invivogen是什么意思 invivogen的中文翻译、读音、例句

invivogen是什么意思 invivogen的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Invivogen是一家生物技术公司的名称,专门从事生物医学研究、药物研发和生产等方面的工作。

2. 产品:Invivogen公司提供各种生物学试剂和细胞系产品,例如LPS、细胞培养基、转染试剂等。

3. 优势:作为生物技术公司,Invivogen有着丰富的经验和技术储备,能够为客户提供高质量的产品和服务。


1. Invivogen is a company that specializes in research, development and production of biomedical technology.


2. Invivogen's products have been widely used in scientific research and pharmaceutical development.


3. Invivogen's expertise in the field has earned them a reputation for producing high-quality reagents.


4. Our lab uses Invivogen's LPS reagents for our studies on immune response.


5. Invivogen's cell culture media have been essential in maintaining our cell lines for cancer research.





1. Invivogen is committed to providing innovative and reliable solutions for life scientists.


2. Invivogen has a strong reputation in the field of innate immunity research.




例句:Weapons... next gen, high potential damage. (武器... 尖端科技 破坏力极强 Weapons... next gen, high potential damage.)


例句:But things are changing, and one of the reasons why is the digital natives, or Gen-Y. (但事物总是变化的, 原因之一就是 数码网络影响下的这代人,或是Y世代的人。)


1. The source of the virus was traced back... to drug testing done at Gen-Sys Laboratories in San Francisco. (翻译:病毒的来源被追溯... 旧金山GEN -sys实验室的药品检验。)

2. Use GPG -gen-key. (翻译:使用gpg—gen - key。)

3. The rudiment investigation of deoxy-floxuridine inducing esophageal carcinoma apoptosis in vivo (翻译:脱氧氟尿苷体内诱导食管癌细胞凋亡的初步研究)

4. Raylene Lewis, 34, of College Station, Tex., had a frustrating experience with a now-defunct company, Acu-Gen, which guaranteed 99.9 percent accuracy with its blood tests. (翻译:雷琳刘易斯,xx岁,德州卡城人,与目前已倒闭的公司Acu - Gen有过一次令人泄气的经历,Acu - Gen曾保证其血液测试有99.9%的准确性。)

5. You're Gen. Peter McAllister, commander of Shadow Company. (翻译:你是彼得麦艾利斯特将军 黑影公司的指挥官)

6. Sir, I understand Gen. Alexander suggested... you take over Gen. Clark's Italian campaign... but it was killed due to the incident. (翻译:将军,据说亚历山大将军建议 你接手马克 -克拉克将军的意大利战役)

7. Objective To evaluate the antibacterial activities of Fujie granule in vitro and in vivo. (翻译:目的研究观察妇洁颗粒的体外、体内抗菌活性。)

8. At least the price of tags and readers has steadily declined since the implementation of the Gen2 standard. (翻译:至少,自从Gen2标准执行以来,标签和读取装置的价格倒是稳定的下降中。)

9. I believe you have something that is the property of Gen. Ludendorff. (翻译:你也一样,我认为这是一些属于一般鲁登道夫。)

10. There an Allen Schweitzer in GenPop? (翻译:在数据库里有个叫 艾伦·施瓦茨 的人么 {\3cH202020}Is there an Allen Schweitzer in gen pop?)

11. See, you Gen-X, mocha-sipping, chain-smoking slackers need to learn to listen! (翻译:看,你GEN -X,喝着摩卡, 链吸烟的懒虫必须要学会倾听!)

12. GEN has been given recognition by the United Nations as a consulting member of the ECOSOC commission. (翻译:GEN已经被联合国承认为联合国经济及社会理事会的一个顾问成员。)

13. "The time and conditions are right for Coalition forces to reduce the number of troops in Iraq, " Gen. Ray Odierno said in the statement. (翻译:“这是盟军减少驻伊部队的合适时机”,Gen.RayOdierno在声明中提到。)

14. - Gen. McAuliffe, division commander. (翻译:这位是麦考利夫将军 也就是我们的代理师长)

15. But things are changing, and one of the reasons why is the digital natives, or Gen-Y. (翻译:但事物总是变化的, 原因之一就是 数码网络影响下的这代人,或是Y世代的人。)

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