timezone是什么意思 timezone的中文翻译、读音、例句

timezone是什么意思 timezone的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:常用的词组搭配有:time zone converter(时区转换器)、time zone map(时区地图)、time zone difference(时差)等。

相关短语:相关短语有:daylight saving time(夏令时)、standard time(标准时间)、UTC(协调世界时)、GMT(格林威治标准时间)。

发音拼写:timezone的读音为 [ˈtaɪmzoʊn] 。其中,time读作[taim],zone读作[zoun]。


读音:tīmé zhōne


1. Beijing and New York are in different timezones. (北京和纽约处于不同的时区。)

2. Make sure you check the timezone when scheduling a meeting with someone from another country. (在安排与来自其他国家的人会面时,请确保检查时区。)

3. My flight arrives at 8am local time, but I need to remember to adjust for the timezone difference. (我的航班当地时间早上8点到达,需要记得调整时区差异。)




例句:Robert Bernell, Founder and Publisher, Timezone 8 Art Books. (东八时区艺术书店创始人及出版人; )


timezone一般作为名词使用,如在Eastern Timezone([网络] 东部时区;东部标准时区)等常见短语中出现较多。

Eastern Timezone[网络] 东部时区;东部标准时区


1. Communication ability and reliability are important. Timezone is less critical. Your code needs to be understandable and maintainable. (翻译:沟通能力和可靠性是重要的。时区是不那么重要。您的代码需要被理解和维护。)

2. Dacey: lol, I hate getting doppel also, but for my timezone is fine. (翻译:哈哈, 我也讨厌对抗双面, 但是在我的时区联赛还可以。)

3. Dacey: lol, I hate getting doppel also, but for my timezone is fine. (翻译:哈哈,我也讨厌对抗双面,但是在我的时区联赛还可以。)

4. Enter Timezone for the Project name. (翻译:输入Timezone作为项目名称。)

5. After adding different locations to the list, it calculates their time based on your current timezone. (翻译:在把不同的位置加入到清单以后,可以根据你的本地时区估算出各地不同的时间。)

6. Mr Gulliver believes that the UK timezone is the most efficient from which to manage a global business. (翻译:欧智华相信,从英国时区管理一家全球企业效率最高。)

7. Enter configure timezone 0 — Sets the time zone. (翻译:输入configure timezone 0——设置时区。)

8. This update fixes System. TimeZone to work properly with the fixed-date time zone rules used by the Jerusalem time zone on Windows Vista. (翻译:本更新通过修复WindowsVista耶路撒冷时区的日期时区规则使System.TimeZone能够正确工作。)

9. A convenient timezone and a language which imperialism had spread around the globe made it easy for foreigners to operate in the city. (翻译:便利的时区、被帝国主义传遍全球的英语都为外国人在伦敦开始营业提供了有利条件。)



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