1. 词义:'lianlian'可以指代连连看游戏中的连连消消乐,也可以指代某人的一连串行为、话语等,表示连续不断的。
- The children are playing lianlian game happily.
- She smiled lianlian at me when we met.
- They talked lianlian about their trip last summer.
- The old lady coughed lianlian during the night.
- He called lianlian to ask about the progress of the project.
2. 读音:'lianlian'的读音为/liǎn liǎn/,其中第一声和第四声都是轻声。
- He pronounced the word 'lianlian' correctly.
- Can you teach me how to pronounce 'lianlian'?
- The students practiced the correct pronunciation of 'lianlian'.
- I heard the correct pronunciation of 'lianlian' on a language learning app.
- Pronouncing 'lianlian' correctly is important for communication.
3. 缩写词:'lianlian'还可以是某些缩写词比如联绵不断、连续不断等等,常常出现在网络语言中。
- Her love for him is lianlian, relentless and enduring.
- The rain poured lianlian, without stopping for hours.
- The news kept coming in lianlian, one after another.
- The crowd continued to cheer lianlian, even after the game was finished.
- The music played lianlian in the background, creating a relaxing atmosphere.
4. 拼音输入法:在拼音输入法中,'lianlian'可以与其他字母组合成不同的汉字。
- 输入“lianlian”,可以得到“连连”、“莲莲”、“镰镰”等汉字。
- 输入“llxxl”,可以得到“连连消消乐”的汉字。
- 输入“ljzkl”,可以得到“莲藕煮粥”的汉字。
- 输入“lzsyq”,可以得到“镰刀收麦季”的汉字。
- 输入“lgssb”,可以得到“两个傻瓜睡觉”的汉字。
5. 常见误写:'lianlian'与'liangliang'在拼写上很容易混淆,前者指连续不断,后者指数量为两个之意。
- He made a liangliang mistake by writing his name wrong on the exam.
- She counted liangliang eggs and realized she needed to buy more.
- The store sold liangliang boxes of masks during the pandemic.
- He gave me liangliang reasons why he couldn't come to the party.
- She received liangliang phone calls from her relatives asking for help.
读音:lián lián。
1. 我们连连手,一起跳舞。
We hold hands and dance together.
2. 这个游戏需要连连看,才能过关。
This game requires connecting matching pieces in order to pass the level.