mila是什么意思 mila的中文翻译、读音、例句

mila是什么意思 mila的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mila' 可以有多种不同的含义和用法,以下是其中几种可能的解释:



词组搭配:没有特别固定的搭配,但可以和其他名字一起使用,例如 “Mila Kunis”(米拉·库尼斯)



以下是 7 个相关的中英文翻译例句:

1. Mila is a popular name for girls in many countries, including Russia and Serbia.(“Mila”是在许多国家,包括俄罗斯和塞尔维亚,都很流行的女孩名字。)

2. Do you know anyone named Mila?(你认识叫Mila的人吗?)

3. Mila's parents chose her name because it means "dear one" or "loved" in many Slavic languages.(Mila的父母选择这个名字是因为在许多斯拉夫语言中,“Mila”意为“亲爱的”或“受爱戴的”。)

4. Mila Kunis is a famous actress who has appeared in many movies and TV shows.(米拉·库尼斯是一位著名的演员,出演过许多电影和电视节目。)

5. The little girl's face lit up with joy when she saw that her new puppy responded to the name Mila.(当小女孩看到她的新小狗能听懂“Mila”这个名字时,她欣喜若狂。)

6. Mila's mother always had a soft spot for the name, as it was the same name as her own beloved grandmother.(Mila的母亲一直对这个名字有好感,因为它和她自己心爱的祖母的名字一样。)

7. When the teacher called Mila's name, she stood up and waved to show that she was present.(当老师叫到Mila的名字时,她站起来挥手示意自己在场。)

'Mila'是斯拉夫语族的一种语言,主要在俄罗斯北部的喀山地区使用,也是一种少数民族的语言。 'Mila'的意思是'亲爱的',在当地常用作称呼朋友、家人或爱人的称呼。


1. Дорогая Мила, как ты сегодня?

(Dorogaya Mila, kak ty segodnya?) - 亲爱的米拉,你今天怎么样了2. Мила и ее мама говорят только по-русски.

(Mila i yeye mama govorjat tol'ko po-russki.) - 米拉和她的妈妈只会说俄语。

3. Я перевел письмо на Милу на английский язык.

(Ya perevel pismo na Milu na angliyskiy yazyk.) - 我把信翻译成了米拉的母语俄语。

4. Мила счастливо улыбнулась, когда увидела своего друга.

(Mila schastlivo ulybnulas', kogda uvidela svoyego druga.) - 米拉看到她的朋友时,开心地笑了。

5. Мила хорошо поет, она мечтает стать профессиональной певицей.

(Mila khorosho poet, ona mechtaet stat' professional'noy pevichey.) - 米拉唱歌很好听,她梦想成为一名专业歌手。

6. Мила не знает, как использовать этот прибор.

(Mila ne znayet, kak ispol'zovat' etot pribor.) - 米拉不知道如何使用这个设备。

7. У Милы есть очень красивые волосы.

(U Mily est' ochen' krasivye volosy.) - 米拉的头发非常漂亮。

8. Мила никогда не была в Китае, но она очень хочет посетить эту страну.

(Mila nikogda ne byla v Kitae, no ona ochen' khochet posetit' etu stranu.) - 米拉从未去过中国,但她非常想去这个国家。

9. Милу очень любят ее друзья и семья.

(Milu ochen' lyubyat yeye druzya i sem'ya.) - 米拉的朋友和家人非常爱她。

'mila'是一个女性名字,源自斯拉夫语。它的中文翻译为米拉,读音为mēi lā。


1. Mila is a very talented artist.


2. My friend Mila moved to Canada last year.





例句:- Oh, so you're feeling confident, or you want to make mila jealous. (哦, 所以你感到自信, 或者你想 让米拉嫉妒。)


例句:Such a shift brought forth a large leap up in frequency for Mila as so many cords of attachment were released simultaneously. (这样一个变迁,因为这么多连接被同时解除,给Mila带来了巨大频率跃迁。)


例句:But she wanted to take one last look at the lovely Mila Galami (她想最后看一眼银幕上美丽动人的米拉格拉米)


例句:Mila: "It's the name of a gorgeous young star, Mila Kunis, PLUS it resembles a handful of trendy names -- Mia, Maya, Lila" (翻译:Mila:该名字是魅力年轻女星米拉·库妮丝的名字,另外,它还和其它几个流行名字很相像,如Mia,Maya和Lila。)


1. But she wanted to take one last look at the lovely Mila Galami (翻译:她想最后看一眼银幕上美丽动人的米拉格拉米)

2. Mila: "It's the name of a gorgeous young star, Mila Kunis, PLUS it resembles a handful of trendy names -- Mia, Maya, Lila" (翻译:Mila:该名字是魅力年轻女星米拉·库妮丝的名字,另外,它还和其它几个流行名字很相像,如Mia,Maya和Lila。)

3. The leading character was a strong and beautiful woman guerrilla Her name was Mila Galami (翻译:女主角是个美丽又坚强的游击队员,她的名字叫米拉格拉米)

4. Mila has used many organic creams and lotions as her regeneration began to fail that were available upon the health food store shelves. (翻译:当再生开始失败的时候,Mila已经使用了多种在健康食品店中买得到的有机霜和乳液。)

5. As Mila caters to Victor, Jack watches closely. (翻译:米拉伺候维克多用餐时,杰克注意观察着情况。)

6. Once on a trip to the South West and on a trail in Sedona Arizona, two crows danced for Mila and Oa. (翻译:曾有一次在去西南部旅途中的亚利桑那Sedona市的一条小路上,有2只乌鸦为Mila和Oa起舞。)

7. Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi defied rigid geometry when he designed Casa Mila Barcelona. (翻译:西班牙建筑师安东尼·高迪在设计米拉之家时对僵死的几何学极其蔑视。)

8. Mila purchased small bags of each herb she muscle tested would be good for the Herb Water in her toner and creams. (翻译:Mila买了数小包根据她肌肉测试合适的药草,来做她的调肤水和面霜里的药草水。)

9. Mila and Oa were happy that this was the case and are not so upset as a result if some of there spheres break apart in ascension. (翻译:Mila和Oa很高兴是这样的情况,因此如果有矿石球在提升中裂开的话他们不再担心。)

10. It was not until she returned to Banff in July that Mila understood why she could not enjoy the fur from the furriers. (翻译:直到Milaxx月再次回到班夫时才明白,为什么自己不会喜欢来自皮毛商的皮毛。)

11. And maybe if a girl gets to know me, she'll still dump me like mila, but... (翻译:也许 如果一个女孩得到认识我。她还是会倾我像米拉,)

12. Mila discovered as she opened up to her internal guidance that she was no longer lonely even when alone. (翻译:Mila发现,当向内在引导打开时她不再感到孤独,即使是孤身一人。)

13. Lilliya (Mila) also has her physical problems but they are not life threatening whereas Nomi's are. (翻译:也有身体的问题,不过并没有象Nomi那样带来生命威胁。)

14. -Blind confessions of love ain't gonna cut it with a girl like mila. (翻译:爱的盲目告白 是不是要去剪 与像米拉一个女孩。)

15. At the time Mila studied with her teacher, she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye. (翻译:在Mila跟她老师学习的时候,她被告知从皇冠脉轮进行解读,而不是用第三眼。)



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