minion是什么意思 minion的中文翻译、读音、例句

minion是什么意思 minion的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:n. 奴才,走狗;忠实的追随者,属下。



1. loyal minions:忠诚的部下。

2. minions of the law:法律的执行者。

3. the king's minions:国王的臣子。

4. a minion of fate:命运的奴才。

短语:be someone's minion(是某人的走狗)。

发音拼写:英 [ˈmɪnjən],美 [ˈmɪniən]。


1. He was a minion of the emperor during that period of time.(那段时间他是皇帝的属下。)

2. The boss's minions were loyal to him even when the company was in crisis.(即使公司危机时,老板的走狗还是很忠诚的。)

3. The police officers are the minions of the law, and it's their responsibility to uphold justice.(警察是法律的执行者,他们有责任维护正义。)

4. The king's minions always tried to please their master with their loyalty and dedication.(国王的臣子总是尽力表现得忠诚和投入,以取悦他们的主人。)

5. The politician was accused of being a minion of fate, making decisions based on astrology instead of reason.(那位政治家被指责是命运的奴才,根据占星术而非理性做出决策。)




1. He surrounded himself with a team of loyal minions.


2. The evil villain had an army of minions to do his bidding.


3. The king's minions were busy preparing for his coronation.





例句:I lied to Roxanne, and... my best friend Minion, I treated like dirt. (我对Roxanne撒了谎 还有... 我最好的朋友 仆人 我将其视为草芥)


例句:Seems to be as common as the minion but with eight glowing eyes. (看起来和带刀护卫一样,但是有八个发光的眼睛。)


例句:When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program. (如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。)


例句:Some days, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world. (翻译:有段时间 就好像只有我和我的仆人与世界为敌)


minion一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在minion of fortune(命运的宠儿)等常见短语中出现较多。

minion of fortune命运的宠儿


1. When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program. (翻译:如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。)

2. Some days, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world. (翻译:有段时间 就好像只有我和我的仆人与世界为敌)

3. No, my minion, you are my secret weapon. I shall reveal you only when the time is right. (翻译:不,我的仆人,你是我的秘密武器。我只会在时机适宜时展现你。)

4. All hail Minion Yellow. (翻译:欢迎小黄人黄! )

5. Minion, if I live, I will kill you. (翻译:仆人 如果我能活下来 要让你吃不了兜着走)

6. I have an army to build, and one compelled minion does not an army make. (翻译:我还要建立一整个部队呢 一个被控制的仆从可不是一支部队)

7. Battlecry: Destroy a minion with an Attack of 7 or more. (翻译:战吼:消灭一个攻击力大于或等于7的随从。)

8. The minion is called the Vessel, and he bears this symbol. (翻译:这个仆人就是替身使者 The minion is called the Vessel 他有这个印记 and he bears this symbol.)

9. Dear Minion: It is an outrage that you and your colleagues have been placed in this absurd position. (翻译:你和你的同事被置于如此荒谬的境地,实在是骇人听闻。)

10. And we all together will be judging that apologist of monarchy and minion of tyranny. (翻译:我们一起去审判这个 君主制的袒护者, 暴君的奴才)

11. Minion, I think now would be a good time... to see a demonstration of your wonderfully demonic children. (翻译:现在是时候让你的邪魔小朋友... 展示一下他们的威力了 当然)

12. In 2017, we had heard of this handheld, portable DNA sequencer called an Oxford Nanopore MinION. (翻译:在xx年, 我们听说了这个叫做 Oxford Nanopore MinION 的 手持便携式DNA测序仪。)

13. Freddy sort of enlisted Jason to be his little minion to help him kill people. (翻译:我们得还原角色的本真性 弗雷迪想招募贾森,让他替自己杀人)

14. I tell you, Minion. There's no place like evil lair. (翻译:我告诉你哦 仆人 金窝银窝比不上自己的狗窝啊)

15. Don't fall into the trap of becoming a mindless minion. (翻译:不要掉进陷阱,成了没脑子的奴才。)



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