tantrum是什么意思 tantrum的中文翻译、读音、例句

tantrum是什么意思 tantrum的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:throw a tantrum(发脾气)、have a tantrum(发疯)




1. The child threw a tantrum when his mother refused to buy him candy.


2. She had a complete tantrum in the middle of the store.


3. I don't have time for a tantrum right now.


4. The boss threw a tantrum when he heard the bad news.


5. She had a bit of a tantrum when she found out she didn't get the job.


6. The tantrum lasted for several minutes before the child finally calmed down.


7. The athlete threw a tantrum when he lost the game.


英 [ˈtæntrəm] 美 [ˈtæntrəm]

n. 暴躁,发脾气


1. He calmed down after throwing a tantrum and screaming for 20 minutes.


2. The child threw a tantrum when he was told he couldn't have a candy bar.


3. Parents should not give in to a child's tantrum.





例句:Dad said: "From now on, if you do not throw a tantrum one day can be pulled out in this nail-day. " (爸爸说:“从今以后,如果你一天都没有发脾气,就可以在这天拔掉一根钉子。”)


例句:Just throw a tantrum in a Crate Barrel, and five of them will come running. (在Crate Barrel家装店发一次脾气 Just throw a tantrum in a Crate Barrel, 就会有五个跑着过来了 and five of them will come running.)


例句:I can't unteach her six years of pity if you can't stand up to one tantrum. (如果你一点脾气也受不了的话 我也没办法抹去xx年来你们对她的怜悯.)


例句:And if not for your cool-headed intervention, his tantrum might have ended this schmo's life and ruined his own. (翻译:若不是你冷静,及时制止 他早已杀害无辜、自毁前途)


tantrum一般作为名词使用,如在in a tantrum(在发脾气,在大动肝火[亦作 in one's tantrums])、temper tantrum([网络] 闹脾气;乱发脾气;耍小孩脾气)、throw a tantrum([网络] 发脾气;发个脾气;胡闹)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a tantrum在发脾气,在大动肝火[亦作 in one's tantrums]
temper tantrum[网络] 闹脾气;乱发脾气;耍小孩脾气
throw a tantrum[网络] 发脾气;发个脾气;胡闹


1. I can't unteach her six years of pity if you can't stand up to one tantrum. (翻译:如果你一点脾气也受不了的话 我也没办法抹去xx年来你们对她的怜悯.)

2. And if not for your cool-headed intervention, his tantrum might have ended this schmo's life and ruined his own. (翻译:若不是你冷静,及时制止 他早已杀害无辜、自毁前途)

3. You pout, throw a tantrum, and he buys you a new Burberry bag to make you feel better? (翻译:你撅起嘴生气 然后他就给你买个新的巴宝莉包 让你高兴?)

4. So all this is just a great big temper tantrum. (翻译:所以这一切仅仅是你的出气筒 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}So all this is just a great big temper tantrum.)

5. Pyrrhus did not explode in a tyrannic tantrum. On the contrary, among his friends he commended Fabricius. (翻译:皮拉斯没有像暴君一样大发雷霆,反而在朋友之间称许法布里丘斯。)

6. When my 3-year-old is having a tantrum, I pick him up and bring him into another room -- even if it's to put him in his crib for a time-out. (翻译:当我xx岁的孩子发脾气时,我就把他抱起来,带他到另外一间房间或他的床上。)

7. Had I been a child of eight rather than a woman of 28, I might have had a temper tantrum. (翻译:难道我只是个xx岁的孩子,而不是个xx岁的女人?)

8. We had a temper tantrum in the form of a cataclysm because we wanted them to treasure us, the Ones, more than humanity. (翻译:我们错就错在 太想得到人类的珍惜,不仅仅是人道而已)

9. 'End of subject. End of tantrum. No apology. No talk. It's as if the entire incident had not happened, ' she says. (翻译:“问题结束了,脾气发完了,没有道歉,也不必多言,就像什么事都没有发生过一样,”她说。)

10. Of course Dr. Craven had been sent for the morning after Colin had had his tantrum. (翻译:当然,科林大发脾气后,第二天一早,克雷文医生就被请来了。)

11. They haven't made new Tantrum since then. That stuff lasts a while. (翻译:他们从那之后就没生产过汽水了 那些剂量够撑一阵子的)

12. "I may be obliged to have a tantrum," said Colin regretfully. (翻译:“我可能得发脾气了。”科林遗憾地说。)

13. Her child was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street and she did not know what to do. (翻译:她的孩子在街道上耍性子,她也不知道该怎么办才好。)

14. Now, you've had your little tantrum and you said some things in anger that I am willing to forget. (翻译:你刚刚发了一顿脾气 说了一些气话... 我愿意忘了这一切)

15. This display, this tantrum -- (翻译:你的姿态 你的脾气... This display, this tantrum...)



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