swelled是什么意思 swelled的中文翻译、读音、例句

swelled是什么意思 swelled的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和意义:swelled是动词swell的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“膨胀,肿起,增大”。在口语中,也常用swelled表示“夸张,激动”。

2. 用法:swelled常用于描述物体、声音、情感等的增大或强烈程度的变化,常与介词up或out连用,表示一种突然的或者逐渐的放大。

3. 搭配和用法注意点:swelled可以作及物和不及物动词,也可以和其他词组成短语动词,如swell up,swell out,swell with等。注意在使用时,需要根据上下文去理解swelled的具体含义。


1. The river swelled after the heavy rain last night. (昨晚暴雨后,河水涨了起来。)

2. The crowd swelled to more than two thousand people. (人群逐渐扩大,增至两千多人。)

3. She had to loosen her belt because her waist had swelled after eating too much. (吃多了,她的腰部肚子鼓鼓的,必须松紧带。)

4. The music swelled to a climax and then faded away. (音乐声起伏不定,逐渐达到高潮,然后渐渐消失。)

5. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter graduate from college. (他看着自己的女儿从大学毕业,心中充满了自豪感。)




1. The river swelled after the heavy rainfall.


2. Her ankle swelled after she sprained it.


3. He was swelled with pride after winning the championship.





例句:His throat swelled and his brain was deprived of oxygen for 7 minutes before his First Assistant was able to resuscitate him. (他的喉咙肿大 脑部缺氧 足足过了七分钟 他的助理才过来复苏他)


例句:He swelled like somebody clocked him. (肿得像是被人胖揍了一顿 He swelled like somebody clocked him.)


例句:By the time I get to Fort Smith, that leg will be swelled up tight as Dick's hat band. (你知道,当你到史密斯堡的时候 这条腿会肿得很严重)


例句:I felt like I could see so clearly from up there... the way a crowd of people swelled and thinned, ebbed one way then changed direction, like the tide. (翻译:居于高处 一切如此清楚明了 看着人聚人散 人潮涌向一边 再涌向另一边 如同潮涨潮落)


swelled一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在swelled bar([冶] 鼓胀条)、swelled bed(胀床)、swelled can(胀罐)等常见短语中出现较多。

swelled bar[冶] 鼓胀条
swelled bed胀床
swelled can胀罐
swelled column[建] 鼓形柱
swelled field膨胀场
swelled ground膨胀土
swelled head自大, 自负\n[医] 家禽白喉
swelled heads过度骄傲;自负的人
swelled up[网络] 肿胀起来


1. By the time I get to Fort Smith, that leg will be swelled up tight as Dick's hat band. (翻译:你知道,当你到史密斯堡的时候 这条腿会肿得很严重)

2. I felt like I could see so clearly from up there... the way a crowd of people swelled and thinned, ebbed one way then changed direction, like the tide. (翻译:居于高处 一切如此清楚明了 看着人聚人散 人潮涌向一边 再涌向另一边 如同潮涨潮落)

3. Membership has swelled to over 20 000. (翻译:成员增加到2万余人。)

4. He took a rest and then swelled himself up and fetched a succession of admirable groans. (翻译:他休息了一会儿,然后铆足了劲儿,发出一连串绝佳的呻吟声。)

5. As news of the rebellion spread, its ranks swelled with escaped slaves, deserting soldiers, and hungry peasants. (翻译:随着反叛消息的传播, 斯巴达克斯的军队不断扩大, 加入者有逃亡的奴隶, 叛逃的士兵和饥饿的农民。)

6. They said if I knew, ld get a swelled head and would'nt work hard. (翻译:-没告诉! 说怕我知道了是谁 犯狂,不用功)

7. I can't tell you about them little fellas laying' in their tent... with their bellies swelled out and just skin over their bones... a-shiverin'and a-whinin'like pups. (翻译:我可怜的孩子躺在帐蓬里 肚皮肿胀 瘦骨嶙峋)

8. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south. (翻译:随着移民们南移,人口便增加了,至少是暂时增加了。)

9. Caesar's ambition, which swelled so much it almost stretched the sides of the world, against all color here did put the yoke upon us, which to shake off becomes a warlike people. (翻译:局长现在的野心越来越大 整个地区都被他压榨遍了 他这样让我们日子很难过)

10. He actually had an incident a couple of years ago on a playground where he got stung by a bee, and his throat swelled up and he panicked and lost control. (翻译:几年前他在操场上发生意外 他被蜜蜂蛰了, 喉咙肿起来 他慌了)

11. She sat down wearily , tucking one foot under her, and her heart swelled up with misery, until it felt too large for her bosom. (翻译:她疲惫地坐下,将一条腿盘起来,这时心脏难受得发胀,好像快要从胸膛里爆出来一般似的。)

12. Her wrists, knees and toes swelled up, causing crippling, chronic pain. (翻译:她肿起的手腕,膝盖,和脚趾 让她长久以来痛苦不堪。)

13. At the same time young Sydney stood on the ledge... an argument swelled three stories below. (翻译:当悉尼站在 这座大厦的天台上时 三层楼之下正有人在吵架)

14. The normal clay stabilizer can only play role to the newly water flooded clay mineral, but is not efficient to the swelled clay. (翻译:目前常规的粘土稳定剂对于新注水的粘土矿物有一定的抑制粘土膨胀作用,但对于已经发生粘土膨胀的地层作用不大。)

15. As his son played a range of pieces from Mozart to the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel and Bach, his father swelled with pride. (翻译:当他的儿子演奏了一系列音乐时,从莫扎特到披头士,西蒙和加芬克尔到巴赫,爸爸充满着自豪感。)



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