prelude是什么意思 prelude的中文翻译、读音、例句

prelude是什么意思 prelude的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. prelude to:……的前奏,……的先导

2. prelude music:开场音乐

3. prelude to disaster:灾难的先兆

4. prelude to war:战争的前奏

5. prelude and fugue:前奏与赋格

6. prelude concert:预演音乐会

7. prelude in C Major:C大调前奏曲




1. The prelude to the song was played on the piano.

2. The company's recent financial loss is a prelude to more trouble.

3. The speech served as a prelude to the official signing of the agreement.

4. The prelude music added elegance to the wedding ceremony.

5. The prelude to the storm was the sound of distant thunder.

6. The prelude to the book gave a brief overview of the author's life.

7. The prelude and fugue are two distinct musical forms that are often paired together.


1. 这首歌的前奏是由钢琴演奏的。

2. 公司最近的财务损失是更多麻烦的先兆。

3. 这次演讲为正式签署协议做了一个铺垫。

4. 预演音乐增添了婚礼仪式的优雅。

5. 暴风雨的前奏是远处的雷声。

6. 这本书的前言简要介绍了作者的生活。

7. 前奏与赋格是两种截然不同的音乐形式,经常配对出现。




1. The prelude to the concert was a beautiful piano solo.(这场音乐会的前奏是一首美妙的钢琴独奏。)

2. The meeting was just a prelude to the negotiations that would follow.(这次会议只是随后谈判的铺垫。)

3. The prelude of the book introduces the main characters and sets the scene for the story.(书的前言介绍了主要人物,并为故事设定了背景。)

4. The storm was a prelude to the coming winter.(暴风雨是即将来临的冬天的开端。)




例句:He was telling me all this, he said, as a prelude, a prelude to a warning and the offer of a gift. (他说 他跟我说这些是前奏 警告的前奏和礼物的馈赠)


例句:We Soldiers of Supply pledge that our fighting men shall not want the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT presents PRELUDE TO WAR (二战供应兵招募海报 美国政府 奉献 大战序幕)


例句:That Shchedrin s 24 Prelude and Fugue is an important work of the counterpoint music in 20th century. (前苏联作曲家谢德林的《2 4首前奏曲与赋格》 ,是2 0世纪钢琴复调音乐中的重要文献。)


例句:It is the prelude to anarchy, infidelity the loss of free and responsible government. (翻译:而且还会引起无政府状态和崩溃... ...并会失去自由和可靠的政府)


prelude一般作为名词、动词使用,如在library prelude([计] 库序部, 程序库序部)、organ prelude(管风琴前奏曲)、standard prelude(标准开关;标准序部)等常见短语中出现较多。

library prelude[计] 库序部, 程序库序部
organ prelude管风琴前奏曲
standard prelude标准开关;标准序部
statement prelude[计] 语句首部


1. That Shchedrin s 24 Prelude and Fugue is an important work of the counterpoint music in 20th century. (翻译:前苏联作曲家谢德林的《2 4首前奏曲与赋格》 ,是2 0世纪钢琴复调音乐中的重要文献。)

2. It is the prelude to anarchy, infidelity the loss of free and responsible government. (翻译:而且还会引起无政府状态和崩溃... ...并会失去自由和可靠的政府)

3. For him, reading was a necessary prelude to sleep. (翻译:对他来说,阅读是入睡的必要前奏。)

4. Their gathering serves as a prelude to the two-day spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, which begins the next day. (翻译:这次会议是第二天召开的为期两天的国际货币基金组织和世界银行的春季会议的序幕。)

5. Goering and his Luftwaffe would like to flatten London... as a prelude to invasion. (翻译:戈林和他的德国空军想要把炸平伦敦 作为入侵的序曲)

6. The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude. (翻译:前奏接近尾声时幕布升起。)

7. She paused. Every one was mutely expectant of what was to follow, feeling that this was merely a prelude. (翻译:她沉默一会儿,大家都不开腔,等待着就要发生什么事,都觉得这只是一个开场白而已。)

8. To My Wife: With a Copy of My Poems By Oscar Wilde I can write no stately proem As a prelude to my lay; (翻译:给妻子:题我的一本诗集 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德[英国] 我写不出华丽的序言 作为这些短歌的序曲; )

9. A prelude to breeding that occurs only in special years. (翻译:这是它们繁衍后代的前奏 只会发生在它们生命中特别的年份里)

10. Unhealthy moralities are often the prelude to crimes which in turn are the result of the development of unhealthy moralities. (翻译:品德不良往往是违法犯罪的前奏,违法犯罪又常常是品德不良发展的结果。)

11. Note that this list corrects several mistakes found in the list in Asimov's Prelude to Foundation. (翻译:值得注意的是这份系列书单修正了许多在艾西莫夫的基地前奏里的列表发现的错误。)

12. And while I found I knew nothing about these faiths at all -- despite my own intensely religious background, I'd seen Judaism only as a kind of prelude to Christianity, and I knew nothing about Islam at all. (翻译:我发现我对这两个宗教的信仰一无所知, 尽管我已经学习了很多年的宗教。我以前认为犹太教不过是基督教的前奏, 对伊斯兰教更可谓一无所知了。)

13. This ceremony is a prelude... to the great festival of Ong-Bak... that will commence here in seven days... and which is held just once... every 24 years. (翻译:祈求保佑本村风调雨顺,合家平安 xx日后 我们将庆祝建庙二十四周年)

14. too genial, and Tu Wei-yueh suddenly felt uneasy. He was afraid this might be the prelude to an unpleasant scene. (翻译:这语气太温和了,屠维岳听了倒反不安起来,恐怕吴荪甫突然又变了态度。)

15. I enjoy with something of sadness remembering that this melodious silence is but the prelude of that deeper stillness that waits to enfold us all. (翻译:我怀着某种悲伤的心情回忆着,悠扬的寂静不过是那种更深沉的寂静的序幕,笼罩着我们所有人。)



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