chao是什么意思 chao的中文翻译、读音、例句

chao是什么意思 chao的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:chao是一个汉语词语,意思是炒(fry, stir-fry),通常用于烹饪过程中。

2. 词性:chao是动词。

3. 常用场景:chao常常用于烹饪食物的过程中。在中餐中,炒菜是非常常见的烹饪方式。例如,炒蔬菜、炒肉、炒米饭等等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的chao的词组搭配有:炒菜、炒肉、炒饭、炒面、炒虾、炒鸡蛋等等。

5. 相关短语:与chao有关的短语有:火热的锅底、油热后、翻炒、跳锅等等。

6. 发音拼写:chao的汉语拼音为chǎo,声调为第三声。



1. Mình muốn ăn món cháo gà. (我想吃一碗鸡肉粥。)

2. Mẹ tôi rất giỏi nấu cháo lòng. (我的妈妈很会做猪肚粥。)

3. Cháo cá nấu canh chua là món ăn ngon của miền đồng bằng sông Cửu Long. (酸菜鱼是九龙江平原地区的一道美食。)

4. Bạn có thể cho tôi ít dầu để chiên chả giò không? (你可以给我一点油来煎春卷吗?)

5. Tôi thích ăn cháo rang hải sản. (我喜欢吃海鲜炒饭。)

6. Nếu đói bạn có thể nấu một cháo đơn giản. (如果饿了,你可以简单地煮一碗粥。)

7. Tôi nấu cháo lòng cho gia đình vào ngày giỗ. (我会在祭祀日为家人做猪肚粥。)

8. Bạn đã thử cháo ếch chưa? (你尝试过青蛙粥吗?)

9. Bạn muốn mua một cái chảo rán mới không? (你想买一个新的煎锅吗?)


1. chao [名词]:炒菜



- 我喜欢吃中式的炒菜,比如宫保鸡丁。

I like Chinese stir-fry dishes, such as Kung Pao Chicken.

2. chao [动词]:炒,搅拌



- 我需要一个炒锅来炒菜。

I need a wok to stir-fry.

3. Chao [姓氏]



- 张三和李四都叫Chao,但他们不是亲戚。

Zhangsan and Lisi are both named Chao, but they are not related.





例句:Charles Chao knows where the line is, and doesn't need to be told. (曹国伟知道底线在哪里,甚至不需要被特别告知。)


例句:So, did Chao say anything? (Chao有说什么吗? So, did Chao say anything?)


例句:If someone wanted to stop Chao, why not just call you? (如果有人想阻止Chao 为什么不直接打电话给你? If someone wanted to stop Chao, why not just call you?)


例句:LIANG Qi-chao made inquiries into the causes and effects of Yihetuan movement and comments as status of historic witness and historian. (翻译:梁启超以历史见证人和历史学家的双重身份,专题探讨过义和团运动的前因与后果,并且时叉和团有所评论。)


chao一般作为名词使用,如在Chao(钞 货币)、Huang Chao(黄巢)、t'ai chao(泰昭)等常见短语中出现较多。

Chao钞 货币
Huang Chao黄巢
t'ai chao泰昭


1. If someone wanted to stop Chao, why not just call you? (翻译:如果有人想阻止Chao 为什么不直接打电话给你? If someone wanted to stop Chao, why not just call you?)

2. LIANG Qi-chao made inquiries into the causes and effects of Yihetuan movement and comments as status of historic witness and historian. (翻译:梁启超以历史见证人和历史学家的双重身份,专题探讨过义和团运动的前因与后果,并且时叉和团有所评论。)

3. Chao Hai-chuan-other suspect is still at large (翻译:目前疑犯赵海泉在逃 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Chao Hai -chuan -other suspect is still at large)

4. Chao An went to the police station and hasn't been back. (翻译:郑朝安为了许大哥的事去了警察局 到现在还没有回来)

5. As for the non-married married to Chao Shanren that we are our own ability, we have had the charm! (翻译:至于嫁不嫁给我们潮汕人那是我们自己的本事,我们有魅力就有! )

6. But Chao trusted someone, and they sold him out. (翻译:但应该是他信任的人出卖了他 But Chao trusted someone, and they sold him out.)

7. Li Ta-Chao as Head Librarian, and Ku Hung-ming as English Professor. (翻译:聘请先生为图书馆主任 聘请辜鸿铭先生为英文教授)

8. This is online map of the address "Chao Luo Wo Xiang Dong Ning Zhuang , Yutian County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国河北省唐山市玉田县潮洛窝乡东宁庄”匹配的在线电子地图。)

9. Unlike other high-profile China dotcom CEOs, Chao is not a technocrat with an engineering degree. (翻译:不同于其他高调的网络媒体CEO,曹国伟没有技术官僚的常有的工程师学位。)

10. Her ashes were then sprinkled in the Chao Phraya River. (翻译:火化后的骨灰 将马上洒在Chao Phraya河上)

11. Chao Zheng, transportation engineer. (翻译:Chao Zheng 运输工程师 Chao Zheng, transportation engineer.)

12. So he was called Hair-sticking Chao (翻译:“黐须赵”的外号由此而来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So he was called Hair -sticking Chao)

13. Mr. Hu, are you denouncing Ch'en Tu-hsiu and Li Ta-Chao? (翻译:适之先生 您是在批判陈独秀和二位先生吗)

14. Prajna is described by Seng-chao as Sage-knowledge, but, he says, this Sage-knowledge is really not knowledge. (翻译:僧肇把“般若”描写成圣智,可是他又说圣智实际上是无知。)

15. Fenghuang Dancong is produced in Fenghuang town of Chao 'an county in Guangdong Province. (翻译:凤凰单丛产于广东省潮安县凤凰镇。)

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