russet是什么意思 russet的中文翻译、读音、例句

russet是什么意思 russet的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:russet指的是一种深棕色或红棕色,带有一些灰色或黄色的颜色。在英语中,还可以指苹果的某些品种,特别是红色或黄色的品种。

2. 词性:russet是一个形容词和名词。

3. 词组搭配:a russet apple(红苹果)、russet potatoes(土豆)

4. 短语:none

5. 发音拼写:/ˈrʌsɪt/

6. 5个中英例句:

1. The hills were covered in a russet-colored blanket of autumn leaves.


2. She wore a russet-colored dress to the wedding.


3. These apples are a variety of russet, which means they are slightly rough and brownish in color.


4. The russet potatoes are perfect for making mashed potatoes.


5. Her hair was the color of russet and gleamed in the sunlight.





1. The leaves turned a beautiful russet color in autumn.(叶子在秋天变成了美丽的赤铜色。)

2. She wore a lovely russet dress to the party.(她穿了一件可爱的褐色裙子去参加聚会。)

3. The artist used many shades of russet in his painting.(画家在他的画作中运用了许多不同的褐色调。)




例句:The dogwood bud, pale green is inlaid with russet markings. (山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。)


例句:Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents. (乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。)


例句:Despite my "banter" , I told Alix her hair was copper, Titian, russet - anything but ginger. (除了我的那些“玩笑”,我告诉爱丽克斯她的头发是红铜色的,橙红色的,赤褐色的——任何除了姜红的色彩。)


例句:Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock, a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer. (翻译:每个人都穿着朴素的黄褐色僧衣,一修士头巾遮住头,只有手露在外面,交叉着祈祷。)


russet一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在russet coat([网络] 麂皮大衣)、russet scab([网络] 兔子痂)、russet scabs([网络] 兔子痂\n(russet scab 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

russet coat[网络] 麂皮大衣
russet scab[网络] 兔子痂
russet scabs[网络] 兔子痂\n(russet scab 的复数)
russet tick[医] 朽叶色蜱, 多毛硬蜱


1. Despite my "banter" , I told Alix her hair was copper, Titian, russet - anything but ginger. (翻译:除了我的那些“玩笑”,我告诉爱丽克斯她的头发是红铜色的,橙红色的,赤褐色的——任何除了姜红的色彩。)

2. Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock, a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer. (翻译:每个人都穿着朴素的黄褐色僧衣,一修士头巾遮住头,只有手露在外面,交叉着祈祷。)

3. As I slowly walked down the mountainside, the barren face of Chimney Rock was washed russet by the mid-September sunset. (翻译:我沿着山腰缓步下行,在xx月中旬的落日余晖中,烟囱岩光秃秃的表面被涂上了一层黄褐色。)

4. It is a very invaluable hat I believe, a trick that Shanks the Russet-red one gave you. (翻译:上次尼德斯还没踩到 你就气得要命 这是那个红发杰克 送你的宝贝帽子吧)

5. The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler. (翻译:亮光使她发辫上散逸出的浅黑色发鬈变成了黄褐色,并使她苍白的脸色更加苍白。)

6. The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings. (翻译:山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。)

7. Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents. (翻译:乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。)

8. One model said while she loved her potato salad outfit, her russet potato skirt was a "little heavy" . (翻译:一位模特表示,她喜欢自己这件用土豆做的裙子,虽然它有点重,但挺可爱。)

9. His excited grin stretched wide across his face, the bright teeth standing in vivid contrast to the deep russet color of his skin. (翻译:他激动咧嘴大笑道,亮白的牙齿与他深赤褐色的皮肤形成鲜明的对比。)

10. The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler. (翻译:亮光使她发辫上散逸出的浅黑色发鬈变成了黄褐色,并使她苍白的脸色更加苍白。)

11. On the sea bed at depths of up to 3, 000ft are vast coral reefs, forests of willowy feather-stars and russet-red sea urchins. (翻译:在深达近千米的海底,生长着大片绮丽的珊瑚礁、婀娜多姿的海星和黄褐色的海胆。)

12. "Shy tendrils of russet pleasure began their unbidden journey". (翻译:灌狵盿帝穝ネ尺 秨﹍ネ㏑贝 磀价...)

13. An old lady's russet wig lies in the road, lost perhaps as she took flight after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. (翻译:路上落下了一位老妇女的赤褐色假发,可能在她发生了地震、海啸、核灾难之后要去乘飞机遗失的吧。)

14. One model said while she loved her potato salad outfit, her russet potato skirt was a "little heavy". (翻译:一位模特表示,她喜欢自己这件用土豆做的裙子,虽然它有点重,但挺可爱。)



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