intensely是什么意思 intensely的中文翻译、读音、例句

intensely是什么意思 intensely的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:'intensely'是一个副词,表示某种情感或状态非常强烈,通常是消极的。用于形容人的情感、心情、疼痛等。

2. 词源解析:'intensely'源自拉丁语'intensus',意为“拉紧,紧张”,表示的是一种强烈的紧张感。

3. 词性变化:intense(形容词)→ intensely(副词)。

4. 用法提示:'intensely'常用于形容负面情绪或痛苦,强调情感或感觉的强烈程度。


1. She was intensely jealous of her sister's success.(她对姐姐的成功非常嫉妒。)

2. The pain in my stomach was intensely sharp.(我肚子里的疼痛非常剧烈。)

3. He felt intensely lonely after his divorce.(离婚后,他感到非常孤独。)

4. The room was intensely hot, making it difficult to breathe.(房间里非常热,令人呼吸困难。)

5. The students were intensely focused on their exams, ignoring everything else around them.(学生们专注于他们的考试,忽略周围的一切。)

英 [ɪnˈtensli] 美 [ɪnˈtɛnsli]



1. They were intensely focused on their work.


2. The experience was intensely emotional.


3. She felt intensely betrayed by her friend's actions.


4. The sun beat down intensely on the dry desert landscape.





例句:The meteor, rushing through the air, becomes intensely heated by friction and is usually completely vaporized. (流星快速掠过空气时,由于磨擦而变得非常热,通常被完全气化了)


例句:Prodigiosin is an intensely red pyrrole pigment produced by several bacteria, most notably, Serratia marcescens. (灵菌红素是由若干种细菌特别是粘质沙雷菌产生的一种红色吡咯色素。)


例句:Since I'm here way, way and I think very intensely. (我不停地在这个囚房里走来走去, 紧张的不停地在思考)


例句:Gould was an intensely private individual. (翻译:古尔德曾是个相当孤僻的人。)


1. Since I'm here way, way and I think very intensely. (翻译:我不停地在这个囚房里走来走去, 紧张的不停地在思考)

2. Gould was an intensely private individual. (翻译:古尔德曾是个相当孤僻的人。)

3. Ferraro campaigned intensely against the policies of the Republican president, Ronald Reagan, and for women's rights. (翻译:费拉罗针对共和党人里根总统的政策以及妇女权益等主题展开密集竞选活动。)

4. Both men are intensely loyal civilians from the radical wing of chavismo. (翻译:这两个人都是查韦斯主义激进派的强烈忠诚捍卫者。)

5. There's no doubt that Obama is intensely charismatic and that it provides him with unusual political capital. (翻译:毫无疑问,奥巴马有着强烈的领袖气质,而这种天赐的气质正是他非同寻常的政治资本。)

6. When they brought an astronomer there, they realized that it was a ceremonial site, very intensely astronomical. (翻译:当找来一个天文学家后 他们发现这是一个祭祀点 极其富有天文学含义)

7. Like the Moravians in Germany the Evangelicals discovered an intensely personal Reformation. (翻译:与德国的摩拉维亚人相仿佛,福音主义者 发现了一个与个人密切关联的宗教改革。)

8. Never before I had loved as intensely as I do tonight with you. (翻译:我从来没有像今天晚上 跟你在一起这样强烈地感觉到爱)

9. The relevance of mycotoxins has been intensely studied in connection with contamination of food and feed. (翻译:真菌毒素的相关性研究已密集与污染的食品和饲料。)

10. "The Buddhas once had an intensely colorful appearance, " he said in a statement. (翻译:在埃莫林教授的一份声明中,他说道:“巴米杨佛像曾经是拥有华美的外观的。”)

11. For the next decade Merwin would regularly publish collections of intensely wrought, brightly imagistic poems. (翻译:在接下来的xx年中,梅尔文经常发表风格简练明快,富有意象主义风格的诗集。)

12. A wonderful woman. An intensely private person with a warm heart. (翻译:一个很棒的女人 虽然个性内敛却有颗温暖的心)

13. But the scientific possibilities rally people with diverse interests into working intensely together. (翻译:科学的可能性让 兴趣各异的人聚集到一起, 共同努力工作。)

14. There must be someone - probably many - that you valued intensely. (翻译:一定会有一些人... 也许很多人 是你所珍惜的)

15. Intensely fruity, fine, with black currant nose. Smooth pallet with a nuance of minerals and flint. (翻译:果香浓郁、纯粹,并带有黑加仑的气息。入口平顺,清新强劲,延伸出燧石的味道。)

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