bulimia是什么意思 bulimia的中文翻译、读音、例句

bulimia是什么意思 bulimia的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:医学上可以使用的相关词组包括:bulimia nervosa(神经性贪食症)、binge-purge syndrome(暴食-减肥综合症)、binge-eating disorder(暴食症)等。




1. She was diagnosed with bulimia after losing a lot of weight in a short time.


2. Bulimia can be a very serious illness and requires professional treatment.


3. She battled bulimia for many years before finally seeking help.


4. Eating disorders such as bulimia are often linked to low self-esteem and body image issues.


5. Bulimia can cause serious damage to the digestive system and other organs over time.


6. People with bulimia often experience a lot of shame and guilt about their behavior.


7. It is important to seek help for bulimia as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage to health and well-being.





1. Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that can lead to severe health problems.(暴食症是一种严重的进食障碍,会导致严重的健康问题。)

2. People with bulimia often feel a lack of control over their eating habits.(患有暴食症的人通常感到对自己的饮食习惯缺乏控制。)

3. The symptoms of bulimia can include binge eating, purging, and a distorted body image.(暴食症的症状可能包括暴饮暴食、净化和身体形象扭曲。)

4. If you suspect that someone you know may have bulimia, encourage them to seek professional help.(如果你怀疑你认识的人可能患有暴食症,请鼓励他们寻求专业帮助。)

5. Bulimia is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.(暴食症通常伴随着焦虑、抑郁和其他心理健康问题。)

6. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication are common treatment options for bulimia.(认知行为疗法和药物是暴食症的常见治疗选择。)

7. People with bulimia may experience dental problems due to frequent vomiting.(患有暴食症的人可能由于频繁呕吐而出现牙齿问题。)

8. It's important to understand that bulimia is a medical condition that requires professional treatment.(重要的是要理解,暴食症是一种需要专业治疗的医学状况。)

9. Prevention efforts can include promoting healthy eating habits and positive body image, as well as identifying and treating any underlying mental health issues.(预防工作可以包括促进健康的饮食习惯和积极的身体形象,以及识别和治疗任何潜在的心理健康问题。)





1. She was diagnosed with bulimia and had to undergo treatment. 她被诊断为患有暴食症,需要接受治疗。

2. Bulimia is a serious mental health disorder that requires professional help to overcome. 暴食症是一种严重的心理健康障碍,需要专业的帮助来克服。

bulimia通常被翻译为"贪食症 、暴食症"的意思,在英美地区还有"厌食暴食症"的意思,在线读音是[bju:'limiә],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到74个与bulimia相关的句子。



例句:Pregnancy rates after six months were lower in women with anorexia or bulimia, but by a year they were the same as the general population. (对于那些厌食或食欲过旺的女性她们六个月的怀孕率会很低,但是xx年以后就和大部分人一样了。)


例句:With bulimia, I starve myself, then eat and eat everything in sight. Rielly just laughed at my reasoning. (我先把自己饿得要命,之后再吃到我所看到的所有东西,瑞雷马上就开始笑话我的理由。)


例句:The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia. (有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。)


例句:Now I'm gonna go flirt with the mothers against bulimia. (翻译:我要去跟妈妈们调调情 聊聊如何预防暴食症)


bulimia一般作为名词使用,如在periodic bulimia([医] 贪食癖, 间发性善饥)等常见短语中出现较多。

periodic bulimia[医] 贪食癖, 间发性善饥


1. The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia. (翻译:有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。)

2. Now I'm gonna go flirt with the mothers against bulimia. (翻译:我要去跟妈妈们调调情 聊聊如何预防暴食症)

3. Bulimia is very easy to hide, but you can't be intimate with people if you're an addict. (翻译:贪食症是很容易隐藏的,但如果你对食物上瘾,你就无法与人们保持亲密关系。)

4. No, and I've seen too many people sick with anorexia and bulimia. (翻译:没有,而且我已经看到太多人 得了食欲减退和易饿病)

5. It will lead to bulimia later destabilizing relations in a group. (翻译:这样会导致暴食症影响将来它们将来在族群中的关系。)

6. Eating disorders can range in forms including excessive physical activity, extreme dieting, anorexia, binging and bulimia. (翻译:饮食问题包括过度体力活动、过度节食、厌食症、暴食和易饿症。)

7. Bulimia nervosa is another type of eating disorder (binge-purge syndrome) also encountered primarily among older women and younger men. (翻译:神经性贪食症是另一种进食障碍,它是一种暴饮暴食狂泻的综合症状,在年轻女性多见,也见于男性。)

8. The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia. (翻译:有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。)

9. I'm spearheading the Save the Swim Team Speedo Spectacular... and the Bloated Belly Beer Bash to Battle Bulimia this semester. (翻译:我是学校的极速游泳队 伟大的先锋... 这学期我又是反食欲过度 啤酒肚肥胖症的打击团员.)

10. Since the formation of bulimia dieting to lose weight, once a month, always oval face into a pie face, you can change back. (翻译:由于节食减肥形成暴食症,曾经一个月了,往常瓜子脸变成了大饼脸,还能变回来吗。)

11. Eating disorders: performance as bulimia, polydipsia and polydipsia minority anorexia. (翻译:饮食障碍:表现为贪食、烦渴及多饮,少数食欲减退。)

12. So we spike everyday at lunch time -- kids are sitting at the lunch table and you think that she's texting the cute boy across the hall, but she's actually texting us about her bulimia. (翻译:所以每次在午饭时间我们的短信数量就会飙升 当孩子们坐在午餐桌旁边的时候 你觉得她正在给旅馆大堂的某个男孩子发短信 但她其实是在给我们讲述她的贪食症 )

13. Morgan Fairchild, "Final Proposal", one courageous pioneer woman's triumphant victory over bulimia, set against the background of the Donner Party Crossing. (翻译:摩根费查的最后建议 一个杰出女人的胜利故事 在一个舞会之中)

14. Several neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated abnormal activation of the anterior cingulate cortex in subjects with bulimia. (翻译:几项神经影像研究也表明贪食症人群的前扣带回皮层活动异常。)

15. What if you or your partner are crippled by negative self-image fueled by bulimia, anorexia, or any other eating disorder? (翻译:假如你或你的伴侣被易饿症,厌食症或任何饮食紊乱症状困扰不堪备受创伤呢?)

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