Lake Charles crime scene.)

4. She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother. (翻译:她好像是在把大部分责任推到她母亲身上。)

5. Placing me in difficult position. (翻译:现在它们变成了我耳畔的轻语 请求我为这个家族伸出援手)

6. And by placing data into a human context, it gains meaning. (翻译:通过把信息放在生活语境中, 信息就产生了意义。)

7. Placing the vocabulary with microdata (翻译:将 词汇表与微数据相结合 )

8. Here you can see that a technician is placing them on there much like bandages. (翻译:这儿你可以看到 一位技术人员正把绷带模样的东西放上去 )

9. Kazuyo Sejima designed the ground floor, placing the administrative offices behind a translucent screen. (翻译:妹岛和世设计了底层,在半透明屏幕后边放置了办公管理区。)

10. Before placing a stent, dye is injected and X-rays taken to look for blockages. (翻译:在安装支架以前,染料将被注入并且X光被采取寻找障碍。)

11. Drink can be cooled by placing them on ice tather than adding ice to them. (翻译:可以把饮料置于冰块之上来冷却,而不是把冰块加进饮料之中。)

12. Just...if you don't mind placing on your head. (翻译:只要... 如果你不介意把它戴 在你的头上. 就是这样.)

13. late last night in a daring midnight raid placing him in the custody of the state. (翻译:在昨晚通过午夜突袭行动带走了 让他受到国家的保护)

14. By placing electrodes on the scalp, these can be measured on the EEG. (翻译:通过在头皮上安放电极,这些都能在脑电图上测量出来。)

15. Lighting in practice is placing lights inside this three-dimensional world. (翻译:布光实际上就是在 这个3D世界里放置光源。)



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