derail是什么意思 derail的中文翻译、读音、例句

derail是什么意思 derail的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义:指火车脱轨,或者引申为计划、事情或行动突然遇到问题或失败。

2. 形象:该词可以想象成火车从原本正常的轨道上脱离,意味着计划或者事情失控了。

3. 使用场景:该词普遍用于谈论项目、计划或者战略的突然失败或失控。


1. The train derailed and crashed into a house.


2. The company's ambitious plans were derailed by the pandemic.


3. The negotiations derailed when one side walked out of the meeting.


4. The athlete's injury derailed her chances of winning the championship.


5. The politician's controversial remarks derailed his campaign.





1. The train derailed and several passengers were injured.(火车脱轨,多名乘客受伤。)

2. Don't let personal interests derail your work.(不要让个人利益影响你的工作。)

3. The argument between the two colleagues derailed the meeting.(两位同事之间的争吵使会议偏离方向。)




例句:But if-if it's gonna derail the goals that we've set here at Scorpion, then it can't be realized. (下班回家她又会做什么 而一旦偏离了 我们在这为天蝎团队设立的目标)


例句:Stting and talking face to face --where an eye roll or twinge of pain could derail the discussion--was tough. (面对面的坐下来交谈—眼睛转动或者刺痛可能破坏讨论—不爽。)


例句:Ahmadinejad came into his presidency saying if the international community wants to derail us we will stand up to it. (内贾德当政期间曾说过 如果国际社会想让我们失败 我们将站起来面对这挑战)


例句:Especially if that person were closing a merger with a large public bank where any publicity or arrest could delay or derail the transaction, but that's only if there were some evidence that could link him to the crime. (翻译:尤其是他的公司正准备和一家 大型银行合并 一但被曝光或逮捕,交易...)


derail一般作为名词、动词使用,如在lifting derail(脱轨道岔)、noninterlocked derail(非联锁脱轨器)、positive derail(强制脱轨)等常见短语中出现较多。

lifting derail脱轨道岔
noninterlocked derail非联锁脱轨器
positive derail强制脱轨
electric lock derail电锁脱轨器
lift block derail脱轨器
lifting block derail[电] 脱轨器
point type derail脱轨器


1. Ahmadinejad came into his presidency saying if the international community wants to derail us we will stand up to it. (翻译:内贾德当政期间曾说过 如果国际社会想让我们失败 我们将站起来面对这挑战)

2. Especially if that person were closing a merger with a large public bank where any publicity or arrest could delay or derail the transaction, but that's only if there were some evidence that could link him to the crime. (翻译:尤其是他的公司正准备和一家 大型银行合并 一但被曝光或逮捕,交易...)

3. We all know that a train that's going too fast around a bend can derail, but Seifu, the engineer, taught me that a train that's going too slowly around a bend can also derail. (翻译:我们都知道在弯道处 开得太快的火车会脱轨, 但是工程师赛孚 告诉我在弯道 开得太慢的火车也会脱轨。)

4. "Which two? " I might say, just to derail him, and he would staunchly say, "Josie. Josie, of course. " (翻译:“哪两个人?”也许我该问他,只是想挑衅,然后他应该会坚定地说,“乔茜。当然是和乔茜。”)

5. At the other extreme, he discredits the idea of trying to delay or derail China's rise as too confrontational. (翻译:相反,他不相信试图推迟或者挫败中国的崛起的见解,认为这种见解太过具有挑衅性。)

6. An American military hit squad sent to derail the peace talks between FARC and the Colombian government. (翻译:一支美国军事小队 破坏了FARC与哥伦比亚政府之间的和平谈话。)

7. I did not put you in charge so you could derail the entire war strategy. (翻译:我让你来掌管大局 可不是让你破坏整个战争策略)

8. If a cheap move like this can derail anyone's nomination, then... (翻译:如果这样廉价的行为 就可以破坏任何提名 以后)

9. Yet this mountain of bad loans did not portend an economic slowdown, undermine public finances or derail economic growth. (翻译:但是,如此之高的不良贷款却没有引来经济下滑、妨碍公共财政或让经济增长偏离正轨。)

10. The clear implication was this was an attempt to derail the nuclear programme. (翻译:其明显的暗示是这是一次企图干扰和项目的举动。)

11. Not to change the subject, but there were times when his dogged dedication threatened to derail it all. (翻译:Not to change the subject, but there were times when his dogged dedication threatened to derail it all.)

12. This latest incident could derail the peace process. (翻译:最近这个事件可能会扰乱和平进程。)

13. A letter writing campaign, bused-in retirees, focus groups, and other tricks were used to try to derail the ZEV mandate. (翻译:一场给退休人员、关键团体发信的信件风暴,以及其他花招被用来试图破坏ZEV“强制要求”。)

14. Now the third area is the one that I want to focus on the most, and that's the category of existential risks: events like a nuclear war or a global pandemic that could permanently derail civilization or even lead to the extinction of the human race. (翻译:接下来第三个领域是我最想强调的。这就是存亡风险: 一些像核战争或者全球性瘟疫的事件 这些可能永久地使文明脱节, 或者甚至导致人类种族的灭绝。)

15. Listen, I hate to derail us, but, uh... (翻译:听着 我并不想让你们绕道 但是... Listen, I hate to derail us, but, uh... - Finch 晚点再吃饭)

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