ratingbuster是什么意思 ratingbuster的中文翻译、读音、例句

ratingbuster是什么意思 ratingbuster的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. The movie's bad reviews were a real ratingbuster, causing its box office performance to drop significantly.(这部电影的差评影响太大,导致票房大幅下滑。)

2. The botched product launch was a real ratingbuster for the company, and many consumers lost faith in its ability to deliver.(公司推出的产品失败后,信任度大受影响,被评为破坏者。)

3. The restaurant's poor quality food and service were a ratingbuster, resulting in a lot of negative comments on social media.(餐厅糟糕的食物和服务成为了打分者,导致社交媒体上出现了很多负面评价。)

4. The app's constant glitches and bugs were a major ratingbuster, causing many users to uninstall it.(该应用程序不断出现故障和错误,给它造成了巨大的打分压力,导致许多用户卸载了它。)

5. The company's lack of transparency and accountability was a ratingbuster, causing many investors to withdraw their support.(公司缺乏透明度和责任制是一件破坏者的事情,导致许多投资者撤回了他们的支持。)

6. The game's repetitive and boring gameplay was a ratingbuster, causing many players to lose interest.(游戏重复无味的游戏方式受到了打分者的质疑,许多玩家失去了兴趣。)

7. The book's controversial subject matter was a ratingbuster, causing it to be banned in some countries.(这本书的争议性题材成为了破坏者,导致它在一些国家被禁止出版。)

Ratingbuster的中文翻译是“评分插件”,读音为ráting búster。


1. 我使用ratingbuster插件来帮助我比较物品评分。

I use the Ratingbuster addon to help me compare item ratings.

2. 这个插件可以让你在购买物品时更好地了解它的价值。

This addon can help you better understand the value of the item you are purchasing.

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