strikes是什么意思 strikes的中文翻译、读音、例句

strikes是什么意思 strikes的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:strike a deal(达成协议)、strike gold(发财)、strike up a conversation(开始谈话)、strike out(失败)、strike a balance(取得平衡)等。

短语:strike back(反击)、strike down(制止、驳回)、go on strike(罢工)、strike up(开始)等。



1. The workers went on strike to demand better pay and working conditions.(工人们罢工要求更好的薪资和工作条件。)

2. The lightning strike caused a power outage for several hours.(闪电袭击导致停电数小时。)

3. The boxer delivered a powerful strike to his opponent's jaw.(拳击手向对手的下巴打出了一次有力的打击。)

4. The team managed to strike a balance between offense and defense.(这支队伍设法在攻防之间取得了平衡。)

5. She decided to strike out on her own and start her own business.(她决定自己闯荡天下,开办自己的企业。)

英 [straɪks] 美 [straɪks]



1. The workers are planning to go on strikes next week.(工人们计划下周罢工。)

2. The government took strong strikes against corruption.(政府对腐败行为采取了严厉的打击。)

3. She got three strikes and was out of the game.(她落了三张牌,就出局了。)




例句:...Strikes and have interfered with our daily workers. (...... 罢工,并干扰 与我们日常的工人。)


例句:The first thing that strikes them here is the stillness. (没人看到它们是怎么绑的但是这个死结...)


例句:They enter the city and sets out targets of surgical strikes. (渗透到城中 为外科手术式打击准确指明方位 舰长)


例句:It is then that the American navy finally strikes its first counterblow. (翻译:就在此时,美国海军终于发起了 第一次反击)


strikes一般作为名词使用,如在strikes at(na. 打击)、strikes on(打在…上;突然想起)、disaster strikes([网络] 是天灾)等常见短语中出现较多。

strikes atna. 打击
strikes on打在…上;突然想起
disaster strikes[网络] 是天灾
first strikesadj. (核战争中的)第一次核打击的\n[网络] 先发制人
lightning strikes[网络] 闪电袭击;闪电突袭;闪电强袭
preemptive strikes[网络] 先发制人的攻击;先下手为强的攻击
preventive strikes[网络] 先制打击
rent strikesna. (租户因房租过高,房屋失修等)拒付房租\n[网络] 抗税风潮
strikes a chord引起共鸣
strikes backna. 打回来;反射过来\n[网络] 掌风;丹斯里邱家金卷土重来


1. They enter the city and sets out targets of surgical strikes. (翻译:渗透到城中 为外科手术式打击准确指明方位 舰长)

2. It is then that the American navy finally strikes its first counterblow. (翻译:就在此时,美国海军终于发起了 第一次反击)

3. A sword strikes... cutting with all its edge. (翻译:丰满的胸脯从胸衣里跳出来 一把剑刺向...)

4. As the armature strikes the bar beneath it, a sharp click is heard. (翻译:当电枢敲击下方的金属条时,就会听到刺耳的卡嗒声。)

5. Take the water ere the clock strikes twelve. (翻译:在12点前取水。)

6. There's another version there that sends retaliatory strikes at the Soviet Union. (翻译:这是另一个版本,可以对苏联实施报复性打击)

7. this star called Earth... which itself is in this blackness, but it is lit up... because the sunlight strikes on an object... strikes on something called Earth. (翻译:在黑暗中它亮起来了 因为阳光出现了 它照到地球上)

8. Somewhere between the death of disco and "Empire Strikes Back" -- 1980. (翻译:在迪斯科衰败和帝国反击战之间的 xx年代。)

9. Palsied strikes the summer's sun. (翻译:直击夏日瘫在床。)

10. Weaponry will be readied, military strikes commenced. (翻译:武器会准备好 军事攻击也会开始 Weaponry will be readied, military strikes commenced.)

11. The strikes and everything. (翻译:罢工和所有的事情真折磨人 烦死了 The strikes and everything. Suffering.)

12. Legal Tender and Endearing Manners strikes the front just outside the eighth pole. (翻译:Legal Tender and Endearing Manners 继续超前,在外道的是8号 strikes the front just outside the eighth pole.)

13. Her opera Coming Home really strikes my heart (翻译:就是呀,她那出 回窑真是把人的心都唱出来了)

14. It strikes at the very roots of... (翻译:它从根本上危及... It strikes at the very roots of...)

15. But an RMT representative said the strikes would continue and warned of more strikes ahead. (翻译:但RMT一位代表说,罢工将继续,并警告说,未来将举行更多罢工。)



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