graduation是什么意思 graduation的中文翻译、读音、例句

graduation是什么意思 graduation的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:graduation ceremony(毕业典礼),graduation cap(毕业帽),graduation gift(毕业礼物),graduation speech(毕业演讲)。




1. He felt so proud while wearing his graduation cap and gown.(他戴上毕业帽和学士袍感到非常自豪。)

2. The graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion for all the graduates.(毕业典礼对所有毕业生来说都是一个重要的时刻。)

3. She received a lot of graduation gifts from her friends and family.(她收到了很多来自朋友和家人的毕业礼物。)

4. The valedictorian delivered an inspiring speech at the graduation ceremony.(校内最优秀毕业生在毕业典礼上发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲。)

5. He has been preparing for his graduation for years, and now he finally accomplished it.(他已经为毕业做了多年的准备,现在他终于实现了它。)



1. I will attend my sister's graduation ceremony next week. (我下周将参加我姐姐的毕业典礼。)

2. She studied hard for four years and finally achieved her graduation. (她用了xx年时间努力学习,最终实现了毕业。)

3. I bought a new dress for my daughter's high school graduation. (我给女儿买了一件新衣服,为她的高中毕业典礼准备。)

4. The graduation rate of this university is very high. (这所大学的毕业率很高。)

5. After graduation, he moved to a new city to start his career. (毕业后,他搬到了新城市开始自己的职业生涯。)

6. We will celebrate our son's graduation with a big party. (我们将用一个盛大的派对庆祝儿子的毕业。)

7. She earned a bachelor's degree and then continued her education after graduation. (她获得了学士学位,毕业后继续深造。)

8. The graduation requirements for this program are very strict. (这个项目的毕业要求非常严格。)

9. The graduation speaker gave an inspiring speech to the graduating class. (毕业典礼发言人为毕业班级发表了鼓舞人心的演讲。)




1. My brother will have his graduation ceremony next week. (我哥哥下周要参加毕业典礼。)

2. Graduation is a significant milestone in one's life. (毕业是一个人生中重要的里程碑。)

3. I felt a mix of emotions during my graduation day - excitement, relief, and a bit of sadness. (在我毕业典礼的那天,我感受到了各种情绪 - 兴奋、宽慰和有些难过。)




例句:Graduation ceremonies are held in early May. (毕业典礼在xx月初举行。)


例句:Morning to each other, before graduation (早 除了早安以外几乎不太交谈 就这样到了毕业那天)


例句:Only 46 days till graduation! (Only 46 days till graduation!)


例句:Yaeko got a kimono and it wasn't even her graduation. (翻译:爸爸也帮二姐买了蝴蝶袖的和服 成年礼又还没到)


graduation一般作为名词使用,如在diploma of graduation(毕业证书)、error of graduation(刻度误差)、gear graduation(齿轮变速)等常见短语中出现较多。

diploma of graduation毕业证书
error of graduation刻度误差
gear graduation齿轮变速
graduation appraisal毕业鉴定
graduation appreciation毕业鉴定
graduation ball毕业舞会
graduation ceremony毕业典礼
graduation certificate[法] 毕业证书
graduation check毕业考试


1. Only 46 days till graduation! (翻译:Only 46 days till graduation!)

2. Yaeko got a kimono and it wasn't even her graduation. (翻译:爸爸也帮二姐买了蝴蝶袖的和服 成年礼又还没到)

3. It pains the professors to know students buy prewritten graduation thesis. ; (翻译:得知大学生购买事先写好的毕业论文,教授们极为 痛心。)

4. Get well and come back in March for graduation. (翻译:早日康复 猪田先生,xx月回来参加毕业典礼)

5. My dad made a toast at my fifth grade graduation, (翻译:我爸爸做了一个敬酒 在我小学xx年级毕业,)

6. Like, not for finals or graduation or anything. (翻译:ﺢﻴﺤﺻ ، ﺔﺳﺭﺪﻤﻟﺍ ﻰﻟﺍ ﺝﺮﺨﺘﻟﺍ ﻭﺃ ، ﺔﻴﺋﺎﻬﻨﻟﺍ ﺕﺎﻧﺎﺤﺘﻣﺄﻟﺍ ﺪﻌﺑ ﺮﺧﺁ ﺀﻲﺷ ﻱﺃ ﻭﺃ)

7. Two months after graduation, Rita's Curtis' wife. (翻译:毕业后两个月 Rita成了Curtis的老婆)

8. HuiKyeong,congratulationsonyour graduation,mybrother. (翻译:两点就起床 三点做头发化妆 四点半就到这里了 可是 你看现在都已经九点了)

9. It's money for groceries for gas for birthdays and graduation parties. (翻译:还可以用来买生活用品和汽油 生日和毕业聚会)

10. Why, 'cause my father can't come to graduation? (翻译:怎么,就是因为我老爸不能来参加我的毕业典礼么?)

11. Graduation committee convenes Monday. (翻译:毕业委员会周一开会 交照片截止日期是周四)

12. You prefer a kiss to wrestling tickets as a graduation present? (翻译:礼物呀 你说不要职业摔跤赛的票 而想和我接吻 是真的吗?)

13. - A little. Special day, graduation. (翻译:涂了一点 今天是个特别的日子,终于毕业了)

14. Entrust an entrustment with Graduation Consultation & Service Center. (翻译:前往留学服务中心办理委托手续。)

15. At graduation the students presented each other with valedictory inscriptions. (翻译:毕业时同学们互相题词勉。)



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