kayak是什么意思 kayak的中文翻译、读音、例句

kayak是什么意思 kayak的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:kayak 是一种独木舟,通常由皮革、木头、塑料等材料制成,可以在水上划行。它是一种传统的因纽特人、格陵兰人和阿留申人等滑雪的交通工具,现在已经普遍使用。


词组搭配:kayak paddle(独木舟桨)、kayak trip(独木舟旅行)、kayak adventure(独木舟冒险)、kayak rental(独木舟租赁)

短语:go kayaking(去划独木舟)



1. She loves to go kayaking on the weekends. 她喜欢在周末去划独木舟。

2. The kayak glided smoothly on the calm water. 独木舟在平静的水面上平稳滑行。

3. His kayak capsized in the strong wind. 在大风中他的独木舟翻了。

4. They rented a kayak for the afternoon. 他们租了一艘独木舟度过下午。

5. Kayaking requires strength and balance. 划独木舟需要力量和平衡能力。

6. The kayak expedition lasted for a month. 独木舟远征持续了一个月。

7. He bought a new kayak for his upcoming trip. 他为即将到来的旅行买了一艘新的独木舟。



1. Aqsaqtaq qarluqmi qimmiq niriiniqtautimik, kayaki tupattimut atuinnait.(因纽特语:狗是我们的帮手,我们坐在皮艇上前行。)

2. Nous avons loué des kayaks pour faire une excursion en rivière.(法语:我们租了皮艇去河里游览。)

3. I went kayaking on the lake yesterday.(英语:昨天我在湖上划皮艇。)

4. Saya ingin mencoba kayak di sungai ini.(印尼语:我想在这条河上划独木舟。)

5. Jag älskar att paddla kajak på sjön.(瑞典语:我喜欢在湖上划皮艇。)

6. Ho affittato un kayak per fare un giro sulla Laguna.(意大利语:我租了一艘皮艇在湖上游览。)

7. Kayak ile nehirde gezmek çok keyifli.(土耳其语:在皮艇上划河很有趣。)

8. 我们决定在这个热带天堂划皮艇。 (汉语:We decided to kayak in this tropical heaven.)

9. Calen and I went kayaking on the lake.(西班牙语:Calen和我一起在湖上划皮艇。)



1. He loves to go kayaking on the weekends.(他喜欢在周末去划皮艇。)

2. The Inuit people are known for their skill in building and using kayaks.(因纽特人以建造和使用皮艇的技能而闻名。)

3. The kayakers paddled down the river, enjoying the beautiful scenery.(划皮艇的人们划过河流,欣赏美丽的景色。)




例句:For me, I love to get out on my mountain bike and ride technical trails, kayak, or go for a long motorcycle ride. (对我而言,我喜欢骑山地车上山道,划皮艇,或骑摩托跑长途。)


例句:Romance factor: Sea kayak to a tiny Secret Beach for a champagne picnic with just you and your partner. (浪漫指数:在海上划着皮艇到小小的秘密滩上,过一个只有你们俩的野外香槟餐。)


例句:It's sort of like a mash-up of Kayak.com and the Waze traffic app for health care. (很像医疗领域Kayak.com 和Waze交通应用的融合版。)


例句:One of their men dived into the water and cut the bottom of the Chukchi's kayak. (翻译:他们让其中一个人潜入水中然后剪坏楚克其族人的皮艇的底部。)


kayak一般作为名词使用,如在double kayak(双人皮艇)、Kayak Cape([地名] 凯阿克角 ( 美 ))、kayak vertigo([医] 独木舟眩晕(美洲爱斯基摩人的病))等常见短语中出现较多。

double kayak双人皮艇
Kayak Cape[地名] 凯阿克角 ( 美 )
kayak vertigo[医] 独木舟眩晕(美洲爱斯基摩人的病)
rigid kayak非折叠式的皮艇
sea kayakvi. 在海上划爱斯基摩皮艇
single kayak单人皮艇
tandem kayak双人皮艇
Ul'kayak[地名] 乌尔卡亚克河 ( 哈 )


1. It's sort of like a mash-up of Kayak.com and the Waze traffic app for health care. (翻译:很像医疗领域Kayak.com 和Waze交通应用的融合版。)

2. One of their men dived into the water and cut the bottom of the Chukchi's kayak. (翻译:他们让其中一个人潜入水中然后剪坏楚克其族人的皮艇的底部。)

3. How: From Puerto Montt, the nearest major seaport, take a cruise into the park and jump ship--preferably with kayak and fishing rod. (翻译:怎样去:从最近的海港城市——蒙特港出发,乘船进入国家公园,并跳船——更好的方法是乘坐皮划艇。)

4. We saw the emergence of flight search engines such as Kayak and Skyscanner. (翻译:我们看到了诸如 Kayak 和 Skyscanner 这些航班搜索引擎的出现。)

5. You can take the kayak, and you can take it all the way around down to Hoover Dam, you can sail around, and then from there you can take the river all the way down to Mexico! (翻译:你能用这皮艇 一路上都能用 下了胡佛水坝 就能到处划行 接着从那儿开始 顺着河就能到墨西哥了!)

6. Meanwhile, Kayak’s controversial TV ads may well have an addition to their ranks to support the Wallet tool on the new app. TBC, Birge says. (翻译:同时,Kayak备受争议的电视广告对于这一新的手机应用上的Wallet工具能否有很大的支持,Birge的答案是:现在还不能确定。)

7. It's not a kayak, Senator. This is Jack Neely's coffin. (翻译:参议员,这并非独木舟而是给内利准备的棺材)

8. Cruises offer unique opportunities to snorkel, waterski, fish, kayak and sail in virtually untouched waters. (翻译:游轮提供独特的机会,潜水,滑水,鱼,皮划艇,并在几乎原封不动水域航行。)

9. Hermon in the 19th century German engineers under his flying experience, will create a kayak fish, and increased speed. (翻译:19世纪末德国工程师赫曼根据自己的飞行经验,将皮艇制造成鱼形,提高了船速。)

10. I will go with you. We leave Sonja here, and then we take the kayak. (翻译:我和你去,我们把松娅留在这儿 然后我们划皮艇走)

11. Meanwhile, Kayak's controversial TV ads may well have an addition to their ranks to support the Wallet tool on the new app. TBC, Birge says. (翻译:同时,Kayak备受争议的电视广告对于这一新的手机应用上的Wallet工具能否有很大的支持,Birge的答案是:现在还不能确定。)

12. Earn enough KAYAK Dollars and you could get the chance to win an entry in a sweepstake for the possibility of the idea of a prize of a magical pony. (翻译:赚够 KAYAK 美元,你就有机会获得彩票抽奖的机会,可能赢取神奇的小马的奖品创意。)

13. Their skin canoe, known as a kayak, is one of the most highly maneuverable small craft ever constructed. (翻译:皮肤独木舟,被誉为皮艇,是最便于操作的小艇不断兴建。)

14. He left it in the back of a kayak, I swear to you. Yeah? (翻译:是他落在皮艇后面的 我发誓 He left it in the back of a kayak, I swear to you.)

15. Get out on the water - Rent a sailboat, rowboat, paddleboat, kayak, or canoe. (翻译:水上约会活动——你可以租一艘帆船,皮划艇,划艇,皮艇,或独木舟。)



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