nought是什么意思 nought的中文翻译、读音、例句

nought是什么意思 nought的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 单词意义


2. 用法


3. 同义词


4. 用法注意


5. 英式和美式用法区别



1. He found nought of value in the trash bin. (他在垃圾桶里没有找到任何有价值的东西。)

2. The project is nought without the support of our partners. (没有合作伙伴的支持,这个项目毫无意义。)

3. I was nought without your help. (没有你的帮助,我一事无成。)

4. She spent nought dollars on her vacation. (她在度假上花费了零美元。)

5. The final score was ten nought to the home team. (最终比分是主队十比零获胜。)





1. He has achieved nought in his life. 他在生活中一事无成。

2. My efforts were nought, and I had to start all over again. 我的努力毫无结果,只好重新开始。

3. The company's revenue for the quarter was nought, which was a huge disappointment for the shareholders. 公司这一季度的收入为零,这让股东们非常失望。




例句:Glory is like a circle in the water, which never ceased to enlarge itself, till by broad spreading it disperse to nought. - W. Shakespeare. (荣誉就像水中的波环,它从不停止扩张,直至大到让自己消失。)


例句:But the young Fisherman answered it nought, so great was the power of his love. (但年轻的渔夫却并不理睬,他心里爱的力量是如此强大。)


例句:He tossed his brown curls and laughed. 'My soul is nought to me, ' he answered. 'I cannot see it. I may not touch it. I do not know it. ' (他甩了甩棕色的卷发,笑道:“我的灵魂于我毫无用处。我看不见他,我触不到它,我亦与它并不熟捻。”)


例句:Aleph, alpha: nought, nought, one. (翻译:阿列夫,阿尔法,零,零,一。)


nought一般作为介词、副词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在for nought(徒然;免费地;无缘无故地)、go to nought(变得毫无价值)、good for nought(毫无用处;游手好闲的人,二流子)等常见短语中出现较多。

for nought徒然;免费地;无缘无故地
go to nought变得毫无价值
good for nought毫无用处;游手好闲的人,二流子
neck or nought铤而走险,孤注一掷,玩命地;轻率的,不顾死活的
nought complement[计] 补码
nought output[计] 零输出
nought stat[电] 零状况
nought state[计] 零状态
nought the less[网络] 没有了


1. He tossed his brown curls and laughed. 'My soul is nought to me, ' he answered. 'I cannot see it. I may not touch it. I do not know it. ' (翻译:他甩了甩棕色的卷发,笑道:“我的灵魂于我毫无用处。我看不见他,我触不到它,我亦与它并不熟捻。”)

2. Aleph, alpha: nought, nought, one. (翻译:阿列夫,阿尔法,零,零,一。)

3. We have a new R-nought, Ellis. It's not two anymore. (翻译:现在有了新的R0平均数,埃利斯,不再是2了)

4. Imagination hath nought to do with it! (翻译:这跟想象一点关系也没有! )

5. All this account of unscrupulous men are sadly for me, the tale we hear today is nought. (翻译:这些肆无忌惮的小人让我感到悲哀 我们今天所听到谎言毫无价值)

6. And nought so good but strained from that fair use, revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. (翻译:而最纯美的良谷嘉禾 失当使用也能残害身心)

7. Nought but that, ' she answered, and she smiled at him again. (翻译:“如此而已。”她答道,并再一次向他微笑。)

8. I have nought to 10, 10 to 20, 20 to 30, or 30-plus. (翻译:我给你选 零到十 十到二十 二十到三十 三十以上)

9. For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off (翻译:亵慢人已经灭绝。一切找机会作孽的,都被剪除。)

10. Nought but that? ' cried the young Fisherman in wonder, and he rose to his feet. (翻译:“如此而已?”年轻的渔夫惊讶地问道,并站起身来。)

11. A wise man does not waste so good a commodity as lying for nought. (翻译:聪明的人不会平白无故地浪费这么好的东西。)

12. With the new mutation... we are predicting an R-nought of no less than four. (翻译:随着新的突变 我们预测RO平均数不会小于4)

13. Because if you consider the Ritcher Scale ranges from nought to 9, obvious 7.8 is fairly high up there. It is as you're saying. (翻译:如果你试想下,里氏等级的最高值还不到9,你就会发现很显然那里发生的7.8级地震等级是相当高的。)

14. It was a ballot, actually, and they drew out numbers ending in nought or nine. (翻译:事实上,这是一次抽签, 他们抽出的数字以零或九结尾)

15. I give the programme nought out of ten for humour. (翻译:我给这个节目的幽默打零分。)



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