idealife是什么意思 idealife的中文翻译、读音、例句

idealife是什么意思 idealife的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'idealife'可以理解为"理想生活",也可以是"理想生活方式"的缩写词。理想生活指的是人们对于生活的理想状态,包括个人关系、工作、健康、财务、社交、精神等方面。

2. 目标:'idealife'强调的是在日常生活中追求理想和平衡。人们希望通过健康的生活方式、全面的个人发展和更高的幸福指数来达到理想生活。

3. 手段:'idealife'实现的关键是采取健康的生活方式、积极学习和工作、重视亲情和友情等。同时,也需要围绕在个人兴趣爱好、信仰和社会责任等方面发展自我。


1. To achieve idealife, we need to strike a balance between our work and personal life. (为了实现理想生活,我们需要在工作和个人生活之间取得平衡)

2. He believes that idealife involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive mindset. (他认为理想生活需要保持健康生活方式和积极的心态)

3. The company has launched a new product line that aims to help customers achieve their idealife. (公司推出了一个旨在帮助客户实现理想生活的新产品线。)

4. She wrote a book about how to achieve idealife, which became a bestseller. (她写了一本关于如何实现理想生活的书,成为畅销书)

5. The conference will discuss the challenges and opportunities of pursuing idealife in the modern world. (会议将讨论在现代社会追求理想生活的挑战和机遇)

'idealife'是一个英文单词,意思是“理想生活”。它的读音为/ aɪdiəlaɪf /。


1. Everyone has their own idea of an idealife, but for me, it's all about simplicity and peace.


2. Pursuing an idealife may take time and effort, but it is worth it in the end.



'idealife' - 理想生活

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