straits是什么意思 straits的中文翻译、读音、例句

straits是什么意思 straits的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 同音词和近义词

- straits: 经济上的困难或挣扎,也指水道或海峡

- straight: 直的,直行的,坦白的


- The company is going through a period of financial straits. (公司正在经历财务困境。)

- The ship sailed through the narrow strait between the two islands. (船只穿过两个岛屿之间的狭窄海峡。)

- He always speaks straight from the heart. (他总是直言不讳。)

2. 常见搭配

- personality traits: 个性特质

- character traits: 性格特点

- physical traits: 外貌特征


- One of her best traits is her kindness to others. (她最好的特点之一是对他人的友善。)

- Honesty and integrity are important character traits. (诚实和正直是重要的性格特点。)

- The suspect has several distinct physical traits that match the eyewitness's description. (嫌疑犯有几个明显的外貌特征与目击证人的描述相符。)

3. 历史和文化背景

- Straits Settlements: 东南亚殖民地,包括新加坡、马六甲和槟城

- The Taiwan Strait: 珠江三角洲和福建之间的海峡,是中国最重要的战略位置之一

- The Straits of Magellan: 南美洲最南端的海峡,是连接太平洋和大西洋的重要通道


- The Straits Settlements were under British colonial rule from 1826 to 1946. (东南亚殖民地在xx年至xx年间处于英国殖民统治下。)

- The Taiwan Strait is a potential flashpoint for military conflict between China and Taiwan. (台湾海峡是中国和台湾之间潜在的军事冲突点。)

- The Straits of Magellan were first navigated by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. (麦哲伦海峡于xx年被费尔南多·麦哲伦首次航行。)





1. We sailed through the narrow straits and into the open sea.


2. The ship got stuck in the straits and had to be towed out.


3. The country is going through economic straits and needs urgent help.





例句:Plus, banks aren't in the kind of dire straits that necessitate central-bank action. (另外,银行的境况还不至于差到需要央行采取行动。)


例句:The first was just disappearing in the straits of Bonifacio; the other, following an opposite direction, was about to round the Island of Corsica. (前者刚刚消失在博尼法乔海峡里,后者所取的方向却正好相反,已快要经过科西嘉岛了。)


例句:After that, across the straits of Messina, and it was almost a stroll to Naples; Garibaldi arrived there by train. (此后,加里波第坐火车度过了墨西拿海峡,几乎像去那不勒斯闲逛那样轻松。)


例句:The water gently laps beneath the deck of our villa, as we admire the sun setting over the Straits of Malacca. (翻译:当我们在欣赏马六甲海峡上空的日落时,海水正在我们别墅的露天平台下轻轻敲打着。)


straits一般作为名词使用,如在in straits for(缺乏(某物))、the Straits(海峡两岸)、Dire Straits(恐怖海峡(英国一乐队))等常见短语中出现较多。

in straits for缺乏(某物)
the Straits海峡两岸
Dire Straits恐怖海峡(英国一乐队)
in dire straits[网络] 特困;穷蹙;处于困境
in financial straits处于经济困难中
Menai StraitsMenai Strait\n['menai]\n梅奈海峡(英国威尔士西北与安格尔西岛之间的狭长水道)
Straits Channels[网络] 海峡
Straits dollar马来西亚和新加坡元(旧英国海峡殖民地的货币单位)
straits of calais[网络] 加来海峡\n(strait of calais 的复数)


1. After that, across the straits of Messina, and it was almost a stroll to Naples; Garibaldi arrived there by train. (翻译:此后,加里波第坐火车度过了墨西拿海峡,几乎像去那不勒斯闲逛那样轻松。)

2. The water gently laps beneath the deck of our villa, as we admire the sun setting over the Straits of Malacca. (翻译:当我们在欣赏马六甲海峡上空的日落时,海水正在我们别墅的露天平台下轻轻敲打着。)

3. Subject Discussion Carried out in Across Straits Proseminar of Women's development (翻译:妇女与环境网络海峡两岸妇女发展交流研讨会进行专题研讨)

4. We have many entering students in far worse straits than you. (翻译:我们还有很多要进来的学生 比你情况糟的多)

5. It accused the party of trying "to sabotage the hard-earned positive situation of cross-straits relations" . (翻译:中国政府指责其“试图破坏艰难取得的良好的两岸关系。”)

6. I know it's a lot to ask, I know, but I'm in dire straits here, kipper. (翻译:我知道这是一个很大的问,我知道, 在水深火热之中来这里,腌鱼。)

7. The expedition will begin at the centre of the Mediterranean, in the waters between Italy and the island of Sicily, the Straits of Messina. (翻译:山洞就像时间太空船 这里曾经是干旱陆地 海洋考古学家露西博士探索了)

8. Mediterranean salt domes formed after crustal movements opened the straits between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean refilled with water. (翻译:地壳运动打开了地中海和大西洋之间的海峡,地中海重新被水注满,之后形成了地中海盐丘。)

9. Were talking, and I found out the straits he was in, and... (翻译:在谈论, 而且我发现两岸他在, 而且...)

10. And you preyed upon a young woman in desperate financial straits. (翻译:而你在捕食 一名年轻女子 在绝望 财务困境。)

11. The factory is in dire straits. (翻译:工厂岌岌可危。)

12. Winter turn to summer as we neared the Straits of Scylla and Charybdis. (翻译:冬去夏来 我们已经靠近了斯库拉和卡律布迪斯的海峡)

13. - Mrs. Florrick, this firm is in dire straits and we need all the business we can get, so tell him you made a mistake (翻译:Florrick夫人 公司现在岌岌可危 每单生意都很重要)

14. And right now he's leading a team of mine-sniffing dolphins through the straits of Hormuz. (翻译:从危险的憎恨海洋世界里,我们是 追踪全球各地的数 由商场自由)

15. Montgomery went across the Straits of Messina to attack the toe of Italy, but found no resistance. (翻译:蒙哥马利穿过墨西拿海峡 进攻意大利的脚趾部位, 但没有遇到抵抗)



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