tirade是什么意思 tirade的中文翻译、读音、例句

tirade是什么意思 tirade的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Tirade是指一场激烈而长时间的口头攻击或抨击,通常带有愤怒、敌对和挑衅的情绪。

2. Tirade还可以指某人或某物咆哮的声音或强烈的语气。

3. Tirade有时也可以用来表示一系列的骂人或指责性的话。

4. Tirade还可以表示某人不断的发表某种看法或观点。


1. He launched into a tirade against the government's immigration policies. (他发起了一场激烈的攻击,抨击政府的移民政策。)

2. The manager was subjected to a tirade of abuse from angry customers. (经理受到了愤怒顾客的滔滔不绝的谩骂。)

3. The film director went on a tirade against critics who panned his latest movie. (这位电影导演抨击那些批评他最新电影的评论家。)

4. The politician's speech was interrupted by a tirade of heckling from the audience. (政治家的演讲被观众的嘲笑声所打断。)

5. She launched into a tirade of criticism against her boss, accusing him of unfair treatment. (她开始对她的老板进行一系列的批评,指责他不公正对待。)




1. Son tirade contre son patron a duré plus de trente minutes.(法语)


2. Il a commencé une tirade passionnée contre la corruption du gouvernement.(法语)


3. Elle a lancé une tirade violente contre son mari infidèle.(法语)


4. Sa tirade a fait taire toute la salle.(法语)


5. La tirade du politicien était remplie d'accusations injustes.(法语)


6. Sa tirade contre la vraie nature de l'amour a mis tout le monde mal à l'aise.(法语)


7. La tirade de l'avocat a convaincu le jury de son client est innocent.(法语)


8. Son tirade a été critiquée comme étant inappropriée pour une émission de télévision familiale.(法语)


9. La tirade de l'acteur a été l'un des moments les plus mémorables de la pièce.(法语)






1. She delivered a tirade against her ex-husband, accusing him of dishonesty and infidelity.(她发表了一番长篇的攻击她前夫的演讲,指责他不诚实,不忠)

2. After receiving a tirade of criticism from the boss, he felt demotivated and disheartened.(在老板的一番激烈批评之后,他感到失去了动力和信心)

tirade在英语中代表"长篇激烈演说 、长篇激烈的演说"的意思,还经常被翻译为长篇大论,发音是['taireid],tirade是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到20个与tirade相关的例句。



例句:Then today, Pearce took to his Twitter feed, claiming responsibility for the leaks, and then later, unleashing an anti-Semitic tirade against Hollywood. (..已发布裸照 他的前女友通过互联网昨晚。今天皮尔斯说问责 通过他的个人微博上的照片。然后取下的话 好莱坞打脏了。)


例句:She launched into a tirade of abuse against politicians. (她发表了长篇演说,愤怒地谴责政客。)


例句:I wanted to take the opportunity to address some of what came out of the emotional tirade triggered by Davis' death. (我想借此机会,回应那些些由于Davis的执行死刑而引发的情绪化的长篇的攻击性言论。)


例句:Are you concerned at all about Congressman Baxter's tirade and the adverse effects it may have on your bill? (翻译:您对巴克斯特的谴责性讲话在意吗? 还有可能对议案造成的不良影响?)


1. I wanted to take the opportunity to address some of what came out of the emotional tirade triggered by Davis' death. (翻译:我想借此机会,回应那些些由于Davis的执行死刑而引发的情绪化的长篇的攻击性言论。)

2. Are you concerned at all about Congressman Baxter's tirade and the adverse effects it may have on your bill? (翻译:您对巴克斯特的谴责性讲话在意吗? 还有可能对议案造成的不良影响?)

3. I want to explode in a tirade of fury, and I want to crawl under a rock. (翻译:我既想一阵狂骂, 又恨不得马上钻到地下。)

4. She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business. (翻译:她针对毁掉她生意的那些政策发起了一番愤怒声讨。)

5. Replays indicated the call had been a harsh one and an incensed Williams unleashed a verbal tirade and waved her racket at the line judge. (翻译:重播显示,这个判罚颇为严苛,而怒火中烧的威廉姆斯一边厉声斥责司线一边朝她挥舞手中的球拍。)

6. All it takes is for the Big Girl to say something like, "You forgot to remind me to bring my library book, " to send me into a tirade. (翻译:只需要大女儿说类似:“你忘记提醒我要带图书馆图书”就能让我言辞激烈。)

7. I sneered her name out like it was the nastiest cuss word on this Earth and finished the last part of my tirade. (翻译:我冷笑着她的名字,如同它是地球上最令人困扰的坏话字,完成了我的长篇大论的最后一部分。)

8. Viewed from the perspective of my bed, Mr Fried's anti-office tirade might seem the more germane. (翻译:从我卧床的角度来看,弗里德反办公室的激情演讲似乎更切题。)

9. He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner. (翻译:他对特纳发表了一篇过激的演说。)



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