impenetrable是什么意思 impenetrable的中文翻译、读音、例句

impenetrable是什么意思 impenetrable的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:impenetrable在英语中表示“难以理解或透彻了解的”,或者表示“物体无法进入或通过的”。

2. 同义词:unfathomable, inscrutable, incomprehensible, impervious, impenetrable, dense, opaque, closed

3. 反义词:accessible, clear, intelligible, penetrable, transparent

4. 用法:

- 由于该问题的复杂性,我们无法透彻地解决它。 Due to the complexity of the problem, we cannot penetrate it.

- 那个城堡的城墙是坚固的,几乎无法透过。 The walls of the castle were so impenetrable that they could hardly be penetrated.

- 他的思想和行为非常难以理解。 His thoughts and actions are very impenetrable.

- 这篇文章的语言非常深奥,我需要花些时间理解它。 The language of this article is impenetrable, and I need some time to understand it.

- 当我尝试向他解释这个概念时,我遇到了无法透彻理解的障碍。 When I tried to explain the concept to him, I encountered an impenetrable obstacle to understanding.

5. 实例:

- The detective tried to solve the impenetrable case, but there were no leads. (这位警探试图解决这个难以理解的案件,但没有任何线索。)

- The fortress was so impenetrable that it had never been breached. (这座城堡是如此难以攻破,以至于从来没有被攻破过。)

- The new security measures made the building impenetrable to intruders. (新的安全措施使得该建筑对入侵者非常难以进入。)

- The writer's prose was so impenetrable that I had to read it three times before I could understand it. (那位作家的散文非常深奥,我不得不读三遍才能理解。)

- Despite being fluent in Spanish, the local dialect was so impenetrable that I couldn't understand a word. (尽管我流利地说西班牙语,但当地的方言却如此难以理解,我什么也听不懂。)





1. The impenetrable forest is home to many rare species.(这片茂密的森林是许多珍稀物种的家园。)

2. Despite the impenetrable fog, he continued to drive through the mountains.(尽管有着浓雾,他仍然坚持驾车穿越大山。)

3. The author's writing style can be impenetrable at times.(有时候,这位作家的写作风格让人难以理解。)

4. The castle's walls were impenetrable, even to the strongest of battering rams.(这座城堡的城墙坚不可摧,即使是最坚固的攻城车也无法攻破。)

5. The impenetrable darkness made it difficult to navigate through the forest.(浓黑的暗夜让在林中行进变得困难。)

6. The password for his computer was impenetrable, even to the most skilled hacker.(他电脑的密码坚不可摧,即使是最高超的黑客也无法破解。)

7. The language used in the legal documents was impenetrable to anyone without a law degree.(法律文件中使用的语言对于没有法律学位的人来说是难以理解的。)

8. The team built an impenetrable defense that prevented the opposing team from scoring.(这个团队建立了一道坚不可摧的防线,阻止了对手进球。)

9. The impenetrable silence in the room made everyone feel uncomfortable.(房间中的死寂让每个人都感到不安。)

英 [ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl] 美 [ɪmˈpɛnɪtrəbl]



1. The fortress was surrounded by impregnable walls, making it almost impenetrable.


2. The meaning of this poem is completely impenetrable to me.


3. The jungle was so dense and overgrown that it was almost impenetrable.





例句:Silence and solitude fowling around me like an impenetrable veil. (寂寞和孤独萦绕着我 像是个阻挡我的面纱一样)


例句:Do not know will not be a generation Ouyang Feng-errant, impenetrable . (也不知道将来会不会出一代欧阳风式的大侠,百毒不侵。)


例句:The jungle is mostly impenetrable, and macaws either stay in the canopy or follow rivers that wind their way through. (丛林几乎不可穿越 金刚鹦鹉或在树冠上飞行 或跟随蜿蜒的河流以找到他们的路线)


例句:Okay, wait. So, Artie is looking for a sharp pointy dagger and an impenetrable case. (翻译:等下 那Artie在找一把锋利匕首 和坚不可摧的盒子)


impenetrable一般作为形容词使用,如在impenetrable layer(不渗透层)等常见短语中出现较多。

impenetrable layer不渗透层


1. The jungle is mostly impenetrable, and macaws either stay in the canopy or follow rivers that wind their way through. (翻译:丛林几乎不可穿越 金刚鹦鹉或在树冠上飞行 或跟随蜿蜒的河流以找到他们的路线)

2. Okay, wait. So, Artie is looking for a sharp pointy dagger and an impenetrable case. (翻译:等下 那Artie在找一把锋利匕首 和坚不可摧的盒子)

3. We have superior technology and firepower, impenetrable defenses. (翻译:我们有高科技和强大的火力 不可摧毁的防御)

4. A few layers of impenetrable security still to go, but I think I'm getting somewhere. (翻译:还有好几层难搞的防火墙 应该是有些进展了)

5. The forests of the Urals are so vast and impenetrable that wolves and bears can still hunt here, undisturbed. (翻译:乌拉尔山森林是如此的广阔和稳固, 狼和熊仍然可以在这里自由地猎食。)

6. But these cold-water fish are heading towards an impenetrable barrier of warm water that they will not cross, the Agulhas Current. (翻译:但这些冷水鱼 {\3cH202020}But these cold -water fish 正在朝一道他们无法穿过的 {\3cH202020}are heading towards an impenetrable barrier of warm water)

7. And Joshua is a brilliant criminal with expertise in breaking into impenetrable areas. (翻译:乔舒亚是个天才罪犯 他掌握从禁区逃脱的专业技术)

8. The Belzan Forest is impenetrable, not even the Russians will touch it. (翻译:- 没人能穿越贝尔桑森林 - 即便是俄国人也不愿接近它)

9. Felloni is fluent in Latin , and he can read the tiny script and follow the impenetrable internal logic of the transactions . (翻译:费罗尼精通拉丁语,还能读懂小型手稿,能理解交易令人费解的内在逻辑。)

10. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog! Want to see my book report? (翻译:经过一点练习,写作可以是一个威吓并且不可洞视的迷雾。想看看我的读书报告吗?)

11. they guaranteed some times to the public, that the Japanese sky was impenetrable. (翻译:因为军方向公众反复保证 日本的领空是不可穿越的)

12. For, I wanted her to have almost an impenetrable steel-like quality, to her. (翻译:因为,我想她几乎完全拥有像钢铁一样难以穿透的质量,对她而言。)

13. The Hunter pair, halfway up the steps, stood stunned and bloodied by the concussive force, their impenetrable shields askew. (翻译:在踏步半当中的猎人兄弟,站在那里被冲击力炸得头晕目眩流着血,它们那难以穿透的护盾歪斜着。)

14. With only three days left until summer, the wall stood high and impenetrable, with only the gate left to be built. (翻译:夏天到来三天前,城墙几近完成, 高高耸立,坚不可摧, 只剩下一扇门还没完成。)

15. But to an outsider, it seems to be as impenetrable as the Great Wall of China. (翻译:但对于门外汉来说, 汉字就跟中国的长城一样 高不可攀。)

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