dingle是什么意思 dingle的中文翻译、读音、例句

dingle是什么意思 dingle的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Dingle 是指一个小的有树木和灌木丛林的山谷。

词性:Dingle 是一个名词。

词组搭配:在英语中,dingle 的常见搭配包括:lonely dingle(孤独的谷地)、hidden dingle(隐蔽的山谷)等。

短语:没有与 dingle 相关的短语。

发音拼写:dingle 的发音为 [ˈdɪŋɡəl],d 和 g 都发音清晰。


1. We went for a walk and found ourselves in a dingle, surrounded by trees and birds.(我们去散步,发现自己来到了一个山谷,四周有树木和鸟儿。)

2. The dingle was so peaceful and quiet, I could hear my own heartbeat.(这个山谷非常宁静,我能听到自己的心跳声。)

3. The farmer's sheep grazed peacefully in the dingle.(农民的羊在山谷里悠闲地吃草。)

4. The path through the dingle was steep and difficult to navigate.(穿过山谷的小路又陡又难走。)

5. We set up camp in the dingle for the night, with the stars shining brightly above us.(我们在山谷里搭起帐篷过夜,头顶上繁星闪烁。)


1. We took a peaceful walk through the dingle and enjoyed the beauty of nature.(我们在峡谷里散步,享受大自然的美景。)

2. The village is nestled in a dingle, surrounded by hills and trees.(这个村庄坐落在一个峡谷之中,周围是山和树。)

3. The stream running through the dingle is crystal clear and full of fish.(流经峡谷的小溪清澈见底,充满了鱼类。)




例句:- Does he mean Kevin Dingle? (他是说凯文丁格吗? -可能是 - Does he mean Kevin Dingle?)


例句:Nice to meetyou, Johnny Dingle. (我也很高兴meetyou, 约翰尼・丁格尔。)


例句:The challenger, Johnny Dingle... is not using a regulation-size unit. (挑战者,约翰尼・丁格尔. 不使用 一个调节大小的单位。)


例句:Now, I've gotyou, Johnny Dingle. (翻译:现在,我已经gotyou,约翰尼・丁格尔。)


dingle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dingle bay([网络] 丁格尔湾;丁格尔海湾;幽谷湾)、dingle temperature(丁格温度)、Dingle B.([地名] 丁格尔湾 ( 爱 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

dingle bay[网络] 丁格尔湾;丁格尔海湾;幽谷湾
dingle temperature丁格温度
Dingle B.[地名] 丁格尔湾 ( 爱 )
dingle pen.丁格半岛


1. The challenger, Johnny Dingle... is not using a regulation-size unit. (翻译:挑战者,约翰尼・丁格尔. 不使用 一个调节大小的单位。)

2. Now, I've gotyou, Johnny Dingle. (翻译:现在,我已经gotyou,约翰尼・丁格尔。)

3. We've heard reports that the murderer might have been 17-year-old Johnny Dingle. (翻译:我们已经听到报道说, 凶手可能是 1 xx岁的约翰尼・丁格尔。)

4. The number of visitors to Dingle skyrocketed after the scenic harbor town served as the setting for the Academy Award-winning Ryan's Daughter, a 1970 film starring Robert Mitchum. (翻译:自从这个风景秀丽的港口城市作为xx年罗伯特。米彻姆主演并获奖奥斯卡的影片《瑞安的女儿》的拍摄背景,丁格尔游客人数的猛增。)

5. And there's Johnny Dingle himself... looking reallypumped up for tonight's event. (翻译:这里面的 约翰尼・丁格尔自己. 面色reallypumped了 对于今晚的盛会。)

6. Such a stopover period is no exception to the undistractibility of migrating animals, as defined by Hugh Dingle; (翻译:正如休·丁格尔所下的定义,专注的迁徙动物毫不例外地都要经历这样的中途停留期。)

7. No, must be another Dingle. (翻译:must be another Dingle.)

8. The year the last Dublin bus left Dingle. (翻译:那是最后一辆开往都柏林的巴士 离开丁格尔的年份)

9. [DoctorBronson] I have acquiredaskinsample... fromJohnny Dingle, 17 andazombie. (翻译:[DoctorBronson] 我有acquiredaskinsample . fromJohnny丁格尔, 17 andazombie。)

10. Then yer man Saint Jack O'Hooligan, the man-hatin' goat-murderer of Dingle Bay? (翻译:那么是你的流氓圣徒杰克 幽谷海湾之人见愁?)

11. - To whereyou belong, Johnny Dingle. (翻译:- 要whereyou属, 约翰尼・丁格尔。)

12. The scenic spot is famous for the natural dingle and cool world. The landscape is very special and the ecology is well preserved. (翻译:景区以自然幽谷,清凉世界为特色,景观奇特,生态完好,具有一定的独特性。)

13. "Dingle-dork, " Ronnie muttered to himself, then started backtracking up the grade. (翻译:“这个乳臭未干的傻瓜,”罗尼一边小声嘀咕着,一边再次拾级而上。)

14. Special Relativity and Dingle's Clock Paradox --Review of a Famous Argument (翻译:狭义相对论与丁格尔时钟悖论--对一场著名争论的回顾与再认识)

15. Curious pals: Fungie the dolphin and Jack the terrier jump into ecstasy when they meet in Dingle Bay. (翻译:好奇的伙伴:当海豚芳琪和梗犬杰克在丁格尔湾相遇时,他们欣喜若狂地跳跃着。)



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