abruptly是什么意思 abruptly的中文翻译、读音、例句

abruptly是什么意思 abruptly的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:abruptly end(突然结束)、abruptly stop(突然停止)、abruptly change(突然变化)、cut abruptly(突然中止)、end abruptly(突然结束)。




1. The car came to a stop abruptly when it hit a large rock.(当汽车撞到一块大石头时突然停下了。)

2. The concert ended abruptly when the power went out.(音乐会因断电而突然结束。)

3. He abruptly changed his mind and decided not to go.(他突然改变了主意,决定不去了。)

4. The conversation was cut abruptly when the boss walked into the room.(当老板走进房间时,谈话突然中止了。)

5. The movie ended abruptly, leaving the audience confused.(电影突然结束,让观众感到困惑。)





1. He abruptly ended the conversation and walked away.


2. Her career came to an abrupt end when she was diagnosed with a serious illness.


3. The car came to an abrupt stop when it hit the wall.





例句:It was the greatest feeling I ever had... followed very abruptly by the worst feeling I ever had. (从没这样棒的感觉... 却突然有一生最差的感觉)


例句:This river moved over 30 miles very abruptly. (这条河十分突然的 移动了超过30英里。)


例句:He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic. (他突然开始说话,说的是几乎没人能听懂的阿拉伯语。)


1. He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic. (翻译:他突然开始说话,说的是几乎没人能听懂的阿拉伯语。)

2. Just that... this is not a rejection... my abruptly leaving. (翻译:不 只要告诉他 我的突然离去并非拒绝 事实上 他使我觉得有)

3. Abruptly he sat upright in his chair and, with an effort of will, expunged his downcast mood. (翻译:突然,他在椅子上直起身来,努力赶走沮丧的情绪。)

4. Thework on anthrax abruptly ushered in thegolden ageofmedical bacteriology. (翻译:于炭疽病的研究突然将医学细菌学引入了黄金时代。)

5. Ovary ovoid, apex truncate and with a membranous 4-lobed crown, crown margin abruptly denticulate. (翻译:子房卵球形,先端截形并且具膜质4裂冠,冠边缘突然具小齿。)

6. Her voice, small and fluting, stopped abruptly. (翻译:她细小而又抑扬顿挫的声音戛然而止。)

7. In their third year, their friendship ended abruptly. (翻译:在他们xx年级的时候, 他们的友谊突然结束了)

8. Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly. (翻译:光着的脚丫子啪哒啪哒踩着木头地板走过来,闹钟立刻不响了。)

9. Cumulate plagioclase appears abruptly at the base of the F unit , which rests on an erosional disconformity. (翻译:堆积的斜长石在位于侵蚀假整合之上的F单元的基底突然出现。)

10. tube abruptly or gradually dilated at throat, not hairy annulate inside; (翻译:突然的筒部或逐渐使在喉部扩大,在里面没有毛有环;)

11. Joshua, the brightest of my 3 remaining lads, asked me a question that abruptly yanked me back to the present. (翻译:约书亚,也就是剩下的三个孩子里 最聪明的一个 向我提出了一个问题 把我一下子又拖回到残酷的现实中来)

12. A 300,000-hectare area straddling the Ukraine and Belorussia is abruptly evacuated and isolated from the rest of the world. (翻译:跨立乌克兰与白俄罗斯的 30万公顷地区 所有居民瞬间撤离 该地从此与世隔绝)

13. For the person with a terminal illness, life does not abruptly stop and a caregiver is often needed. (翻译:对患上绝症的病人来说,生命不会突然停止,他们通常会需要照顾的人。)

14. Then you stop abruptly, thinking twice about crossing in traffic. (翻译:然后突然止步 好像在思考要不要在车流中横穿马路)

15. Her death came abruptly, as did her cremation (翻译:她的死来得那堋突然 她的火葬也是一样的突然)

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