angelina是什么意思 angelina的中文翻译、读音、例句

angelina是什么意思 angelina的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源:Angelina是一个女性名字,源自拉丁语的Angelus(天使)。在英语中,它也可以作为缩写词使用,例如'Angie'。


- Angelina's mother named her after her great-grandmother.


- Brad Pitt affectionately called Angelina Jolie 'Angie'.


2. 名人:Angelina是一个著名的女演员、导演和人权活动家,她在好莱坞拥有高知名度。


- Angelina Jolie received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2000.


- Angelina Jolie has been a United Nations goodwill ambassador since 2001.


3. 产品:'Angelina'也可以是某些产品的名称,例如一家法国巧克力店,以及一种女士内衣品牌。


- Angelina's hot chocolate is world-famous.


- Angelina Jolie was the face of the lingerie brand, St. John.

(安吉丽娜·朱莉是女士内衣品牌St. John的代言人。)

4. 其他用途:'Angelina'也可以用于其他用途,例如网络用户名、宠物名字等等。


- Angelina23 is a popular username on Instagram.


- My daughter named her hamster Angelina after her favorite actress.






1. Angelina Jolie is a famous Hollywood actress. (安琪莉娜·朱莉是著名的好莱坞女演员。)

2. The name Angelina means "angel-like". (安琪琳娜这个名字的意思是“像天使一样的”。)




例句:Lips like Angelina Jolie. Green eyes... (嘴唇和安吉丽娜 朱丽一样性感 绿色的眼睛)


例句:I got Brad and Angelina a playdate with another set of twins in the building. (我替Brad和Angelina约了 楼里另一对双胞胎一起玩)


例句:Hey, does that new valet look a little shifty to you? (-Angelina是我的最爱 -Angelina)


例句:Angelina is said to be happy to put up with the sleepless nights because she wants to be near Shiloh. (翻译:由于想和爱女亲近,安吉莉娜倒是乐于忍受这些不眠之夜。)


angelina一般作为名词使用,如在Angelina(安吉莉娜 女子名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Angelina安吉莉娜 女子名


1. Hey, does that new valet look a little shifty to you? (翻译:-Angelina是我的最爱 -Angelina)

2. Angelina is said to be happy to put up with the sleepless nights because she wants to be near Shiloh. (翻译:由于想和爱女亲近,安吉莉娜倒是乐于忍受这些不眠之夜。)

3. - I hear Brad Pitt and Angelina are in town promoting a movie. (翻译:听说布莱德彼特和安洁莉娜裘莉 要来宣传电影)

4. Most people that are following the story of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will know where Namibia is. (翻译:大部分人因为 安吉丽娜.朱莉 和布拉德.皮特的原因 知道了纳米比亚在哪里。)

5. “And women, ” said Chaser Angelina Johnson. (翻译:女捕手安戈琳娜。约翰逊说。)

6. While actress Angelina Jolie's international adoptions have gone off relatively quietly, that's not always been the case forMadonna. (翻译:尽管女演员安吉丽娜朱莉的国际收养事件已经相对平息,但对麦当娜确并非如此。)

7. ANGELINA Jolie is thinking of turning her attention to politics with a view to ending up in the White House, it has been revealed. (翻译:据透露,安吉丽娜·朱莉正考虑把注意力转向政治活动,为的是最终入主白宫。)

8. Since Angelina Love first left TNA in 2009, there has been no central heel force in the Knockouts division. (翻译:自从安吉丽娜爱在xx年第一次离开TNA,一直没有在中央部门击倒脚跟的力量。)

9. Angelina Jolie's family and friends are 'begging her to eat more, ' claims Grazia magazine. Do YOU think she's too thin? (翻译:安吉丽娜·朱莉的家人和朋友都“祈求她多吃一点。”《红秀》杂志报导。你觉得她看上去太瘦吗?)

10. Brad and Angelina have one nanny for each of their six children. (翻译:布拉德和安吉丽娜为他们的六个孩子各雇了一个保姆。)

11. The president of Croatia and his wife Tanja posed for a picture with Angelina Jolie. (翻译:克罗地亚总统和他的妻子塔尼娅与安吉合影。)

12. They must be punished, Angelina. be punished on behalf of true believers. (翻译:他们必须受我主真正的信徒执行的惩罚,Angelina)

13. NOPD confirmed this morning that former Olympic athlete, Raymond Kulinsky and his wife, Angelina Mason were found dead during the Mardi Gras festvities, yesterday. (翻译:当地警方今早证实,前奥林匹克运动员雷蒙德-库林斯凯和他的妻子安吉利娜-梅森昨天被杀死在四旬斋前一天的游行里。)

14. The doctors said the trend for plump, luscious lips as sported by Angelina Jolie were no longer popular. (翻译:这两名医生说,安吉丽娜朱莉引以为傲的丰满性感嘴唇已经不再流行了。)

15. Angelina Jolie, daughter of Academy Award winner Jon Voight, uses her middle name to avoid leaning on her famous lineage. (翻译:朱丽是奥斯卡金像奖得主乔斯·沃伊特的女儿。为了避免仰赖显赫的家世,她采用了她的中名。)

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