uad是什么意思 uad的中文翻译、读音、例句

uad是什么意思 uad的中文翻译、读音、例句

'uad' 不是一个常见的英语单词,也没有已知的明确词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等信息。可能是一个错别字、缩写词、专有名词、方言词、未知领域的术语等,需要根据具体语境进行理解和翻译。

以下是一些有关 'uad' 的可能解释和例句,仅供参考:

1. Quad (缩写词):四方车/四轮摩托车/四合一音响

例句:I bought a quad for off-road adventures. (我买了一辆四轮摩托车去进行越野探险。)

2. Uda (名词):一个鸟儿的名字

例句:I saw an uda perched on the branch outside the window. (我看到一只叫做uda的鸟儿停在了窗外的树枝上。)

3. UAD (专有名词):一个音频工程公司的名字

例句:The UAD plugins are widely used by music producers and engineers. (UAD的插件在音乐制作和工程师中被广泛使用。)

4. Quag (名词):沼泽地

例句:The quag was too dangerous to cross. (这片沼泽地太危险了,无法穿过。)

5. Wad (名词):一团或一沓物品,尤指卷成的钞票

例句:He pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket. (他从口袋里掏出了一沓现金。)

6. Quad bike (名词短语):四轮摩托车

例句:I rode a quad bike along the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. (我在海滩上骑着四轮摩托车,享受阳光。)

7. Udder (名词):奶牛的乳房

例句:The farmer milked the udder of the cow and got fresh milk. (农夫挤了奶牛的乳房,得到了新鲜的牛奶。)





例句:"you" and I are going to jail. (Department of Defense, U. S. Navy,)


例句:"and so back ad infinitum. (如此逆推 无穷无尽 and so back ad infinitum.)


例句:My name's Grant, U.S. Marshal Service. (U. S. Marshal Service.)


例句:And the House Master made a recommendation to the Ad Board, but the Ad Board won't see us. (翻译:是的 先生 宿管让我们找行政委员会 但行政委员会不睬我们)


uad一般作为名词使用,如在UAD([计] 用户属性数据)、Fum el Uad([地名] 富姆瓦德 ( 西撒 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

UAD[计] 用户属性数据
Fum el Uad[地名] 富姆瓦德 ( 西撒 )


1. My name's Grant, U.S. Marshal Service. (翻译:U. S. Marshal Service.)

2. And the House Master made a recommendation to the Ad Board, but the Ad Board won't see us. (翻译:是的 先生 宿管让我们找行政委员会 但行政委员会不睬我们)

3. - U.S. Attorney for the Northern District. (翻译:U. S. Attorney for the northern district.)

4. - You are Youssouf Sala ad-Din Ayyoubi. (翻译:-你是Youssouf 莎拉 ad -din Ayyoubi)

5. If it says U/North, pull it aside. Anything that says U/North. (翻译:如果提到了U/North公司,就放在一边 任何提到U/North的材料)

6. NkT So u configurational, in that case, is just NkT. (翻译:所以构型u在这种情况下就是。)

7. Jimmy, you sell ad time for A.M. radio. (翻译:you sell ad time for a. m. radio.)

8. "Don't tell your sisters I asked." (翻译:l know all about your little ad.)

9. The U.S. military waited until the friendly Cheyenne Braves had all gone hunting. (翻译:美军趁着 The U. S. Military waited until)

10. Islam became the dominant religion in the area following the Battle of Talas in AD751 AD. (翻译:公元xx年的塔拉斯战役之后,伊斯兰教成为这个地区的主要宗教。)

11. Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (翻译:Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)

12. Program ueitan, boat will again skoeiti. (翻译:计划uèitan, 船将再次skoèiti。)

13. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)

14. ...Ad ligandum eos pariter (翻译:ad ligandum eos pariter)

15. That clock on the ad is fast. (翻译:How did we miss it? 广告上显示的时间快了 That clock on the AD is fast.)

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