词义:golden goose 指的是一项能够不断带来财富或者利润的有利资源,也可以指一个被视为重要的、有用的、成功的事物。
词组搭配:lay (the) golden goose (指的是毁掉一个有利可图的资源)。
发音拼写:['ɡoʊldən ɡuːs]
1. The new product became the company's golden goose, bringing in millions in revenue every year. (这个公司的新产品成为了它的摇钱树,每年带来数百万的收入。)
2. Many believed that the superstar athlete was the team's golden goose and would lead them to victory. (许多人认为这位超级明星运动员是团队的摇钱树,将带领他们获得胜利。)
3. The technology company's groundbreaking invention was their golden goose, making them a major player in the industry. (这个科技公司的创新发明成为它们的摇钱树,让它们成为业内的重要玩家。)
4. The oil industry has long been considered a golden goose, providing many countries with a valuable source of income. (石油行业长期以来被认为是摇钱树,为许多国家提供了宝贵的收入来源。)
5. Unfortunately, the company's decision to lay the golden goose proved to be disastrous for their bottom line. (不幸的是,公司放弃利润丰厚的资源最终对它们的业绩造成了灾难性的影响。)
6. The small business owner knew that their reputation as a reliable supplier was their golden goose and worked hard to maintain it. (小企业主知道他们作为可靠供应商的声誉是他们的摇钱树,并努力维持它。)
7. The country's tourism industry has become a golden goose, with millions of visitors flocking to see its natural beauty and historic landmarks. (这个国家的旅游业已经成为了摇钱树,数百万游客涌来观看它的自然美景和历史地标。)
golden goose意为“金鹅”,用来比喻一个能够稳定、持续并且有效益的收入来源或者利润来源,是一种财务上的资产或者商业模式。
读音:/ˈɡoʊldən ɡuːs/
1. His business has become a golden goose, providing him with a steady stream of income.
2. The company's new product has the potential to become a golden goose for them.
golden goose的意思是"传说中每天能下一金蛋的鹅",还经常被翻译为传说中每天能下一金蛋的鹅,在线读音是[ˈɡəuldən ɡu:s],golden goose来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到41个与golden goose相关的句子。
Golden goose的翻译
例句:Blinded by greed, she underestimated the potential of her young acolyte, and killed the goose that was laying the golden eggs. (由字当头,她低估了她年轻的助手潜力,杀鹅取金蛋的产蛋。)
golden goose一般作为名词使用,如在the golden goose([网络] 金鹅;黄金鹅;金色的鹅)、to goose([网络] 突然加大油门)、golden(金的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
the golden goose | [网络] 金鹅;黄金鹅;金色的鹅 |
to goose | [网络] 突然加大油门 |
golden | 金的 |
dunter goose | [网络] unter鹅 |
Egyptian goose | [网络] 埃及雁;埃及鹅;埃及雁鸭 |
get the goose | 被人喝例彩 |
gone goose | 不可救药的人,无希望的事 |
Goose and Duck | [网络] 鹅和鸭;鹅和鸭的英文名称为;鹅和鸭酒吧 |
goose barnacle | 狗爪螺 |
1. We can't go on a wild-goose chase (翻译:-goose chase 就跑去漫无目的地调查 because of something Gabriel said.)
2. Laird, it doesn't count as a sneak attack if I can see... (翻译:莱德 被我看到就不算偷袭... Goose!)
3. You know, I was Goredale's golden goose, and now I'm just Partridge pie, with peas. (翻译:曾经我是戈多尔的金鹅 《杰克与豆茎》 现在只不过是加了豌豆的帕特奇小派派)
4. You ain't no golden goose, you're a yellow rat snitch, and you got Maroni all twisted. (翻译:你不是什么下金蛋的鹅 你只是不要脸出卖老大 还耍得马罗尼团团转)
5. Tell old Golden Balls where to stick his job. (翻译:让Golden Balls那老家伙看好自己的生意)
6. But, uh Golden Nugget has the best prime rib in town, if that's... (翻译:但是,呃... Golden Nuggest有最棒的羊排,如果...)
7. Say goodbye to your golden retriever (翻译:Say goodbye to your golden retriever)
8. Hello, ma'am. Are you Marla Golden? (翻译:你好 女士 你是Marla Golden吗?)
9. Goose, Cougar's in trouble. (翻译:美洲狮,要降落了,快点回去 野鹅,美洲狮出了事)
10. To know me as hardly golden (翻译:#To know me as hardly golden#)
11. Only four golden tickets left. (翻译:只剩下四张金奖券了 Only four golden tickets left.)
12. I want to be an even golden brown. (翻译:我也想把全身都晒成小麦色 I want to be an even golden brown.)
13. ♪ I just ordered 50 bottles of Ciroc, rose and Goose ♪ (翻译:# I just ordered 50 bottles of C? roc, Rosé and Goose #)
14. ♪ You want Goose, you want Jimmy? (翻译:# # You want Goose, you want Jimmy? #)
15. Jimmy the Goose, larger than life and twice as ugly! (翻译:Jimmy 代号 Goose, 视生死于无物 但就是长的有点丑)