am oled是什么意思 am oled的中文翻译、读音、例句

am oled是什么意思 am oled的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:am oled是一个缩写词,全称为Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode,翻译为活性矩阵有机发光二极管。它是一种新型的显示技术,可以在低电压下将有机材料发光。这种技术比传统的液晶显示技术更加节能、更薄、更轻、更灵活,并且可以实现更高的分辨率和更明亮的颜色表现。

2. 应用:am oled技术在智能手机、平板电脑、电视、车载显示器等电子产品中得到了广泛应用。它可以实现更加生动、自然、真实的图像和视频显示,给用户带来更好的视觉体验。

3. 原理:am oled技术利用电流在有机材料中流动时,激发其分子产生发光的现象。为了实现对每个像素点的独立控制,am oled采用了矩阵式的电路结构,每个像素点都有自己的控制器和电极,可以灵活地控制亮度和色彩。

4. 优点:am oled技术相比传统的显示技术有以下几个显著优点:①更薄、更轻;②更节能;③更高的对比度和更真实的颜色表现;④更灵活,可以实现曲面屏幕、柔性屏幕等多种形态。


1. The new smartphone features an am oled display, which provides a clear and colorful screen.

2. The latest TV models use am oled technology, which offers stunningly bright and vivid images.

3. In the automotive industry, am oled displays are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and superior image quality.

4. The company invested heavily in am oled research and development to stay ahead in the highly competitive market.

5. Many experts predict that am oled will become the mainstream display technology in the near future.

'am oled'可能是一种拼写错误,正确的应该是 "I am OLED",意思是 "我是OLED",表示自己是一种OLED显示技术的类型或设备。

读音为 /aɪ æm ˈoʊlɛd/。


- "What kind of display does your phone have?" "I am OLED display."

- "I heard that OLED TVs have better contrast than other types of TVs." "Yes, I am OLED TV and I have excellent contrast." (中文翻译: "我听说OLED电视的对比度比其他类型的电视更好。" "是的,我是OLED电视,我有极好的对比度。")

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